Safavieh Calm Bathroom Faucet




Aptly named for its relaxing, sensuous qualities, this Safavieh Calm Bathroom Faucet dispenses a gentle waterfall that is calming to see, feel and hear Clean lines and a gleaming chrome finish capture the sleek aspect of minimalist design, making Calm a distinctive accent for contemporary bathrooms Dimensions: 1.9-in x 5.6-in x 5.9-in Ideal for vessel sink applications Metal Finish: Chrome Content: Brass 90%/Zinc 6%/Stainless Steel 3%/Plastic 1% Max Flow Rate 1.5 GPM at 60 PSI Item Weight: 2.5-in Solea Faucet Lifetime Limited Warranty CA Residents: Prop 65 WARNING(S)


1CA Prop 65N/A12021-01-01
2Dimensions GuideEN12019-02-25
3Owner ManualFR22022-01-06