28 PSR-S975/S775 Reference Manual
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This determines how the Style playback volume changes depending on
the playing strength.
OFF: The volume is kept the same regardless of playing strength.
NARROW: The volume changes over a narrow range.
MEDIUM: The volume changes over a medium range.
WIDE: The volume changes over a wide range.
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This determines how long you can hold a chord before the Synchro Stop
function is automatically cancelled. When the [SYNC STOP] button is
turned on and this is set to a value other than “OFF,” this automatically
cancels the Synchro Stop function if you hold a chord for longer than the
time set here. This conveniently resets Style playback control to normal,
letting you release the keys and still have the Style play. In other words, if
you release the keys sooner than the time set here, the Synchro Stop func-
tion works.
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SECTION SET Determines the default section that is automatically called up when select-
ing different Styles (when Style playback is stopped). When set to “OFF”
and Style playback is stopped, the active section is maintained even if the
different Style is selected. When any of the MAIN A–D sections is not
included in the Style data, the nearest section is automatically selected.
For example, when MAIN D is not contained in the selected Style, MAIN
C will be called up.
[7 ] TEMPO This determines whether the tempo setting of the Style changes or not
when you change Styles.
LOCK: The previous tempo setting is always maintained.
HOLD: During Style playback, the previous tempo setting is maintained.
When Style playback is stopped, the tempo changes to that of the
default tempo for the selected Style.
RESET: The tempo always changes to that of the default tempo for the
selected Style.
[8 ] PART ON/OFF This determines whether the Style Channel On/Off status changes or not
when you change Styles.
LOCK: The Channel On/Off status of the previous Style is always main-
HOLD: During Style playback, the Channel On/Off status of the previ-
ous Style is maintained. When Style playback is stopped, all Style
Channels are set to On.
RESET: All Style Channels are set to On.