
Evaluates: MAX5863/MAX5864/MAX5865
MAX5865 Evaluation Kit
8 _______________________________________________________________________________________
JU1 2 and 3
IA+ pin DC-coupled to SMA connector IAP
through R1 and R26.
JU2 Not installed
IA- pin DC-coupled to SMA connector IAN
through R2.
JU9 Not installed
IA+ and IA- pins assume the DC offset from
the analog input source.
Differential input, DC-coupled. Analog input
signals are applied to IAP and IAN SMA
connectors, channel IA:
• R26 shorted (0)
• C28 opened (removed)
• R29 opened (removed)
JU3 2 and 3
QA+ pin AC-coupled to SMA connector QAP
through R4 and C30.
JU4 2 and 3 QA- pin connected to COM pin through R3.
JU10 Installed
QA+ pin assumes the DC offset at the REFP
and REFN.
Single-ended input, AC-coupled. Analog
input signal is applied to the QAP SMA
connector, channel QA:
• R27 opened (default)
JU3 2 and 3
QA+ pin DC-coupled to SMA connector QAP
through R4 and R27.
JU4 2 and 3 QA- pin connected to COM pin through R3.
JU10 Not installed
QA+ pin assumes the DC offset from the
analog input source.
Single-ended input, DC-coupled. Analog
input signal is applied to the QAP SMA
connector , channel QA:
• R27 shorted (0)
• C30 opened (removed)
• R31 opened (removed)
JU3 1 and 2
QA+ pin connected to pin 3 of transformer T2
through R4.
JU4 1 and 2
QA- pin connected to pin 1 of transformer T2
through R3.
Differential input, AC-coupled. Single-
ended analog input signal is applied to QA
SMA connector, channel QA.
JU3 2 and 3
QA+ pin DC-coupled to SMA connector QAP
through R4 and R27.
JU4 Not installed
QA- pin DC-coupled to SMA connector QAN
through R3
JU10 Not installed
QA+ and QA- pins assume the DC offset from
the analog input source.
Differential input, DC-coupled. Analog input
signals are applied to QAP and QAN SMA
connectors, channel QA:
• R27 shorted (0)
• C30 opened (removed)
• R31 opened (removed)
Table 4. Single-Ended/Differential/AC-Coupled/DC-Coupled Jumper Configuration