Veritas Storage Foundation 5.1 SP1 Cluster File System Administrator"s Guide (5900-1738, April 2011)

Verifies that the new disk group can support I/O fencing on each node.
If the disk verification passes, the utility reports success and asks if you want
to replace the coordinator disk group.
Review the message that the utility displays and confirm that you want to
replace the coordinator disk group. Else skip to step 13.
Do you wish to commit this change? [y/n] (default: n) y
If the utility successfully commits, the utility moves the /etc/vxfentab.test
file to the /etc/vxfentab file.
The utility also updates the /etc/vxfendg file with this new diskgroup.
Set the coordinator attribute value as "on" for the new coordinator disk group.
# vxdg -g vxfendg set coordinator=on
Set the coordinator attribute value as "off" for the old disk group.
# vxdg -g vxfencoorddg set coordinator=off
Verify that the coordinator disk group has changed.
# cat /etc/vxfendg
The swap operation for the coordinator disk group is complete now.
If you do not want to replace the coordinator disk group, answer n at the
The vxfenswap utility rolls back any changes to the coordinator diskgroup.
Adding disks from a recovered site to the coordinator diskgroup
In a campus cluster environment, consider a case where the primary site goes
down and the secondary site comes online with a limited set of disks. When the
primary site restores, the primary site's disks are also available to act as
coordinator disks. You can use the vxfenswap utility to add these disks to the
coordinator diskgroup.
Administering Storage Foundation Cluster File System and its components
Administering I/O Fencing