Administrator Guide

Table Of Contents
Configure SMTP Server Settings
If you have an SMTP server, configure the SMTP email settings to receive information from the Storage Center about errors,
warnings, and events.
1. By default, the Enable SMTP Email checkbox is selected and enabled. If you do not have an SMTP server you can disable
SMTP email by clearing the Enable SMTP Email checkbox.
2. Alternatively, if you have an SMTP server, configure the SMTP server settings.
a. In the Recipient Email Address field, enter the email address where the information will be sent.
b. In the SMTP Mail Server field, enter the IP address or fully qualified domain name of the SMTP mail server.
c. (Optional) In the Backup SMTP Mail Server field, enter the IP address or fully qualified domain name of a backup
SMTP mail server and click OK.
d. Click Test Server to verify connectivity to the SMTP server.
e. If the SMTP server requires emails to contain a MAIL FROM address, specify an email address in the Sender Email
Address field.
f. (Optional) In the Common Subject Line field, enter a subject line to use for all emails sent by the Storage Center.
3. Click Finish.
Connect Tab
Use the Connect tab to configure SupportAssist and update the Storage Center software.
Accept the SupportAssist Collection Agreement on page 40
Provide Contact Information on page 40
Provide Onsite Address Information on page 41
Validate SupportAssist Connection on page 41
Update the Storage Center on page 41
Accept the SupportAssist Collection Agreement
Use the Accept SupportAssist Collection Agreement page to accept to the terms of the agreement and enable SupportAssist.
1. To allow SupportAssist to collect diagnostic data and send this information to technical support, select the By checking
this box, you accept the above terms and turn on SupportAssist checkbox.
2. Click Next.
If you chose to clear the By checking this box, you accept the above terms and turn on SupportAssist
checkbox, a SupportAssist Recommended dialog box opens.
To return to the Accept SupportAssist Collection Agreement page, click No.
To opt out of SupportAssist, click Yes.
Provide Contact Information
Specify the contact information to provide to SupportAssist and technical support.
1. Specify general contact information.
2. Specify contact preferences.
3. Click Next.
Storage Center Deployment