User manual

Users Manual
Table 4-3. Scan Sample Rates
Sample Time (s)
Medium Slow
DC Current
DC Voltage
0.2 PLC 1 PLC 10 PLC
AC Current
AC Voltage
Fixed to 10 PLC
Frequency Fixed to 1 PLC
1 PLC 2 PLC 10 PLC
Data Security
Data security is used to secure data files that are traceable back to the user that performed
the test (commonly referred to as test traceability). This is necessary for test
environments and applications that require a method to guarantee that the test data has
not been forged, changed, or tampered with, and was produced by trained, authorized
If the data security setting in the Test Setup menu is set to ON, the user must select a user
profile and enter the associated password in order to start and record a scan. The user
information is recorded into the scan data file that contains the user profile number and
test information. For more information on the scan data files, see “Record” on page 4-14.
For instructions on how to change the Admin or User profile passwords, see “Change the
Admin and User Passwords” in Chapter 2.
When Data Security is on, Setup files are also protected. A setup file created with Data
Security on cannot be changed or deleted except by an authorized user.
If the guest option is used to start a scan, the user is recorded as "Guest"
and the data file is not considered authorized and traceable.