User Manual v12.1.0 Instruction Manual
1842 Brocade Network Advisor SAN + IP User Manual
Device technical support
FIGURE 781 Technical SupportSave dialog box, Generate Now tab
3. Click the SAN Products tab, if necessary, and complete the following steps.
a. Right-click in the Available SAN Products table and select Expand All.
b. Select the switches you want to collect data for in the Available SAN Products table and
click the right arrow to move them to the Selected Products and Hosts table.
Technical SupportSave data for Fabric OS devices is saved to the following directory:
Technical SupportSave uses the following naming convention for the Fabric OS device
support save files:
4. Click the IP Products tab, if necessary, and complete the following steps.
a. Right-click in the Available IP Products table and select Expand All.
b. Select the products you want to collect data for in the Available IP Products table and click
the right arrow to move them to the Selected Products and Hosts table.
Technical SupportSave data for IronWare and Fabric OS DCB products is saved to the
following directory: Install_Home\data\ftproot\technicalsupport\ipproducts
Technical SupportSave uses the following naming convention for the IronWare device
support save files: IPProd-Device_Display_Name-IP_Address-Time_Stamp.
Technical SupportSave uses the following naming convention for the Fabric OS DCB device
support save files from the IP tab: IPProd-DCB-Time_Stamp.