Instruction Manual

lished procedure. To help you differentiate between approaches (no
adding or deleting waypoints allowed) and SID or STAR procedures
(adding and deleting waypoints allowed) the waypoint number has a
period (.) next to it instead of a blank space. The period also differen-
tiates a SID or STAR waypoint from a regular waypoint that has a
colon (:) next to the waypoint number.
To add an individual waypoint in the SID or STAR procedure:
1. Use the right knobs to select the FPL 0 page.
2. Turn the cursor on by pressing the B. Rotate the right outer
knob as necessary to position the cursor over the waypoint iden-
tifier which you desire to follow the waypoint being added.
3. Use the right inner and outer knobs in the normal manner to
define the desired waypoint.
4. Press F to display the waypoint page for this identifier. If the
waypoint is correct, then press F a second time to confirm the
waypoint page. The new waypoint is added to the waypoints that
make up the SID or STAR procedure.
To delete an individual waypoint in a SID or STAR procedure:
1. Use the right knobs to select the FPL 0 page.
2. Rotate the right outer knob to place the cursor over the waypoint
to be deleted.
3. Press E. The letters DEL (delete) will appear to the left of the
identifier and a question mark will appear to the right of the
4. If this is the desired waypoint to delete, then press F. If it is
not the desired waypoint, press E.
NOTE: Adding waypoints to or deleting waypoints from SID or STAR
procedures does not change the way that they are stored in the pub-
lished data base.
To change or delete an entire SID or STAR procedure from the
active flight plan:
1. Use the right knobs to select the FPL 0 page.
2. Turn the cursor on by pressing the B. Move the cursor over
the SID or STAR procedure header by using the left outer knob.
KLN 89/KLN 89B Pilot’s Guide Approaches and SID/STARs
Approaches and SID/STARs
Chapter 5