HP Superdome 2 Partitioning Administrator Guide

1. Open a browser and type the url: http://<OA address>>. “OA GUI” shows the Onboard
Administrator login screen.
Figure 6-1 OA GUI Login Screen
2. Enter the OA Administrator password.
NOTE: The original Administrator password is available on a sticker on the OA module.
For more information on activating a partition from GUI see “Booting from the GUI”
Booting to EFI and Preparing for Operating System Installation
You can access a partition console and its EFI system boot environment through the OA. Each
partition has its own system boot environment that provides you a method for interacting with
the partition before an operating system has booted on it. The system boot environment is
accessible through the partition console during the time after the blades assigned to the partition
have booted and completed nPartition rendezvous and before the partition begins loading an
operating system.
This section discusses the following topics:
“Booting from the CLI ”
“Booting from the GUI”
“Getting a Console Using the CLI”
“Getting a Console Using the GUI”
“Confirming the Installed IO cards”
“Getting MAC Addresses for Ignite-UX”
Booting from the CLI
To activate a partition from the command line, you can either use the poweron partition
{identifier} command, the bo command, or the pe command.
poweron partition 2
Poweron request sent to partition 2. Operation initiated successfully.
Please run PARSTATUS/VPARSTATUS or SHOW SYSLOG OA to determine the completion
status of the operation.
48 Booting and Resetting Partitions (nPartitions and vPars)