Westinghouse 4-Stroke Small Engine Oil
Relevant Hazard Statements:
● H315 - Causes skin irritation
● H318 - Causes serious eye damage
● H350 - May cause cancer
● H400 - Very toxic to aquatic life
● H410 - Very toxic to aquatic life with long-lasting effects
Classification According to Regulation EC No. 1272/2008:
● Serious eye damage/eye irritation
● Carcinogenicity
● Hazardous to the aquatic environment - long-term (chronic) aquatic hazard
● The classification of the mixture is generally based on the calculation method
using substance data according to Regulation EC No. 1272/2008
The contents and format of this SDS are in accordance with Regulation EC No.
1907/2006, 1272/2008, and Regulation EU No. 2015/830
Disclaimer of Liability:
The information in this SDS was obtained from sources which we believe are reliable.
However, the information is provided without any warranty, express or implied,
regarding its correctness. The conditions or methods of handling, storage, use or
disposal of the product are beyond our control and may be beyond our knowledge. For
this and other reason, we do not assume responsibility and expressly disclaim liability
for loss, damage, or expense arising out of or in any way connected with the handling,
storage, use or disposal of the product. This SDS was prepared and is to be used only
for this product. If the product is used as a component in another product, this SDS
information may not be applicable.
Abbreviations and Acronyms:
ADR: Accord europėen sur le transport des marchandises dangereuses par Route
(European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by
IMDG: International Maritime Code for dangerous goods
IATA: International Air Transport Association
GHS: Globally Harmonised System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals
EINECS: European Inventory of Existing Commercial Chemical Substances
ELINCS: European List of Notified Chemical Substances
CAS: Chemical Abstracts Service (division of the American Chemical Society)
DNEL: Derived No-Effect Level (REACH)
PNEC: Predicted No-Effect Concentration (REACH)
LC50: Lethal concentration, 50%
LD50: Lethal dose, 50%
PBT: Persistent, Bioaccumulative and Toxic