HP Systems Insight Manager 7.3 Update 1 Release Notes
• HP Business Support Center website at http://www8.hp.com/us/en/support.html for support
information about HP SIM and HP Commercial products
• HP Support Center website at http://www.hp.com/go/hpsc for support information about
HP SIM and HP Enterprise products
• HP SIM SMI-S Providers website at http://www.hp.com/go/hpsim/providers for information
about device support and SMI-S providers
• Videos that showcase HP SIM and the Essentials at http://h18013.www1.hp.com/products/
• HP SIM forum at http://h18013.www1.hp.com/products/servers/management/hpsim/
techsupport.html?jumpid=hpr_r1002_usen_link1 for discussions about HP SIM
HP SIM documentation
For more information regarding HP SIM, see the HP HP SIM Information library at http://
www.hp.com/go/insightmanagement/sim/docs for access to HP SIM manuals and release notes.
Typographic conventions
find(1) HP-UX manpage. In this example, “find” is the manpage name and “1” is
the manpage section.
Book Title Title of a book or other document.
Linked Title Title that is a hyperlink to a book or other document.
A Web site address that is a hyperlink to the site.
Command Command name or qualified command phrase.
user input Commands and other text that you type.
Text displayed by the computer.
Enter The name of a keyboard key. Note that Return and Enter both refer to the
same key. A sequence such as Ctrl+A indicates that you must hold down the
key labeled Ctrl while pressing the A key.
term Defined use of an important word or phrase.
variable The name of an environment variable, for example PATH or errno.
value A value that you may replace in a command or function, or information in a
display that represents several possible values.
<element> An element used in a markup language.
attrib An attribute used in a markup language.
Documentation feedback
HP is committed to providing documentation that meets your needs. To help us improve the
documentation, send any errors, suggestions, or comments to Documentation Feedback
(docsfeedback@hp.com). Include the document title and part number, version number, or the URL
when submitting your feedback.
14 Support and other resources