HP Systems Insight Manager 7.2 Command Line Interface Guide
<hw-attribute name="ProductID">12345</hw-attribute>
L* <sw-attribute name="OSName">your data here</sw-attribute>
L <sw-attribute name="OSRevision">your data here</sw-attribute>
<sw-attribute name="OSRevisionText">info here</sw-attribute>
<sw-attribute name="TrustStatus">false</sw-attribute>
L <sw-attribute name="AssetNumber">your data here</sw-attribute>
L <sw-attribute name="Contact">your data here</sw-attribute>
L <sw-attribute name="Location">your data here</sw-attribute>
L <sw-attribute name="PreferredNodeName">your data here</sw-attribute>
L <sw-attribute name="SysDescription">your data here</sw-attribute>
L <sw-attribute name="OSDescription">your data here</sw-attribute>
<sw-attribute name="OSNameStr">OS name str</sw-attribute>
<sw-attribute name="OSVendor">OS vendor info</sw-attribute>
<sw-attribute name="IPAddress"></sw-attribute>
<sw-attribute name="ProtocolSupport">SNMP:1.0</sw-attribute>
<sw-attribute name="discovery.source">Ping</sw-attribute> LF
<sw-attribute name="DefaultProtoSettings">false</sw-attribute>
LF <sw-attribute name="DefaultAttributeSettings">false</sw-attribute>
LF <sw-attribute name="DefaultSystemName">false</sw-attribute>
<managementpath-list />
Example 7
To change the PreferredNodeName attribute for system abc to LABabc:
Procedure 5
1. Obtain the XML for the node by running mxnode -lf >filename.
2. Edit the output file. You can leave all the current attributes as is, or remove all attributes except
for PreferredNodeName (if it does not exist, add it).
3. Use the XML file as the input for the mxnode -m -f filename command.
The following example shows what the XML file might look like:
<node name="abc">
<sw-attribute name="PreferredNodeName">LABabc</sw-attribute>
<sw-attribute name="DefaultProtoSettings">false</sw-attribute>
<sw-attribute name="DefaultAttributeSettings">false</sw-attribute>
<sw-attribute name="DefaultSystemName">false</sw-attribute>
<managementpath-list />
In this example, all three attribute lock flags are set to false so the PreferredNodeName attribute
will not be overwritten by the Discovery or Identification process.
Node proxy/management paths (MPO)
A node can have zero or more associated management paths. Node management paths (MPOs
- Management Path Objects) are created to assist WBEM CIMOM protocol identification as well
as other proxy type management. When dealing with CIMOMs and the other sources of
management data that may not come directly from a node itself, a proxy type MPO is added to
the node by identification. This MPO must be able to define and handle the WMI mapper and
SMI-S based CIMOMs as proxies to a storage device that does not support a network connection.
mxnode 75