User Manual
[VCM] Compressor 276
Compressor 276 emulates the characteristics of an analog compressor that is a staple in recording
studios. You can obtain thick, strong sounds that are suitable for drums and bass parts.
This plug-in operates in mono or stereo mode, depending on the channel configuration of the rack.
[INPUT] Knob
Adjusts the input level.
[RATIO] Knob
Adjust the ratio of the compressor.
Adjusts the attack time of the compressor.
Adjusts the output gain.
When activated, it automatically compensates for the drop in output gain when the compressor
is applied.
When activated, less compression is applied to the low frequencies so that the low frequencies
are emphasized.
Adjusts the release time of the compressor.
[VU] Meter
Displays the signal that is selected with the [GR]/[-10]/[-20]/[OFF] switch.
[GR]/[-10]/[-20]/[OFF] Switch
Selects the signal that is monitored by the VU meter.
GR: Displays the amount of gain reduction.
-10: Displays the signal with 0VU as -10 dBu.
-20: Displays the signal with 0VU as -20 dBu.
OFF: Deactivates the VU meter.
Dynamics Plug-ins
VST Rack Pro Plug-in Reference | 69