HP Structured Records Management Solution Tutorial, August 2011

14 Chapter 1: Structured records management concepts
In order to achieve optimum performance and scalability with SRMS, you may
spread the configuration across multiple machines where necessary. HP TRIM
runs only on MS Windows, but HP Database Archiving can run on UNIX or MS
Windows. The following SRMS configurations are possible:
MS Windows only. In this case, all of the machines in the configuration are
MS Windows systems. Note that one of the machines in this configuration
must have HP TRIM and HP Database Archiving installed on them.
MS Windows and UNIX. In this case, HP TRIM is installed on an MS
Windows system and HP Database Archiving is installed on a UNIX system.
Since the products are on disparate operating systems, you will need to call
the SRMS Loader differently from the Groovy script in your business flow.
NOTE RQS must be installed on the same machine as HP TRIM.
Database archiving concepts
For conceptual information about HP Database Archiving, refer to the HP
Database Archiving software Concepts guide.
Records management concepts
For conceptual information about HP TRIM, refer to the HP TRIM online help.
Summary and next steps
In this chapter you learned about:
the overall structure of the tutorial
the prerequisites for building the tutorial
HP Structured Records Management Solution
where to look for conceptual information about HP Database Archiving
You are now ready to begin the tutorial.