MPE/iX Shell and Utilities Reference Manual, Vol 2
references(3) MPE/iX Shell and Utilities references(3)
Alfred V. Aho, Peter J. Weinberger, and Brian W. Kernighan. AWK – A Pattern Scanning and
Processing Language. Computer Science Technical Report no. 118. AT&T Bell La-
boratories: June 1985. [This is an excellent manual which describes the latest fea-
tures in awk and contains a plethora of useful sample scripts.]
Jon Bentley, ‘‘Programming Pearls’’ in Communications of the Association for Computing
Machinery Volume 28, 6-7 (June, July 1985), pp. 675-677. [An excellent overview
of awk as a prototyping language. Contains a library of basic computing algorithms
implemented in awk.]
The following references give more information on both the Bourne and Korn sh programs.
Stephen C. Kochan and Patrick H. Wood.
UNIX Shell Programming. Hayden Book Company:
1985. [This book contains a very complete description of the UNIX System V.2 shell,
as well as an excellent chapter on the KornShell Extensions.]
Morris I. Bolsky and David G. Korn, The KornShell Command and Programming Language.
Prentice Hall, 1989. [This is the authoritative tutorial and reference for the Korn-
Shell; Korn himself is one of the authors.]
This set of references is specific to the Vi text editor.
Bill Joy. ‘‘An Introduction to Display Editing with Vi’’ and ‘‘Ex Reference Manual’’ in
Programmers Manual Volume II, Berkeley Software Distribution. [These are the
original Vi documents, by the first author of the program. They are authoritative.]
H. McGilton and R. Morgan. Introducing the
UNIX System. McGraw-Hill: 1983. [This is a
broadly based introductory UNIX text, with good coverage of Vi and many other top-
August Hansen. Vi: The
UNIX Screen Editor. Prentice-Hall, 1986.
3-28 Miscellaneous Information