
Table Of Contents
800MHz BDA (Pasadena Figuero Tunnel)
Maintenance Handbook
H/book Number:-60-056100HBKM
Issue No:-1
19 of 52
5.3 4-Way Splitter/Combiner (05-003302)
5.3.1 Description
The Splitter/Combiner used is a device for accurately matching two or more RF signals to
single or multiple ports, whilst maintaining an accurate 50 load to all inputs/outputs and
ensuring that the VSWR and insertion losses are kept to a minimum. Any unused ports
will be terminated with an appropriate 50 load. This splitter is used in conjunction with
the previously mentioned 05-002602 to split & combine the signal before and after the
channel selective modules (in both up & downlink paths).
5.3.2 Technical Specification
Frequency range: 700-1000MHz
Bandwidth: >200MHz
Rejection: >14dB
Insertion loss: 6.5dB (typical)
Connectors: SMA
Weight: <1.5kg
-10ΒC to +55ΒC
-40ΒC to +70ΒC
5.4 ¼Watt 0- -30dB Switched Attenuator (10-000701)
5.4.1 General Application
In many practical applications for Cell Enhancers etc., the gain in each path is found to be
excessive. Therefore, provision is made within the unit for the setting of attenuation in
each path, to reduce the gain.
5.4.2 Switched Attenuators
The AFL switched attenuators are available in two different types; 0 – 30dB in 2 dB steps
(as in this case), or 0 – 15dB in 1 dB steps. The attenuation is simply set using the four
miniature toggle switches on the top of each unit. Each switch is clearly marked with the
attenuation it provides, and the total attenuation in line is the sum of the values switched
in. They are designed to maintain an accurate 50 impedance over their operating
frequency at both input and output.