HP StorageWorks SAN Virtualization Services Platform Administrator Guide (5697-0934, May 2011)
Installing multipath applications
An active-passive multipath driver is required on any server that has access to the HP StorageWorks
SAN Virtualization Services Platform. Multipath information for Linux and Windows is available
at http://h18006.www1.hp.com/products/sanworks/multipathoptions/index.html. HP-UX 11iv2
requires a purchase of the appropriate number of Secure Path licenses. (HP-UX 11iv3 does not
require the addition of a new multipath driver.) You should upgrade to the latest multipath drivers
on all systems in the SAN as soon as possible, so as not to have different versions of multipath
running on various servers.
AIX multipathing
Installing AIX multipathing
If any third-party multipath solutions, such as Antemeta or Veritas are installed, they need to be
uninstalled before installing MPIO for SVSP.
1. Go to http://h20000.www2.hp.com/bizsupport/TechSupport/SoftwareIndex.jsp?lang=en&
2. Under Software - Storage, click Download for your version.
3. Read and print the readme file included with the downloaded driver. The file contains
installation instructions and any limitations.
Installing AIX from the command line:
1. # mkdir /tmp/hpmpio # or any working directory
2. # cp devices.fcp.disk.HP.svsp.mpio.rte.
/tmp/hpmpio # from CD
3. # cd /tmp/hpmpio
4. # gunzip devices.fcp.disk.HP.svsp.mpio.rte.
5. # install –acd `pwd`/
devices.fcp.disk.HP.svsp.mpio.rte. all
To install by SMIT:
1. # mkdir /tmp/hpmpio # or any working directory
2. # cp devices.fcp.disk.HP.svsp.mpio.rte. # from
3. # cd /tmp/hpmpio
4. # gunzip devices.fcp.disk.HP.svsp.mpio.rte.
5. # smitty install_latest
Command: OK stdout: yes stderr: no
Before command completion, additional instructions may appear below
[TOP]geninstall -I "a -cgNQqwX -J" -Z -d . -f File 2>&1
File: devices.fcp.disk.HP.hsv.mpio.rte
HP-UX multipathing
HP-UX 11iv2
NOTE: Secure Path requires a right-to-use license per server.
Secure Path for HP-UX 11iv2 is no longer available, therefore support is only available to existing
users that have Secure Path.
Adding new servers 25