User's Guide

Table Of Contents
Error messages
Invalid restriction level [NGT 08-1 ({failureCode})]
The employee badge does not match any of the home employees loaded in the
device. Non-home employees are allowed to punch, but not for the restriction
level encoded on the badge.
Managers: Access Manager mode and swipe the employee badge, or enable a
single or global restriction credit.
Administrators: Use the host application to allow non-home employees to punch
(access the Device Configuration page, and select Transaction Settings), with the
restriction level encoded on the badge.
Invalid for home employees [NGT 09-1]
The employee badge matches a home employee who is loaded in the device, but
only non-home employees can perform this transaction.
Managers: Access Manager mode and enable a single or global non-home
restriction override.
Security violation [NGT 11-1 ({failureCode})]
No punches allowed now [NGT 17-1 ({failureCode})]
DB failure for Passwords [NGT 36-4]
An error occurred when the device attempted to update its database with a new
No restriction profile assigned [NGT 41-1 ({failureCode})]
The punch interpretation rule that the employee is assigned to is not available.
Enter valid data [NGT 94-8]
The invalid value that the user entered may appear to the right of the message.