MPE/iX Shell and Utilities Reference Manual, Vol 2
sccs2rcs(1) MPE/iX Shell and Utilities sccs2rcs(1)
Message: missing username in SCCS file filename
Cause: The SCCS file has become corrupted in some way, and cannot be converted by
Action: Recover a clean copy of the SCCS file from backups and try again.
Message: No filename present for –F option.
Cause: You specified the –F option, but did not provide a file name as its argument.
Action: Provide the missing file name.
Message: No input file.
Cause: You failed to specify an input file on the command line.
Action: Provide the missing file name.
Message: no trunk revisions in SCCS file filename
Cause: The
SCCS file has become corrupted in some way, and cannot be converted by
Action: Recover a clean copy of the
SCCS file from backups and try again.
Message: SCCS file filename has a branch as the lowest revision
Cause: The SCCS
file has become corrupted in some way, and cannot be converted by
Action: Recover a clean copy of the SCCS file from backups and try again.
Message: trunk revision cannot be child of branch in SCCS file
Cause: The
SCCS file has become corrupted in some way, and cannot be converted by
Action: Recover a clean copy of the
SCCS file from backups and try again.
Message: unable to change permissions on output file filename: sys-
tem error
Cause: See syserror(3).
Action: See syserror(3).
Message: unable to open input file sccsfile: system error
Cause: See syserror(3).
Action: See syserror(3).
Message: unable to open output file filename: system error
Cause: See syserror(3).
Action: See syserror(3).
1-504 Commands and Utilities