HP Structured Records Management Solution Tutorial, August 2011
16 Chapter 2: Configuring the Demarc data
./load_demo.sh oracle
./load_demo.sh sqlserver
./load_demo.sh sybase
./load_demo.sh db2
./load_demo.sh generic
NOTE The generic option is for JDBC/ODBC data sources.
5 Respond to the prompts. Default values are displayed next to the prompts
inside of square brackets [ ]. It may take a few minutes for the scripts to
complete running.
TIP If you want to use a schema name other than DEMARC, enter the desired
name when prompted for demo schema/username.
TIP Note that SQL Server database names are case sensitive. Hence, if you
accept the default name, you must use DEMARC when referencing it.
6 To confirm that the scripts executed properly, check the log files located in
<install_dir>\obt\demo for any errors:
ngfloadlog.log for DB2
ogfloadlog.log for Oracle
sgfloadlog.log for SQL Server
ygfloadlog.log for Sybase
7 If you have an ad hoc query tool, you can use it to confirm the presence of
DEMARC and its tables.
Summary and next steps
In this chapter, you learned:
• how to run the scripts to load the sample data into the database you plan to use
for the tutorial.
The next step is to import a project that you can modify for structured records