Product information guide
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Removing a Battery
Installing the Battery
Removing a Battery
1. Ensure that the computer is turned off, set to the hibernate power management mode, or connected to an electrical outlet.
2. Slide and hold the battery-bay latch release on the bottom of the computer, and then remove the battery from the bay.
Installing the Battery
To install the battery, slide the battery into the bay until the latch release clicks.
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CAUTION: Before performing these procedures, disconnect the modem from the telephone wall jack.
CAUTION: Before you begin any of the procedures in this section, follow the safety instructions in the Product Information Guide.
NOTICE: If you remove the battery while the system is powered on and power cable is connected to an electrical outlet and then reinstall the battery
and disconnect the power cable within one and a half seconds, the system may shut down.
NOTICE: Do not replace the battery with the computer in standby mode.
battery-bay latch release