Setup and Install

Remove licenses
In rare instances it is necessary to remove licenses from the DSS server. One condition that would
prompt license removal from a DSS server would be to install those licenses on a new DSS server to
provide hardware redundancy.
1. In the DSS Configuration Utility, click the General tab.
Figure 3-7 General tab – DSS Configuration Utility
2. In the License Files section, click the license you want to remove, and then click Remove.
3. The license is removed from the License Files list and the Total Seats field updates to reflect
the current number of seats provided by any remaining licenses.
NOTE: If by removing a license, your total number of seats falls below the number of Devices
you currently have configured for Digital Sending features, you will be required to remove
Devices from the Device List on the Device Configuration tab to match the number of
remaining sets available.
Auto-generated licenses
The HP LaserJet 9200c and 9250c devices auto-generate a license for use in DSS. This means that
no additional license seat is required for these devices. Once these devices are managed by DSS
they will automatically generate a license that shows up in the DSS Configuration Utility.
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