HP Systems Insight Manager 7.
© Copyright 2010, 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. Legal Notices Confidential computer software. Valid license from HP required for possession, use or copying. Consistent with FAR 12.211 and 12.212, Commercial Computer Software, Computer Software Documentation, and Technical Data for Commercial Items are licensed to the U.S. Government under vendor's standard commercial license. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.
Contents 1 About the Systems Insight Manager command line interface...........................10 Introduction............................................................................................................................10 Commands............................................................................................................................10 manpages (manual pages)..................................................................................................10 Command list.....
Description........................................................................................................................27 Options............................................................................................................................27 Return values.....................................................................................................................29 Examples.......................................................................................................
mxglobalprotocolsettings.........................................................................................................46 Synopsis...........................................................................................................................47 Description........................................................................................................................47 Options.........................................................................................................
Limitations.........................................................................................................................63 See also...........................................................................................................................63 mxnode.................................................................................................................................63 Synopsis.................................................................................................
Return values.....................................................................................................................98 Examples..........................................................................................................................98 Limitations.........................................................................................................................99 See also.......................................................................................................
Return values...................................................................................................................120 Examples........................................................................................................................120 Limitations.......................................................................................................................121 See also..........................................................................................................
HP HP HP HP SIM information..........................................................................................................155 SIM settings...............................................................................................................156 SIM server certificate...................................................................................................156 SIM passwords...........................................................................................................
1 About the Systems Insight Manager command line interface Introduction HP SIM provides a command line interface (CLI) in addition to the graphical user interface (GUI). Many functions available in the GUI are also available in the CLI.
Command list The following table lists the HP SIM CLI ommands. For more details about each command, see Command descriptions or the manpage for each command. : The manpage section numbers for CLI command line usage manpages are different for each operating system. The CLI command line usage manpage section number is 1M for HP-UX and Windows operating systems, and 8 for Linux operating systems. The CLI XML usage manpage section number is 4 for all operating systems.
Command Functionality Available manpages migrates entire data from HP SIM 5.3.x or later to a new copy of HP SIM 6.0 running on a different CMS. mxinitconfig Performs initial configuration for the CMS. mxinitconfig(1M, 8) NOTE: For best performance, running mxinitconfig is not recommended after HP SIM is configured. mxlog Logs an entry to the log file or standard out.
Logging in to the CLI Access the HP SIM CLI directly on the CMS or from any network client using SSH client software. Logging in directly on the CMS Procedure 1 1. Log in to the CMS using a valid user name and password (SSH system name ). HP SIM grants authorizations based on your operating system login. 2. Open a terminal window or a command prompt window to execute HP SIM commands. Logging in remotely using an SSH client : The preferred way to log in remotely is to use an SSH client.
• mxcert • mxcollection • mxexec • mxglobalprotocolsettings • mxglobalsettings • mxlog • mxmib • mxngroup • mxnode • mxnodesecurity • mxquery • mxreport • mxstm • mxtask • mxtool • mxtoolbox • mxuser • mxwbemsub On a Windows CMS, if you are not a member of the local Administrators group, add the options --user username and --pass password when running any of the listed commands.
2 Command descriptions This chapter describes the commands in the HP SIM CLI. The commands in this chapter use the following conventions: • Optional items are enclosed in square brackets [ ]. • Required parameters are in italics. • The | character indicates a choice between options. • Curly brackets { } indicate an option that requires one or more values. mcompile Compiles SNMP mib files into intermediate format (.cfg) files.
HP Systems Insight Manager Mib Compiler, Version 1.0 Copyright (c) 2003 Hewlett Packard Corporation Compiling cpqHost.mib Processing import file: RFC1155-SMI.mib Processing import file: RFC1155-SMI.mib Processing import file: rfc1213.mib Processing import file: RFC-1212.mib Processing import file: RFC-1215.mib Processing import file: rfc1213.mib Mib Compilation completed successfully. See also mxmib(1) mxagentconfig Configures the agent to work with a CMS.
: Be careful when entering passwords in the CLI. This makes them available in the command history, the process list during execution, and the audit log if the command is executed as part of a task. Be sure to clear your command history or use alternate methods for specifying passwords, for example, a prompt or input file. This command can accept multiple host names. The user account and password must be the same for all host names entered in a single command.
-A [-n hostname][-p password] Credentials used for iLO 4 configuration [-B Trap Destination 1] [-C Trap Destination 2] [-D Trap destination 3] Setting the iLO embedded SNMP trap destinations [-J OS Traps ] Enable host operating system traps [-K RIB Traps ] Enable iLO4-specific hardware traps [-R SNMP Read Only Community String String 1] [-G SNMP Read Only Community String 2] [-H SNMP Read Only Community String 3] Setting read-only community strings for iLO4 embedded SNMP stack [-S SNMP < EALERT |
Files Server: • /etc/opt/mx/config/sshtools/.dtfSshKey.pub • /etc/opt/mx/config/sshtools/known_hosts Managed node: • ~/.ssh/..dtfSshKey.pub • ~/.ssh/authorized_keys2 • ~/.ssh/authorized_keys2.bak Example 1 To copy the SSH-generated public key from the CMS to the node node1 with the username root and password password, enter mxagentconfig -a -n node1 -u root -p password.
See also HP-UX mxexec(1M) Linux mxexec(8) mxauth Adds, removes, or lists authorizations in HP SIM. Synopsis mxauth -a|r [-u username | -U usergroupname] -R toolboxname -n nodename mxauth -a|r [-u username | -U usergroupname] -R toolboxname -g groupname mxauth -a|r -f filename mxauth [-l t] mxauth -l f [-b encoding ] Description The mxauth command is used to manage authorizations.
user:toolboxname:n:nodename U:usergroupname:toolboxname:n:nodename Node group authorizations for both Users and User Groups are listed in the following format. Any User Group authorizations are prefixed with “U:”. user:toolboxname:g:groupname U:usergroupname:toolboxname:g:nodegroupname When you use -l t, mxauth lists all authorizations in a table with column headings identifying each field. For HP SIM 5.
3. toolbox, node, or node group, the process is interrupted, an error is generated, and the HP SIM database is not changed. During the third pass, mxauth performs the requested authorization addition or removal, and updates the database. Duplicate and undefined authorizations are ignored during add and remove operations. Options -a Add authorizations. The wildcard character (*) is supported for nodename and groupname . -r Remove authorizations.
External influences For HP-UX and Linux, LANG determines the default encoding that the system will use to output XML data if no encoding is specified on the command line. If LANG is not specified or null, or LANG does not correspond to a recognized encoding, it defaults to C (see lang (5)). In this case, use the -b option to specify the encoding of the XML data. Return values Value Meaning 0 Successful completion. 1 Command line syntax error. 2 command-line syntax error was encountered.
Example 4 To remove the node authorization for user martha to execute any tools assigned to the sapadmin toolbox on node sap01, enter mxauth -r -u martha -n sap01 -R sapadmin. Example 5 To use the wildcard character to remove the node authorizations that allow user wilma to execute any tools assigned to the webadmin toolbox on all configured nodes at the time the command is executed, enter mxauth -r -u wilma -R webadmin -n "*".
mxauthnconfig Configures parameters to enable Two-factor authentication. Synopsis mxauthnconfig [-c -s] servername [-p] password [-l] 1|0 [-u] username [-d] users DN [-m] 1|0 mxauthnconfig [-c -s] servername [-p] password [-l 1|0] [-u]username [-d] users DN [-m] 1|0 mxauthnconfig [-m -s] servername [-l 1|0] [-u]username [-d] users DN [-m] 1|0 Description The mxauthnconfig command enables the HP SIM CMS user to configure Microsoft Active Directory Server settings.
-t This option is used to test the Directory Server settings. Return Value Upon completion, mxauthnconfig returns: Value Meaning 0 The operation completed successfully. <0 An error occurred during operation. Examples Example 1 Save directory server settings in System Insight Manager for the first time.
Synopsis mxcert -i mxcert mxcert -n mxcert -n CN=common_name ALT=alternative name(s) OU=organization_unit O=organization_name L=locality_name ST=state C=country_code [-s 2048(recommended)|4096] mxcert -i [-f filespec|- ] mxcert -t [-f filespec|- ] mxcert -r alias|CN mxcert -l alias|CN mxcert -ln [ alias|CN] mxcert –ld [ alias|CN] mxcert -c mxcert -W mxcert -w CN=common_name OU=organization_unit O=organization_name L=locality_name ST=state C=country_code -0 mxcert -s mxcert -b 1|3 mxcert -L [ -s 1|0 ][ -c 1|
Import the signed server certificate from stanard input.While giving input from standard input Please enter OS specific End of input characters after input is complete (ENTER ^Z ENTER for windows,ENTER CTRL-D ENTER for Unix) to confirm certificate input is complete. -t Import the trusted certificate from the standard input.
Create a new 1,024-bit SSO server certificiate. -L Configure certificate revocation check parameters. [-s] • 1 = Enable revocation check for server certificates • 0 = Disable revocation check for server certificates. Default is 1. [-c] • 1 = Enable revocation check for client certificates • 0 = Disable revocation check for client certificates. Default is 1. [-p] is used to enable proxy settings. • host = host name • port = port name -u Used only by the installation program.
mxcipher -d Options -e 0 – Enables both strong and weak cipher suites for HP SIM SSL web server and partner application SOAP servers. HP SIM must be restarted after you run this command. 1 – Enforce stronger cipher suites for HP SIM SSL web server and partner application SOAP servers. This is the default setting of HP SIM. This does not enforce stronger cipher suites for the WBEM indication receiver. HP SIM must be restarted after you run this command.
mxcollection -m mem -f filename mxcollection -d existcollname mxcollection -r mem -f filename mxcollection -ln mxcollection -lf existcollname [-b encoding ] mxcollection -mv existcollname -from fromparentcollname -to toparentcollname [-branch sysbranch|evbranch ] mxcollection -cp existcollname -name newcollname -to toparentcollname [-branch sysbranch|evbranch ] mxcollection -a combo newcombocollname -syscoll systemcollname -evcoll eventcollname -parent toparentcollname [-branch sysbranch|evbranch ] Descrip
• mxcollection -ln This command lists all HP SIM collections in a hierarchical tree. This command does not list collections that were added by attributes. Use mxquery -ln to list these collections. • mxcollection -lf existcollname [-b encoding ] This command writes a complete definition of the specified collection to stdout in XML format.
Specify the file name and path of a collection definition file. This option is used with -a, -a mem, -m mem and -r mem. -lf existcollname Write a complete definition of the specified collection to stdout in XML format. -ln Display the names of all collections in a hierarchical tree. -b encoding Specify the character encoding for the XML file. This is used with -lf. -mv existcollname Move an existing collection from one parent collection to another.
Return values Value Meaning 0 Successful completion. 2 Command line syntax error. -1 An error occurred during operation. Examples Example 1 To add the collections cupertino site and building 45, each with two members, enter: mxcollection -a -f my_collections.xml . The contents of my_collections.xml might look like: PAGE 35Synopsis mxconfigrepo -c mxconfigrepo -f mxconfigrepo -a mxconfigrepo -r Description The mxconfigrepo command enables you to recreate the database (init), merge in updated SQL files for an upgrade, or search for corrupted records or database inconsistencies. The tool will search the database for any known issues and verify or fix the database to enable HP SIM to start without requiring a re-install. • mxconfigrepo –c This command enables you to detect and log errors.
mxexec -c [-k] -j job_ID mxexec [-l n|t] [-i task_id... ] [|-j job_ID... ] [-d date ] mxexec -l d [-h] -j job_ID... Description The mxexec command executes an HP SIM tool with associated arguments on specific managed nodes and node groups. A tool and its arguments, specified to run on one or more nodes, is called a task. An instance of the task running at a particular time is called a job. • mxexec -t toolname [-A argvalue... ] [-h|-O filename|-o directory ] [-n target...|-q queryname...
Tool authorization is all or none, meaning that it will fail if the user is not authorized to run the tool on all nodes in the target list. Default target node influence on tool The value of the default targets tool attribute defTargets enables different tool execution behaviors if no targets are specified on the command line.
Tool execution states For every target node, a job goes through the following states that track the progress of the job on each node: • Pending. The job has not started on this node. This state is used when there are a large number of target nodes and the CMS DTF is only able to run a job in parallel on a smaller number of nodes. • Copying files. Any files that need to be copied are transmitted to the target, and the target writes the files and sets their ownership and permissions.
more than sixteen target nodes is started, only the first sixteen will be started immediately. The remaining targets will wait in the Pending state until one of the running targets finishes. This limit is global to the DTF, and is not a per job or per user limit.
Specify the names of the managed nodes and node groups on which to execute the tool. This list of nodes and node groups is called the target list. The targets are separated by spaces, and node groups are identified by the g: prefix. -q queryname Specify the name of an existing query on which to execute the tool. -i task_name [task_name...] Specify the existing tasks on which to perform a specified operation. -j jobID [jobID...] Specify the currently running job on which to perform a specified operation.
the command shell where you list the output of this command must support the language and encoding defined by the LANG variable. If the operating system on the target node does not support the language setting or encoding selected by the CMS, the command shell on the target node will use the default language and encoding for that target's operating system. See lang (5), environ (5), and local (1) for additional information. Return values Value Meaning 0 Successful completion.
Exit Code : 0 STDOUT : Filesystem kbytes used avail %used /dev/vg00/lvol1 119637 18192 89481 17% /dev/vg00/lvol3 86016 29545 53251 36% /dev/vg00/lvol4 1048576 347477 658305 35% /dev/vg00/lvol5 786432 604051 171001 78% /dev/vg00/lvol7 524288 76726 419856 15% /dev/vg00/lvol8 339968 291563 45670 86% /dev/vg00/lvol6 131072 2507 120594 2% Node : db3.myco.com Status : Failed Exit Code : 0 EXCEPTION : Exec failure - Not enough memory Node : db2.myco.
Node Status : machine3.myco.com : Pending : Even though the command executed on machine2.myco.com failed (exit code of 1), mxexec considers it complete because the command executed without any errors associated with mxexec or the agent on machine2.myco.com. There is no reliable way to determine if a failure has occurred based solely upon the return value of the command. Limitations This command can only be run on the CMS.
4. 5. All Jobs and tasks must be completed. Ensure there are no running discovery, identification or deployment tasks by viewing the task list in HP SIM GUI. Determine if enough disk space is available on the server. The required disk space is dependent on the size of the database. Return values No return value. Note: This tool continues even if an HP Insight Control software fails during export. Supported Platforms All versions of HP SIM supported Windows operating system.
mxgetdbinfo Obtains information about the HP SIM database settings. Synopsis mxgetdbinfo mxgetdbinfo [-a|-h|-p|-d|-u|-t|-r|-b] Description mxgetdbinfo displays HP SIM database information such as the hostname of the database server, the TCP/IP port, database name, username, and database type. Options -a Display the hostname, port number, database name, username, and database type as key/value pairs. This is the default behavior if no options are supplied on the command line.
Examples Example 1 Enter mxgetdbinfo to display the hostname, port number, database name, username, and database type. The output might look like: host= port=1433 dbname=Insight_v1_0 user=sa dbtype=SQLServer Example 2 Enter mxgetdbinfo -d to display the database name. The output might look like: Insight_v1_0. mxgethostname Prints the name of the local host in HP SIM.
Synopsis mxglobalprotocolsettings -s [-f file-name|- ] mxglobalprotocolsettings -s {setting=value}... mxglobalprotocolsettings [-ld] mxglobalprotocolsettings -lf [-b encoding ] Description mxglobalprotocolsettings is used to manage HP SIM's global protocol settings. Options -s [-f file-name|- ] Set global protocol settings from a specified XML file or standard input. See the mxglobalprotocolsettings(4) manpage for XML file format details. -s {setting=value}...
Example 2 To list the global protocol settings in XML format, enter mxglobalprotocolsettings -lf. The output might look like: PAGE 49Return values Value Meaning 0 Successful completion. 2 Command line syntax error. -1 An error occurred during operation. Files /etc/opt/mx/config/globalsettings.props Examples Example 1 To list all the settings from the globalsettings.props file, enter mxglobalsettings -ld. The output might look like: AllowAltIpForTrap = enabled CMSDeviceKey = 2 CMSLocale = en_US CertificateExpirationCriticalStart = 0 CertificateExpirationMajorStart = 10 CertificateExpirationMinorStart = 30 ...
text password from being exposed to unintended eyes. This password is the same one that was given for mxexport on the source server. Prerequisites 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. You must be a member of the local Windows Administrators group. The server has HP Insight Control Suite 6.0 or later installed, which includes HP SIM 6.0 or later. All HP Insight Control software that were installed on source server must be installed on target server as well.
Example 2 To import data by specifying a password, enter mximport -p d&e128Pa Example 3 To import data by specifying a filename, enter mximport -f c:\data\Products.zip Example 4 To import data by specifying a filename and a password, enter mximport -f c:\data\Products.zip -p d&e128Pa SQL Server database settings 1. 2. The target CMS and the remote SQL database server must be in the same domain.
3. Configure SNMP: Set traps to refer to this instance of HP SIM: XML Property name : argument_snmptrap Default value : yes Other allowed values : no A ReadWrite string will be created automatically on Windows systems. 4. Configure secure shell (SSH) access authentication: XML Property name : argument_ssh Default value : host Other allowed values : user Host-based authentication: All users from this instance of HP SIM will be authenticated on the managed system.
mxtask -cf [CRA Task XML name] Author mximport was developed by the Hewlett-Packard Company. Debug settings By default, the debug log is disabled for migration. To turn on the debug log, open the file migration.props under [HPSIM]\config\debugsettings, and modify the value of the property GlobalEnable to true and set the log level to 20 or above for finest logging. This property file will be created on the first run of export of import operation.
• ◦ The server daemons are started. ◦ The local system is configured to allow management by the server. mxinitconfig -r This command removes the HP SIM configuration information. The following steps are performed: • ◦ The server daemons are stopped. ◦ The authentication keys are removed. ◦ The database is unconfigured. mxinitconfig -l This command lists the current configuration status. Options -a Configure the server. -r Unconfigure the server -l List the current configuration status.
mxlog Logs or prints a log entry. Synopsis mxlog -l [-r result ] [-a action ] [-o object_type ] [-n object_name ] [-u user ] [-s sessionID ] [-t transactionID ] [-v verbosity ] [-m message ] mxlog –p [-r result ] [-a action ] [-o object_type ] [-n object_name ] [-u user ] [-s sessionID ] [-t transactionID ] [-v verbosity ] [-m message ] Description The mxlog command logs an entry to the log file or standard out. The category of the log entry is always set to APPLICATION.
Specify the type of object or application making this logging call. You must specify a value if -o is used. If -o is not used, the default is TYPE_NONE. Valid values include APPLICATION, GUI, and TYPE_NONE (no type, which appears as a "<>" string). -r result Specify the result of the event that occurred. You must specify a value if -r is used. If -r is not used, the default is SUCCESS.
2005-08-08 13:13:07 MDT APP fred START APP SuperApp START SUCCESS WARNING /opt/superapp/superapp.config file is missing. Example 2 To preview a default entry with a simple message, enter: mxlog -p -m "This is a test". The output will be: 2005-08-08 13:13:07 MDT APP root START <> NONE START SUCCESS SUMMARY This is a test. mxmib Adds, deletes, processes a list of mibs, list registered mibs, and lists traps for a specific registered mib.
Return values Value Meaning 0 Successful completion. 2 Command line syntax error. >0 An error occurred during operation. Examples Example 1 To view the list of registered mibs, enter mxmib -l. Example 2 To register the mib testmib.cfg, enter mxmib -a testmib.cfg. Example 3 To update a MIB file in HP SIM, complete the following steps: Procedure 4 1. Download the new mib and copy it into the mibs directory. 2. Run mcompile to update the existing .cfg file. : If the existing .
When a system group is created, its attributes and membership can be specified. When it is modified, its attributes can be selectively modified, its membership can be reset, and it can be updated based on a collection. You must have administrative rights to add, modify, or remove groups. Any user can list system groups and attributes. • mxngroup -a -g groupname [ -d description ] [ -n [ member... ] ] mxngroup -a -f filename These commands enable you to add system groups.
XML file support The mxngroup command enables administrative rights users to add, modify, or remove system groups by specifying an XML file containing a list of system groups and system group attributes. See the Examples section and the mxngroup(4) manpage for more information. XML input files are processed in two passes: 1. The first pass attempts to parse the XML file and generate a list of system groups to process.
-n member When used with -a or -m, this option specifies the complete membership of an added or modified group. When used in a list command (-l), this option indicates that the system groups to be listed contain the specified members. -d description Specify the group description. -b encoding Specify the character encoding when used with -l f. -u [t|f] Update the system group members based on the collection. This option can be used only in conjunction with -m as follows: -m -g groupname -u.
Examples Example 1 To create the system group group1 containing systems systema, systemb, and systemc, enter mxngroup -a -g group1 -d "Example system group" -n systema systemb systemc. Example 2 To modify the system group group1 by replacing system systemc with system systemd, enter mxngroup -m -g group1 -n systema systemb systemd. Example 3 To update group group1 enter mxngroup -m -g group1 -u.
Limitations • This command can only be run on the CMS. • Only administrative rights users can use mxngroup to add, modify or remove system groups. Any user can list group information. See also HP-UX mxngroup(1M), mxuser(1M), mxnode(1M), mxauth(1M) Linux mxngroup(8), mxuser(8), mxnode(8), mxauth(8) mxnode Adds, modifies, identifies, removes, or lists nodes in HP SIM.
mxnode -a -m -f filename [-w] [-v] • When a system is added to the database with the -a option, mxnode stores the system name, the fully-qualified network hostname (if it exists), and an IP address as system attributes. • The system is identified, meaning it is examined via the SNMP and WBEM management protocols to determine the device type, the operating system type and revision, and other information needed to determine which tools are appropriate for use with the system.
which may reside on this system or another system. One or more MPOs can reside on a system. • -lf provides an XML list of systems. Optionally, you can specify the character encoding of the XML file. The value for the character encoding must match a valid character encoding. If no encoding is specified, the system attempts to write the file in the encoding currently defined on the system. See http:// www.iana.org/assignments/character-sets for the list of valid character sets.
• Preferred Node Name . An alternate system/node name of your choosing which can make it easier for you to identify, find, or organize systems/nodes in the database. • System Description . A description of the system. • Serial Number . The serial number of the system. • Asset Number . The asset number of the system. • OS Description . The description of the system's operating system. • Contact . The person to contact if system maintenance is needed. • Location .
System attributes are categorized into two groups, hardware and software. When specifying an attribute in an mxnode XML input file, the correct attribute modifier must be used. The following examples show the two attribute modifiers: • The Device Type attribute is a hardware attribute and is specified in the XML file by using the hw-attribute modifier: Device Type here.
• 68 GUI name mxnode attribute name Environmental Monitor Env Complex Complex Handheld Handheld Partition Partition Power Supply PowerSupply Thin Client ThinClient Storage Device Storage Server Server Desktop Desktop Workstation Workstation Notebook Portable Router Router Cluster Cluster Printer Printer Switch Switch Hub Hub Remote Access Device RAS Unknown Unknown Management Processor MgmtProc Tape Library TapeLibrary Shared Resource Domain SRD Resource Partiti
GUI name mxnode attribute name HP Omnibook HPOmnibook HP Visualize HPVisualize select HP Integrity Server HPIntegrityServer HP Virtual Partition vPar Unconfigured HP System HPUNCFG HP Alpha Server HPAlphaServer Virtual Machine Guest VMGuest HP BladeSystem p-Class p-Class HP BladeSystem e-Class/CCI e-Class SMI SMI HP Workstation HPWorkstation NonStop Server HPNonStop Blade Blade HP Evo HPEvo Storage Storage HP Server HPServer HP BladeSystem BladeSystem H
GUI name mxnode attribute name HP Integrity Virtual Machine HPVMGuest Guest HP Serviceguard Cluster Member HPSGCMember • Model (Model) . The device model. Any displayable text can be used as a value for this attribute. • Serial Number (SerialNumber) . The serial number of the system. Any displayable text can be used as a value for this attribute. In addition to the predefined options, HP SIM plug-in extension applications can define their own system attributes.
to take up to several minutes or longer, depending on the total number of nodes being added. As a result, the mxnode CLI will take longer to return control to the user or caller. -p The prune option must be used in conjunction with the -m option when you want to use XML input to remove one or more existing MPOs from a system. Any system's existing MPO that is omitted from the XML MPO section is removed from the system, thus the "pruning" operation.
Value Meaning 5 Duplicate system error. 6 Nonexistent user error. 7 System is locked error. 8 Nonexistent system group error. 21 Invalid name. 31 Unknown network host. 33 Missing mxnode plug-in identification collector. 38 Undefined node name. 50 Unauthorized user. 102 Database error. 221 Authentication failure. 222 The CMS is not initialized. 224 System installation error. 249 Unable to connect to the session manager. 250 Remote exception. 252 File input parsing error.
OS revision text: 11.00 OS vendor: HP Protocols: SNMP:1.0 GUID: 00000000864162de0f07e31d86c00000 Hardware device ID: 00000000864162de0f07e31d86b00000 Device type: UnixWorkstation Device subtype: HP9000 Model: 9000/785 Added by: root Added on: Sep 24, 2002 4:15:46 PM Monitoring: Not suspended OS description: Preferred node name: LABabc System description: Hardware: x86 Family Contact: ph: 555-1234 Location: Bldg 6,Room123 UUID: n...
attribute lock flags must be set to false, as shown below. Otherwise, all three attributes must be set to true. false false false : Attribute lock flags can also be modified through the Edit System Properties page of the GUI.
12345 L* your data here L your data here info here false L your data here L your data here L your data here L PAGE 76The MPO must also be able to support defining a path to obtain SNMP data for a server via an iLO for cases in which a server is in a DMZ with the iLO on a management network. The two types of MPOs that might reside on a node are a Management Agent (MAO) and a Management Route (MRO). An MAO defines and supports a management agent such as a CIMOM or SNMP agent.
Basic Read Basic Write hpmxCimomMro nnnnnnnnnnn Switch root .... nn...
Mr. MyFirstname MyLastname MyJobtitle MyPhone MyEmail MyOther Notes • When modifying a node with the mxnode -m -f filename command, your XML file must include only the attributes you want to modify.
mxnodesecurity -a -p signin -c username:password [-t onoroff ] [-n nodename ] Add or modify a sign-in or sign-in default/global or node/system credential. A sign-in credential is a protocol independent credential used to sign into the managed system. mxnodesecurity -a -p protocol -c username:password Add a default/global credential. mxnodesecurity -a -p protocol -c username:password -n @defaultN Modify a default/global credential.
The add option lets you add a default or node credential. You can specify an input XML file that describes credentials for one or more target nodes, or you can declare credentials and (optionally) a node name on the command line. If you specify a file name on the command line, the file must be an XML file. See XML file support section and the mxnodesecurity(4) manpage for details on the required XML file format. You can also specify the credential characteristics on the command line with the node name.
credentials for that node, regardless of protocol, are listed. If the node and protocol options are used together, the node will be displayed only if credentials for the specified protocol exist. Options -a Add or modify credentials in the HP SIM credentials database. This option must be used with -f or -p and -c. -r Remove credentials from the HP SIM credentials database. This option must be used with -f or -p. -l List node security credentials on the screen.
Forces the removal of the specified default or global credentials that might be currently in use by one or more nodes or systems. The fd option completely removes the default or global credential which might result in the loss of communications with the associated systems. The fcd option, copies the credential to any system(s) using the credential first, preserving communications with the systems. -n nodename Specify a node name. This should be the fully-qualified name, if available.
mxnodesecurity -a -p wbem -c username:password -n mycommputer.ak.hp.com Example 2 The command below adds a WBEM node/system type credential to the HP SIM credentials database for the specified node named mycomputer.ak.hp.com and for a specified port number of 5990. Only WBEM and VME type node credentials allow for a port number to be specified along with the nodename in the form of nodename:port#. The user name and *password are defined uniquely for the specified node.
used to sign into the managed system. A node name is not specified when adding default/global type credentials. The Try Others option is explicitly set to the "on" state. When listing default/global credentials, the node names are the form of @defaultN, where N is an auto-assigned numerical value indicating usage precedence.
Example 14 The command below removes all default/global (and only default/global) type credentials in the HP SIM of the specified protocol type/name. mxnodesecurity -r -p protocol Example 15 The command below removes the specified default/global type credential (as specified by the numeric N value) in the HP SIM of the specified protocol type/name. The nodename reference used in the command below would be acquired from an mxnodesecurity list (-l) command.
point to note is that even though vme protocols like vcenter, scvmm and rhevm must always be prefixed with a vme: before passing as an argument to -p , they are stored without the prefix vme: in the database. Listing all global credentials...
Synopsis mxoracleconfig -h hostname [-n port number ] -d database name -u username -p password [-j jar file ] [-f] Description The mxoracleconfig command enables you to configure HP SIM to use an Oracle database. This command does not initialize the database. Use mxinitconfig to initialize the database. Options -h hostname Specify the hostname of the server on which the Oracle database is installed. -n port number Specify the port number of the Oracle TCP/IP listener service on the Oracle database server.
Example To configure HP SIM to use Oracle database hpsim50 on server oradbsrv11x with user id sim, password simpw, and the Oracle thin driver jar file ojdbc14.jar, enter: mxoracleconfig -h oradbsrv11x -d hpsim50 -u sim -p simpw -j ojdbc14.jar . mxpassword Enables administrative rights users to add, remove, modify, and list passwords stored for use with HP SIM. The passwords are displayed in clear text for readability.
Checks for existence of Keystore. -n Creates a new server certificate (2,048-bit). -s 1024|2048(recommended)|4096 This must be used along with -n option. It is used to specify the user-defined key size for the SSL server certificate. The applicable key sizes are 1,024, 2,048 and 4,096 bits. 1,024-bit key size is considered as obsolete, and it is available only to handle backward-compatibility cases.
mxquery Adds, lists, modifies, execute, or removes queries in HP SIM. Synopsis mxquery -a -f filename [–x force] mxquery -m -f filename [–x force] mxquery -r queryname... mxquery -r -f filename mxquery -e queryname [-x xml] mxquery [-l n|t] [ queryname... ] mxquery -lf [-b encoding ] [-x query ] [ queryname... ] [-x cat ] mxquery -l cat mxquery -l crit mxquery -l mode criterianame mxquery -l val criterianame Description The mxquery command enables you to add, list, modify or remove queries in HP SIM.
• mxquery -r queryname mxquery -r -f filename These commands enable you to remove queries. Only an administrative rights user or the query owner can remove a query. If you specify a query name that does not exist, HP SIM notifies you that it cannot remove the query and attempts to remove the next designated query. Skipping undefined queries does not affect the return value. You can specify queries as a list of query names, or a query definition file.
Execute the specified query. -r Remove one or more queries. queryname Specify the name of the query to be removed, listed, or executed. Entering an undefined query name results in mxquery operating on zero queries and a return value of SUCCESS. Specifying an invalid query name (one that violates the rules for query names (see mxquery(4)), results in an invalid name return value.
-b encoding Specify the character encoding for an XML file when used with -lf. xml Display the output of query execution results in xml format when used with -e. You can also use this option with force to force the addition of a query. : When duplicate options are specified, the last instance of the option is used. For example, if you enter -f file1 -f file2, mxauth uses file2.
Example 6 This view a tabular listing of queries with column headings, enter mxquery -lt. Example 7 To view a list of queries in XML file format, enter mxquery -lf. Example 8 To view a list of categories to which you can save queries, enter mxquery -lcat. Example 9 To display the criteria names and their associated query type, enter mxquery -lcrit. Example 10 To display the operation modes associated with the criteria CriteriaByIPAddress, enter mxquery -lmode CriteriaByIPAddress.
Password will be the password of username supplied for the -u options. In case of missing password, the command will prompt for the password Example mxquiesce –u CMSFullRightUser –p CMSFullRightUserPassword mxreport Adds, deletes, runs, lists reports and report categories in HP SIM.
• mxreport -e existing-report-name [-n] [-S existing-system-collection-name-or-comma-separated-nodes-list-when-used-with-option-(n) ] [-E existing-event-collection-name ] [-x HTML|XML|CSV] [-o fully-qualified-file-name ] This command runs an existing report. • ◦ The report name is mandatory. ◦ The -S and -E flags enable you to overwrite the system and event collections in the specified report by entering an existing collection name and event query.
Options -a -f Add one or more reports specified in a report definition file. -d Remove the specified report. -r Remove the specified report category. -c -f Add the category specified in the listed file. -e Run the specified report. -S Replace the system collection in the specified report with the listed system collection. -n Indicate that a comma-separated list of system names is used with -S instead of a collection name. -E Filter the specified report by the listed query.
reportname Specify the name of a report. Specifying an invalid report name results in an invalid name return value. If the report name contains spaces, enclose it in quotation marks. categoryname Specify the name of a report category. Specifying an invalid report category name results in an invalid name return value. If the category name contains spaces, enclose it in quotation marks.
Example 5 To run the report Catapult Launchers and format the output as CSV, enter mxreport -e "Catapult Launchers" -x CSV. Example 6 To list all reports, enter mxreport -l -x report. Example 7 To list the contents of the report Islands of Phoenix, enter mxreport -l -x report -n "Islands of Phoenix". Example 8 To list all report categories, enter mxreport -l -x category. Example 9 To list the contents of the report category White Noise, enter mxreport -l -x category -n "White Noise".
Return values Value Meaning 0 HP SIM and TomCat started correctly. >0 An error occurred during startup. Example To start the HP SIM daemons, enter mxstart. mxstatus mxstatus displays or returns (through the exit code) the current ready or not-ready state of HP SIM Synopsis mxstatus [ [ [-w [-t minutes] ] [-v] ] | [-l] | [-h] | [-v] ] Description The mxstatus command may be used to determine if HP SIM is running and in a ready or accessable state.
command to return to the calling application in case HP SIM never reaches a ready state. For example, HP SIM is actually not running. The -t option requires an integer argument which specifies the timeout to be used, in minutes. If the -t option is not provided, the default timeout period that the command will use is 30 minutes. -v The VERBOSE option may be used to enable verbose mode which forces the command to print progress messages to the console (stdout), while the command is running.
Example 7 To display the current HP SIM ready/not-ready state, enter mxstatus -l. Example 8 To display usage help, enter mxstatus -h. See also HP-UX mxstatus(1M) Linux mxstatus(8) mxstm Adds, removes, and lists system type manager rules. Synopsis mxstm -a -n product name -p snmp (-x attribute=value)+ : HP SIM 6.0 no longer supports DMI.
List system type manager rules. • Use -n to provide a product name and list rule details. • Use the -f option to output rules to an XML file. The XML file is encoded in UTF-8. Optionally, specify a protocol to selectively output rules matching that protocol. The XML file output by this command is valid input for -a and -r. -x attribute=value Enter the name of a protocol-specific attribute and the value to assign to the attribute. -n Enter a product name. -p Enter a protocol.
Examples Example 1 To add a rule for a Digital LN07 printer using an XML file named printer-rule.xml, create printer-rule.xml with the following contents: Printer None Digital LN07 1
See also HP-UX mxstart(1M) Linux mxstart(8) mxtask Lists, executes, removes, creates tasks, or changes task ownership in HP SIM.
keyword forces mxtask to list all tasks in XML format. See the mxtask(4) manpage for a detailed description of the task-specific XML format. Optionally, you can specify the character encoding of the XML file. The value for the character encoding must match a valid character encoding. If no encoding is specified, the system attempts to write the file in the encoding currently defined on the system. See http:// www.iana.org/assignments/character-sets for the list of valid character sets.
-lf taskname Display an XML file listing for a specified task. This output can be redirected (>) to a file and used as input to the -f option when creating a new task. For example, -lf taskname >filename. -lf all Display an xml format list of all HP SIM tasks. This output can be redirected to a file and used as input to -f when creating a new task. -r taskname Remove a specified task immediately. -rf taskxmlfile Indicates that the specified HP SIM task(s) is to be removed.
quotation marks. If the tool parameter data includes XML data with embedded double quote characters, each double quote character must be preceded by the backslash character. This option is used with -c. -f toolparmsfile Specify the parameter data for a tool that requires user parameters. The tool parameters for -f are provided in a specified XML file that contains the tool parameters. This option is used with -c. (Create task)or –r (remove task).
• Tschedule.Imonths. Task runs every x months at specified day/time. • Tschedule.Idaily. Task runs once a day at specified time. • Tschedule.Irunonce. Task runs once at specified date/time. The P parameter signifies the periodic interval (how often the task will run) and is required when the T task type value is schedule. Valid periodic values (n) are any numeric values greater than zero. For example: Tschedule.Iminutes.Pn.
Value Meaning 249 Unable to connect to the session manager. 250 Remote exception. Examples Example 1 To list all scheduled tasks in tabular format, including the task name, associated tool name, last run time and schedule information, enter mxtask. Example 2 To list all scheduled tasks in tabular format, including the task name, associated tool name, last run time and schedule information, enter mxtask -lt. Example 3 To list the details for the task test_task, enter mxtask -ld test_task.
Example 10 To create a task named task1 with the associated query query1 and tool toolexample that already exists in the database, with the task type manual, enter mxtask -c task1 -q query1 -t toolexample -w Tmanual. In this example, there are no tool (user) parameters required for the tool being specified, so -A and -f are not required.
Example 17 To create task1, which runs once at the specified date (mm/dd/yy) and time (hh:mm), with the associated query query1 and tool toolexample that already exists in the database, with the task type schedule, enter mxtask -c task1 -q query1 -t toolexample -w Tschedule.Irunonce.D01/02/03.M1:00. In this example, there are no tool (user) parameters required for the tool being specified, so -A and -f are not required.
The criticality tag is not mandatory. If not specified, then the default value is true. Limitations This command can only be run on the CMS. See also HP-UX mxauth(1M) mxtask(4) Linux mxauth(8) mxtask(4) mxtool Adds, lists, modifies, or removes tools in HP SIM. Synopsis mxtool -a -f filename mxtool -m [-i] -f filename [-x force] mxtool -s -f filename mxtool -r [-f filename|-c category|-t toolname ] [-x force] mxtool -l d|f|n|t [-c category...|-t toolname... ] mxtool -lf [-b encoding ] [-c category...
tools. Skipping duplicate tools does not affect the return value. During the add operation, HP SIM assigns the All Tools toolbox to every tool by default. • mxtool -m [-i] -f filename [-x force] This command enables you to modify the definition of one or more tools. Tool information is provided in a tool definition file (see mxtool(4)). When modifying a tool, you must be the tool owner or an administrative rights user. Administrative rights users can modify the entire tool definition.
• ◦ The -c option constrains the output to one or more tool categories. ◦ The -t option constrains the output to specific tools. mxtool -lf [-b encoding ] [-c category...|-t toolname... ] This command lists the tools in an XML file. Optionally, you can specify the character encoding of the XML file. The value for the character encoding must match a valid character encoding. If no encoding is specified, the system attempts to write the file in the encoding currently defined on the system.
-lf Display a file-formatted list of tools (this output can be used as input for -f). -ln Display the names of HP SIM tools. -lt Display a tabular list of tools and tool attributes. -b encoding Specify the character encoding of an XML file when used with -lf. -x Specify an extended option value. This is used with the force keyword. force This option forces a tool into the system when used with -m -f, and specifies the forced removal of a tool when used with -r -f.
Example 2 To modify tools based on the file /home/user1/defs/mytoolmods, enter mxtool -m -f /home/user1/defs/mytoolmods. Example 3 To forcefully modify tools based on the file /home/user1/defs/mytoolmods, enter mxtool -m -f /home/user1/defs/mytoolmods -x force. Example 4 To remove the tool badtool, enter mxtool -r -t badtool. Limitations This command can only be run on the CMS. See also HP-UX mxexec(1M), mxtool(4). Linux mxexec(8), mxtool(4).
Embedded blank characters, underscores (_), or dashes (-) are allowed. If you have full configuration rights, you can add up to 32 toolboxes. Toolboxes are enabled by default. To explicitly enable a toolbox, you must have full rights and enter t after -e. To disable a toolbox enter f after -e. When a toolbox is enabled, tools associated with it can be authorized using the toolbox. When the toolbox is disabled, tools associated with it cannot be authorized using the toolbox.
XML file support The mxtoolbox command enables an administrative rights user to add, modify, or remove toolboxes by specifying an XML file containing a list of toolboxes and toolbox attributes. XML input files are processed in two passes. The first pass attempts to parse the XML file and generate a list of toolboxes to process. This pass ensures that the XML file is formatted correctly, that the toolbox names are valid, and the toolbox objects contain valid information.
Remove the specified toolbox. External influences For HP-UX or Linux, LANG determines the default encoding that the system will use to output XML data if no encoding is specified on the command line. If LANG is not specified or null, or LANG does not correspond to a recognized encoding, it defaults to C (see lang (5)). In this case, use the -b option to specify the encoding of the XML data. Return values Value Meaning 0 Successful completion. 2 Command line syntax error.
The output might look like: lvmadmin operator webadmin dbadmin All Tools Example 7 To list the attributes for all toolboxes (including toolboxes that have never been modified), enter mxtoolbox -lt.
• This command can only be run on the CMS. • There is a limit of 32 toolboxes. All toolboxes except the All Tools toolbox can be modified or removed from the database. The All Tools toolbox is a special toolbox that cannot be modified in any way, or be removed from a tool's toolbox authorizations. See also HP-UX mxtoolbox(4), mxauth(1M), mxtool(1M) Linux mxtoolbox(4), mxauth(8), mxtool(8) mxunquiesce This command sets the CMS state as unquiesced.
mxuser -r username mxuser -r -g usergroupname mxuser -r -f filename mxuser -r -gf -f filename mxuser [-l d|f|n|t] [ username... ] mxuser [-l dg|fg|ng|tg] [ usergroupname... ] mxuser -lf [-b encoding ] [ username... ] : The following commands are retained for backward compatibility.
file must be formatted in the XML format defined for HP SIM users. See mxuser(4) for more information. • mxuser -m username [-d description ] [-p full|CMSSecurity|limited|none|+T|-T] mxuser -m -g usergroupname [-d description ] [-p full|CMSSecurity|limited|none|+T|-T] mxuser -m -f filename mxuser -m -gf -f filename These commands enable a full rights or CMSSecurity rights user to modify an existing user or group description, and to reassign rights to an existing user or group.
: For backward compatibility with Service Control Manager 3.0, the -p option also supports the Trusted and Untrusted User +T and -T options. The +T option creates a user with, or modifies a user to full configuration rights. The -T option creates a user with, or modifies a user to limited configuration rights.
-l d Display a detailed screen-viewable list of users and user attributes. -l fg Display an XML list of user groups and attributes (see mxuser(4)). -l ng Display a list of user group names (with no details). -l tg Display a tabular list of users groups and attributes. -l dg Display a detailed screen-viewable list of user groups and attributes. username... Specify the user names to list with -l. usergroupname... Specify the user group names to list with -l.
: When duplicate options are specified, the last instance of the option is used. For example, if you enter -f file1 -f file2, mxauth uses file2. External influences For HP-UX or Linux, LANG determines the default encoding that the system will use to output XML data if no encoding is specified on the command line. If LANG is not specified or null, or LANG does not correspond to a recognized encoding, it defaults to C (see lang (5)). In this case, use the -b option to specify the encoding of the XML data.
Example 5 To remove fred from the list of users, enter mxuser -r fred. Example 6 To add the list of users in the local file updates.xml, enter mxuser -a -f updates.xml. Example 7 To display the list of user names, enter mxuser -l. Example 8 To display a detailed screen-viewable list of the users, enter mxuser -l d. Example 9 To display a tabular list of users, enter mxuser -l t.
Description The mxwbemsub command enables you to: • Add, delete, list, or move WBEM event subscriptions from nodes managed by the CMS. • Add or remove health lifecycle event subscriptions for HP NonStop Kernel servers. If you subscribe to health lifecycle events for a NonStop Kernel server, when the server's status changes, notification is sent to HP SIM and the server status is updated immediately in the GUI instead of waiting for the next status collection.
Delete WBEM subscriptions for the specified CMS. If a destination is not specified, the default is to remove subscriptions to the CMS on which the command is run. -l List the WBEM subscriptions for the specified CMS. If a destination is not specified, the default is to list subscriptions to the CMS on which the command is run. -m Move WBEM subscriptions from one CMS to another. If the current CMS is not specified the default is the CMS on which the command is run. The new destination CMS is required.
Example 4 To remove subscriptions from the node mycomputer.ak.hp.com, enter mxwbemsub -r destinationcms.ak.hp.com -n mycomputer.ak.hp.com. This command removes subscriptions whose destination is destinationcms.ak.hp.com. Example 5 To list WBEM event subscriptions from the nodes mycomputer, and yourcomputer, enter mxwbemsub -l -n mycomputer yourcomputer. This command lists subscriptions whose destination is the CMS on which the command is running.
See also HP-UX mxnodesecurity(1M) Linux mxnodesecurity(8) 132 Command descriptions
3 Infrastructure management using CLI Inventory management Configuring HP SIM Before adding systems to HP SIM, you must set up and configure the protocols that communicate with the managed systems. The mxglobalprotocolsettings command enables you to set most of the available HP SIM protocol settings. The mxnodesecurity command enables you to set Sign-in, WBEM, SSH, WS-MAN, and SNMP credentials on a per-system basis.
You can also use an XML file with the mxnodesecurity command to add the credentials for WBEM and SNMP for a list of systems. For example: # mxnodesecurity –a –f credential.xml The credential.xml file might contain the following:
# mxnode –m –f nodes.xml The -m option only accepts system names. The -a option accepts system names and IP addresses. To remove systems, use the -r option. The -r option accepts system names, host names, or IP addresses, or in conjunction with the -f, the name of an XML file containing the names or IP addresses of the nodes to remove. For example: # mxnode –r nodeName1 ipAddress1 nodeName2 # mxnode –r –f nodes.
If you enabled periodic execution in the field, the task automatically runs at the time and frequency you entered. If you did not enable periodic execution, you must manually execute the task by entering the following command: # mxtask –e TaskName Where TaskName is the name of the task entered in the field of the XML file. The mxtask command has a built-in help option that describes the command, parameters, and usage examples. To access help for this command, enter, mxtask –h.
command enables you to define your own report categories. Run the following command to define your own report categories: # mxreport –c –f categories.xml Where categories.xml contains the XML definitions of the categories. For the details on creating the report categories XML definitions, see the man page mxcategoryitem(4).
• The –n product-name option specifies the product name of the product you want to add. For example, HP rx1600 is a product name. • The –p protocol option selects the protocol to use for data collection, and should be set to SNMP. • The –x option provides the definitions for one or more attributes for the system. Examples of SNMP attributes are the system OID, product type, product subtype, and operating system name.
mxcollection command. The mxcollection command enables you to select members individually by name. You must continue to use the mxquery command to the search attributes when creating and managing queries. The mxquery command provides many options to help create and manage query collections. The following XML is an example of a query collection, called Test Query.
In the example, CriteriaByNameComparison is a text criteria and does not have any values. However, the criteria ProductByName is a selection criteria. To find the values of this criteria, enter: # mxquery –l val ProductByName There are two additional options for the mxquery –l command. • The n option displays a list of all the query collections in HP SIM. • The t option displays all the query collections in a tabular format, showing the query ID, query name, query type, and query owner.
associatedDeviceKey: 0 timeStamp: 1144308295806 The mxcollection command enables you to manage the HP SIM collections and help organize query collections. To display all the collections in a hierarchical tree, use the following command: # mxcollection –ln The hierarchy shown at the beginning of this section is the output of the above command.
As shown in the hierarchy above, both the Systems and Events collections contain a sub-collection called Shared. The items shown for the Shared collection are the same as what is shown above in the hierarchy list, with one notable exception.
collection you want to remove. The following example creates a new collection called Test Collection with two members, the Test Query collection and one server. The collection is placed under Systems by Type in the hierarchy. PAGE 144# mxwbemsub –m [currentCMS] newCMS –n nodenames # mxwbemsub –m [currentCMS] newCMS –f nodefile.txt This command moves the WBEM subscription from currentCMS to newCMS for the systems on the command line (using –n), or for the systems in the text file (using –f). The parameter currentCMS is optional, and if omitted the WBEM subscription is moved from the current system to newCMS. SNMP You must configure each managed system SNMP trap destination to point to the CMS.
The following command pushes the SSH public key to the identified user on one or more managed servers: # mxagentconfig –a [–n host] –u login [–o host | user] [–p password] # mxagentconfig –a [–n host] –u login [–o host | user] [–p password] [–f file.txt] • The –n option identifies the systems to configure. If you do not specify the –n option, the command applies to the CMS. • The –u and –p options specify the account on the systems identified with the –n option.
# mxtask –c tname –q qname –t toolname –w sched [–A tparams | –f tpf.xml] \ [–o towner] [–i tfilter] • The –c tname option creates a task with name tname. • The –q qname option identifies the collection to use for the task, and –t toolname identifies the name of the tool to execute. Both qname and toolname must exist in HP SIM. If the tool toolname requires any parameters, then you must use one of the –A or –f options. ◦ Use the –A option to list the task parameters, tparams, on the command line.
tool name query name To remove an existing task, enter: # mxtask –r taskname Where taskname is the name of the task you want to remove.
The only required argument is –t tool, where tool is the name of the tool to execute. The –A option is used to pass required arguments to the tool. The arguments are passed to the tool in the order they appear in the command, so the first argument in the command is the first tool argument, and so on. Any argument not being provided is identified by quotes (“”). The –h, -O, and –o options control the output of the running job, and are mutually exclusive.
If you do not specify any options, as shown in the first example, all your incomplete jobs appear. • The –l n option lists job IDs only. • The -l t option lists job information in a tabular format, providing task name, job ID, HP SIM user, HP SIM tool name, and the job state. The –i and –j options are mutually exclusive. ◦ Use the –i option to display the data for any job associated with for one or more task names. ◦ Use the –j option to display information for one or more job IDs.
Using –m –g userGroup, in conjunction with –d and –p, modifies the characteristics of group userGroup. • The mxuser –r user and mxuser –r –g userGroup commands remove a user and a group, respectively, deleting all authorizations for the user and the group. • The –f file option enables you to add, modify, or remove multiple users and user groups. File contains XML syntax, allowing multiple entries to be processed.
To modify existing system groups, the syntax is identical to that for adding system groups however, you replace the –a option with the –m: option, for example: # mxngroup –m –g grpname [–d description] [–n [member1 member2 ¦]] [–u [t|f]] If you do not provide both the optional –d and –n parameters, then the group is not modified. • Using the –d parameter replaces the existing group description with the one you provide.
of the XML syntax required to manage toolboxes using an XML file, see the mxtoolbox(4) man page. Toolboxes are an integral part of creating authorizations in HP SIM. A toolbox contains a set o fHP SIM tools that one or more users can run on the systems they are authorized to manage. An example of using toolboxes is to create a toolbox containing tools that apply only to HP-UX systems and a toolbox containing tools that apply only to Windows operatng systems.
The “Managing toolboxes” (page 151) section discussed how to create toolboxes used in creating authorizations. When creating tools, use the following XML entry to place the tool in a specific toolbox: To include the tool in more than one toolbox, you can enter additional entries. Do not add tools to the Monitor Tools toolbox that provide root or administrator level functionality.
# mxinitconfig –l ; show configuration status # mxinitconfig –a ; configure HP SIM # mxinitconfig –r ; unconfigure HP SIM • The mxinitconfig, or mxinitconfig –l commands display the configuration status, including kernel parameter checks, database setup, web server setup, and thirteen other items. • The –a parameter configures HP SIM starting the web services and HP SIM services, and initializes the database.
The –l or –p options are mutually exclusive and use the following options. Some of the options listed have a default value if the option is not specified in the command. • The –a action option displays the action that occurred. If this option is not used, the action START is used by default. Valid values include ACTION_NONE, ADD, MODIFY, DELETE, RUN, LIST, ENABLE, DISABLE, RESTORE, SAVE, SETUP, UNSETUP, START, and DONE. • The –m message option is the specific message to be logged.
• The -r option (HP-UX only) returns the path to the postgreSQL data directory. • The –b option (HP-UX only) returns the path to the postgreSQL program directory. HP SIM settings The mxglobalsettings command sets and displays global settings stored in the file /etc/ opt/mx/config/globalsettings.props on HP-UX and Linux, or in the HP SIM installation directory under config\globalsettings.props on Windows. This file is a text file that contains configuration data and their default values.
To add a new password, enter: # mxpassword –a –x key1=value1 [–x key2=value ¦] # mxpassword –a –f file • The –x option assigns password value to password key name key. There can be multiple key and value pairs provided to the add command. • The –f option adds the passwords defined in the file. This is a more secure option because the passwords are not available for viewing on the terminal screen, or in the command line history.
4 Support and other resources Information to collect before contacting HP Be sure to have the following information available before you contact HP: • Software product name • Hardware product model number • Operating system type and version • Applicable error message • Third-party hardware or software • Technical support registration number (if applicable) How to contact HP Use the following methods to contact HP technical support: • In the United States, see the Customer Service/Contact HP Uni
Registering for software technical support and update service HP SIM is supported in any one of the following situations: • A valid warranty exists (90 days Global Limited Warranty) • Purchase of Insight Control (having 1-year 24x7 Technical Support bundled with the license purchase) • If the question is related to HP Insight Remote Support (HP Insight RS), then HP SIM will be supported as it pertains in Insight RS with a Hardware Warranty or Hardware Contract • The customer purchases an HP SIM Care
• HP Business Support Center website at http://www.hp.com/bizsupport/ for support information about HP SIM and HP Commercial products • HP Support Center website at http://www.hp.com/go/hpsc for support information about HP SIM and HP Enterprise products • HP SIM SMI-S Providers website at http://www.hp.com/go/hpsim/providers for information about device support and SMI-S providers • Videos that showcase HP SIM and the Essentials at • HP SIM forum at http://h18013.www1.hp.
5 Support and other resources Typographic conventions Book Title Title of a book or other document. Linked Title Title that is a hyperlink to a book or other document. http:// www.hp.com A Web site address that is a hyperlink to the site. Command Command name or qualified command phrase. user input Commands and other text that you type. computer output Text displayed by the computer. Enter The name of a keyboard key. Note that Return and Enter both refer to the same key.
Index event management alerts, 143 mxagentconfig, 16, 144 mxauth, 20, 30, 153 mxauthnconfig, 25 mxcert, 26, 156 mxcipher, 29 mxcollection, 30, 138 mxcompile, 144 mxconfigrepo, 34, 35 mxexec, 35, 147 mxexport, 43 mxgetdbinfo, 45 mxgethostname, 46, 155 mxglobalprotocolsettings, 46, 133, 143 mxglobalsettings, 48, 156 mxgroup, 150 mximport, 49 mxinitconfig, 53, 153 mxlog, 55, 154 mxmib, 57, 144 mxngroup, 58 mxnode, 63, 134 mxnodesecurity, 78, 133, 143 mxoracleconfig, 86, 153 mxpassword, 88, 156 mxquery, 90, 1
create, 156 import, 156 services HP SIM, 154 SNMP managed systems, 144 support, 159, 161 system group, 150 create, 150 System Type Manager, 137 T tasks create, 144 manage, 145 schedule, 144 toolboxes, 151 add, 152 modify, 152 remove, 152 U users managing, 149 V viewing manpages, 10 W WBEM managed systems, 143 System Fault Management, 143 163