HP-UX System Administrator's Guide: Logical Volume Management (5900-3028, March 2013)

backing up via mirroring, 68
boot file system see boot logical volume
creating, 96
determining who is using, 56, 57, 68, 97, 99, 134
extending, 97
guidelines, 22
in /etc/fstab, 96
initial size, 21
OnlineJFS, 97
overhead, 21
performance considerations, 22
reducing, 98, 118
HFS or VxFS, 99
OnlineJFS, 99
resizing, 22
root file system see root logical volume
short or long file names, 96
stripe size for HFS, 32
stripe size for VxFS, 32
unresponsive, 112
finding logical volumes using a disk, 126
fsadm command, 98, 99
fully allocated snapshot, 105
fuser command, 54, 56, 57, 68, 97, 99, 134
and NFS, 97, 99
GB, defined, 181
group device file, 44
hot-swappable disks, 126
HP SMH, 9, 38
managing LVM, 38
naming conventions, 13
running, 38
idisk command, 88, 91, 92, 138, 141
importing a volume group, 57
insf command, 88, 89, 92, 138, 141
Insight Remote Support, 147
interleaved swapping, 101
io_redirect_dsf command, 133, 136, 138
ioscan command, 35, 110, 133, 136, 138, 166
to determine device files, 43, 72
to determine hardware paths, 132, 134, 137
to determine instance numbers, 133, 135, 138
KB, defined, 181
legacy view, 12
LIF volume
area on disk, 17
maintenance mode boot, 111
requirement for boot disks, 44, 88
logical extents
and rounding logical volume size, 21
defined, 9
mapping to physical extents, 10
Logical Interface Format see LIF volume
logical volumes, 23, 101
see also boot logical volume
see also dump logical volume
see also root logical volume
see also swap logical volume
commands for, 40
configuration information, 70
creating, 52
creating on a specific disk, 54
defined, 9
determining who is using, 54, 56, 57, 68, 97, 99, 134
device file, 15, 52, 56
displaying information, 42
extending, 53
extending to a specific disk, 54
for swap, 22
naming convention, 15
performance issues, 21
reducing, 54
removing, 56
renaming, 56
size, 20
LV timeout, 163
lvchange command, 40, 53, 154
bad block relocation, 114
errors, 166
setting allocation policy, 24
setting scheduling policy, 25
setting synchronization policy, 25, 89
setting timeout, 113
lvcreate command, 40, 52, 154
for dump logical volume, 102
for swap logical volume, 101
setting allocation policy, 24
setting scheduling policy, 25
setting synchronization policy, 25
striped logical volumes, 52
without a size, 22
lvdisplay command, 10, 26, 35, 40, 42, 110, 111, 154
displaying extent status, 126
displaying mirror status, 126
displaying timeout value, 113
scheduling policy, 29
lvextend command, 40
adding a mirror, 55, 90, 93, 154
errors, 93, 166
extending a file system, 97
extending a logical volume, 53, 154
extending swap, 101
extending to a specific disk, 54, 87
lvlnboot command, 12, 17, 35, 40, 154
displaying boot information, 16, 88, 91, 93, 110, 126
errors, 167
for boot logical volume, 87, 88
for dump logical volume, 88, 103