
The Third Dimension
ovhm: oblique views are an excellent means for gaining a max-
imum of information about the internal features of a sample.
At a tilt angle of 70 degrees, the profile of CSP-solder joints in-
cluding voids are clearly visible. Unlike with a tilting angle of
45 degrees, component and board parts can be clearly distin-
Conventional tilting vs. ovhm
X-ray tube
0 - 70°
Wire loop inspection with
Via inspection with
The proven and successful v|tome|x technology by phoenix|x-ray is also available as an add-on for the nanome|x system. High-power nanofo-
cus X-ray technology paired with a fast reconstruction software deliver unrivaled, highest-quality inspection results with nanoCT
image resolu-
tions. This technology is especially suitable for the inspection and three-dimensional analysis of smaller samples.
2D images of a memory cube with stacked dies, frontal
and side view. Deeper-lying features are concealed,
making a thorough analysis impossible.
3D nanoCT
-image: Each individual die attach is clearly
visible and can be examined for voids.
Oblique or straight X-ray inspection seen from a different perspective
Sometimes when inspecting a sample, it may become necessary to see your sample from a di erent angle. An example of this
would be an inspection via platings or wire loops. phoenix|x-ray systems provide oblique views of up to 70 degrees using the
unique ovhm-technology. Automatic isocentric manipulator movement locks the eld of view during rotation and ovhm tilt in the
image centre.
ovhm: Oblique views at highest
magni cations
Conventional tilt techniques generate
oblique views by simply tilting the sample
to the side, which involves moving one part
of the sample further away from the X-ray
tube resulting in a decrease in magni ca-
tion. The ovhm|module was speci cally
designed to enable oblique views of up to
70 degrees and 0 to 360 degree rota-
tions without a decrease in magni cation.
Magni cation remains the same because
the distance between focus and sample
does not change while the detector is be-
ing tilted.
High-resolution 3D imaging