HP-UX System Administrator's Guide: Logical Volume Management (5900-3028, March 2013)
detaching links, 86
reinstating a spare disk, 76
requirements, 27
splitting a mirrored logical volume, 68
splitting a volume group, 66
stale data, 26
strict allocation policy, 25
stripe size, 32
striping, 31
and mirroring, 33
benefits, 31
creating a striped logical volume, 52
defined, 8
interleaved disks, 31
performance considerations, 31
selecting stripe size, 32
setting up, 31
swap logical volume, 22, 23, 101
see also primary swap logical volume
creating, 88, 101
extending, 101
guidelines, 23
information in BDRA, 16
interleaving, 23
IODC errors, 167
lvlnboot, 88, 101
maintenance mode, 112
mirroring policy, 26, 89
performance considerations, 23
printing information, 16
requirements, 11, 87, 101
resizing, 101
secondary swap, 23
stripe size for, 32
synchronization policy, 25
Mirror Consistency Recovery, 26
Mirror Write Cache, 25
none, 26
synchronizing a mirror, 26
automatically, 26
manually, 26
System Management Homepage see HP SMH
TB, defined, 181
LV timeout, 33, 163
PV timeout, 33, 163
transient_secs parameter, 164
troubleshooting tools, 110
unshare unit
defined, 181
Version 1.0 volume groups, 11, 16, 44, 149
Version 2.0 volume groups, 12, 149
Version 2.1 volume groups, 12, 149
Version 2.x volume groups, 12, 16, 22, 23, 27, 40, 44,
45, 76, 83, 87, 89, 101, 102, 111, 115, 169, 171
vgcdsf command, 39, 155
vgcfgbackup command, 35, 39, 66, 69, 155
backup location, 69
errors, 166, 168
vgcfgrestore command, 39, 70, 110, 155
backup location, 69
checking if physical volume is bootable, 84
errors, 168
recovering corrupted LVM data, 118
restating a spare disk, 76
vgchange command, 39, 89, 155
activating a volume group, 58, 61, 66, 71, 72, 81,
86, 115
activation failures, 114
attaching all detached links, 87, 134, 136, 139
automatic synchronization, 26
deactivating a volume group, 57, 61, 66, 67, 71, 72,
80, 85
disabling quorum checks, 67, 114
enabling quorum checks, 67, 115
errors, 169
quiescing a volume group, 65
resuming a quiesced volume group, 65
vgchgid command, 39, 155
integrating cloned LUNs, 109
splitting a volume group, 66
vgcreate command, 39, 44, 45, 155
adding a multipathed disk, 28
errors, 171
for alternate boot disk, 88
vgdisplay command, 35, 39, 41, 110, 111, 155
displaying free space, 52, 53, 166
errors, 172
sparing, 27
while quiesced, 65
vgdsf command, 39, 155
vgexport command, 39, 57, 70, 155
map file, 57
moving disks, 71, 72
renaming a volume group, 66
splitting a volume group, 67
vgextend command, 39, 51, 155
errors, 173
sparing, 76
with multipathed disks, 28, 58
VGID, 17, 170
changing, 109
splitting a volume group, 67
with vgexport, 57
with vgimport, 57
vgimport command, 39, 57, 70, 155
errors, 173
moving disks, 71, 72
renaming a volume group, 66
splitting a volume group, 67
with multipathed disks, 58
vgmodify command, 12, 39, 58, 155
186 Index