Technical data

644 Keysight InfiniiVision 2000 X-Series Oscilloscopes Programmer's Guide
30 :WAVeform Commands
(see page 792)
Query Syntax
The :WAVeform:PREamble query requests the preamble information for the
selected waveform source. The preamble data contains information concerning
the vertical and horizontal scaling of the data of the corresponding channel.
Return Format
<preamble_block> ::= <format 16-bit NR1>,
<type 16-bit NR1>,
<points 32-bit NR1>,
<count 32-bit NR1>,
<xincrement 64-bit floating point NR3>,
<xorigin 64-bit floating point NR3>,
<xreference 32-bit NR1>,
<yincrement 32-bit floating point NR3>,
<yorigin 32-bit floating point NR3>,
<yreference 32-bit NR1>
<format> ::= 0 for BYTE format, 1 for WORD format, 4 for ASCii format;
an integer in NR1 format (format set by :WAVeform:FORMat).
<type> ::= 2 for AVERage type, 0 for NORMal type, 1 for PEAK detect
type; an integer in NR1 format (type set by :ACQuire:TYPE).
<count> ::= Average count or 1 if PEAK or NORMal; an integer in NR1
format (count set by :ACQuire:COUNt).
See Also "Introduction to :WAVeform Commands" on page 629
":ACQuire:COUNt" on page 186
Y origin (V)
Y increment =
voltage of 1 Vstep
Y reference = #Vsteps / 2
X origin (t)
X increment (t) = time between successive points
X reference = 0
Delay = (#points / 2) * Xincrement + Xorig
#Vsteps =
65536 (if format = WORD)
256 (if format = BYTE)