The Pitch parameters function lets you perform operations
which determine how the pitch changes over time. The pitch
change over time, created by the pitch envelope generator
(PEG), can be controlled by key-on velocity for each note. The
speed of the pitch change can be adjusted across the keyboard.
To access the Pitch parameters function, from within Voice
Edit Mode, press [F5] ( Pitch ) or TRACK [13].
SCALE - To specify the Scale parameters for each
element, from within the Pitch parameters function,
press [F4] ( Scale ).
KEYBOARD PITCH SCALE (0 ~ 4) - Position the
cursor over the Scale setting field and use the JOG,
INC/DEC or the KEYPAD to adjust the pitch change
of the selected element across the keyboard .
0 (normal) - Normal pitch setting, or equal
1 (50 cents/key) - Starting at C3, the pitch changes
50 cents from key to key.
2 (20 cents/key) -Starting at C3, the pitch changes
20 cents from key to key.
3 (10 cents/key) -Starting at C3, the pitch changes
10 cents from key to key.
4 (5 cents/key) - Starting at C3, the pitch changes
5 cents from key to key.
TEMPLATE TYPE (00 ~ 40) - Position the cursor
over the Type number field and use the JOG, INC/
DEC or the KEYPAD to select the type of pitch
envelope generator (PEG)
, which gives you
instant access to the basic EG shapes of many types
of sounds. There are a wide variety of EG types to
choose from, including those from all major acoustic
and many electronic instruments. A setting of 00 is
the default EG for the preset voice. (To see a list of
the various template types, refer to the
Technical Information
booklet, provided separately.)
NOTE: The template type determines the maximum and
minimum range. Therefore, an offset which exceeds the
range of the template type will have no effect.
DECAY 1 (-63 ~ +63) - Position the cursor over
the Decay 1 offset field and use the JOG, INC/DEC
or the KEYPAD to determine the length of time of
the first decay of the sound, between the maximum
level and Decay 2.
DECAY 2 (-63 ~ +63) - Position the cursor over
the Decay 2 offset field and use the JOG, INC/DEC
or the KEYPAD to determine the length of time of
the second decay of the sound, between Decay 1 and
RELEASE (-63 ~ + 63) - Position the cursor over
the Release offset field and use the JOG, INC/DEC
or the KEYPAD to determine the amount of time it
takes for the sound to reach zero volume after the
key is released.
TIME RANGE (x 1, x 2, x 5, x 10, x 20, x 50) -
Pressing [F3] selects the time range of the EG
graphic display, where x 1 displays the shortest
time in the most detail.
SEGMENT (Seg 1 ~ 3, Koff, Rel) - Pressing [F4]
selects the particular segment of the EG which is
TEMPLATE TYPE (00 ~ 59) - See Tone, above.
The filter EG is entirely separate from the amplitude EG,
and is used specifically to create time-based timbre
variations. It can be used to simulate the natural timbre
variations produced by acoustic instruments, or to
create more pronounced electronic effects.
Attack Decay 1 Release
Key on Key off
Decay 2
In the above example, when the note is pressed, the
envelope begins at zero (normal level) as determined by
the Attack setting, reaching the maximum level as
determined by the EG type. When the attack phase is
achieved, the envelope moves to Decay 1 at the specified
Decay 1 rate, then moves to Decay 2 at the specified
Decay 2 rate. When the key is released, the sound fades
according to the specified Release rate.