1.888.KEITHLEY (U.S. only)
Integra Series Multimeter/Switch Systems
For advanced datalogging tasks, this powerful and economical add-in utility
for Microsoft
Excel makes it simple to acquire data from the Integra Series
instrument directly into Excel, then employ Excel’s graphic, charting, and
analysis capabilities to turn that data into useful information. No program-
ming is required—a few mouse clicks are all it takes to configure channels,
set parameters, configure triggers, and scan lists. ExceLINX-1A can control up
to three Integra Series instruments for up to 600 channels of data acquisition.
Sold separately.
Datalogging/Data Acquisition Software Custom Application Development
with VISA Based IVI Driver
For building custom applications, programmers can take advantage of the
VISA based Integra series IVI driver designed for use with software develop-
ment environments like Visual Basic, Visual C/C++, LabVIEW, LabWindows/
CVI, and TestPoint. The VISA (Virtual Instrument Software Architecture) layer
of the driver allows the programmer to quickly reconfigure the communica-
tion bus between the PC and the instruments without changing a single line of
source code. This means that changing GPIB control board vendors or switch-
ing the communication bus between GPIB, RS-232, and Ethernet requires no
rework of a custom application program. The IVI (Interchangeable Virtual
Instrument) layer of the driver provides a simplified command interface that is
common to the entire Integra Series product family. The driver also includes a
large set of examples for reference during software design.