SNA Link/iX Node Managers Guide (30291-90507)
Chapter 2 33
SNA Node and Link Configuration
HP e3000 Configuration Overview
HP e3000 Configuration Overview
Once the IBM remote system is configured, you can configure the
HP e3000 system. Configuration of the HP e3000 system is
accomplished through the Node Management Services configuration
manager (NMMGR). The configuration consists of the creation of a
configuration file, using NMMGR.
Using NMMGR to configure SNA nodes and links is described later in
this chapter, and using it to configure logging (for SNA Transport as
well as for the SNA services) is described in Chapter 3 , “Logging
Configuration.” Configuring SNA services through NMMGR is
described in the Node Manager’s Guide for each service. The basic
operation of NMMGR is described in Using the Node Management
Services Utilities. If you are not familiar with NMMGR, read that
manual before you configure any parts of the HP e3000 system.