Use and Care Manual

Ulmately, the best way to care and keep your sink like new is to protect
it with Glacier Ice. This nanotechnology will prevent any hard water spots
or oxidaon on the sink and faucet. This ecofriendly sealant will seal the
pores in the stone prevenng any possible staining or moisture absorpon.
For everyday cleaning simply use a so cloth or sponge, soap and warm
water. Cleaning on a regular basis will help prevent the development of
hard water deposits. We recommend all spills to be wiped up immediately.
Do not allow surface deposits of water bi-products such as calcium, salt or
detergents build up on the stone sink as it will be dicult to clean.
For a nice glossy shine, seal the sink with Glacier Ice or another stone
sealant once a year. Polished surfaces are much less porous while
unpolished surfaces are generally more porous, making them suscepble
to staining and moisture absorpon.
Cauon: Do NOT use any acidic le cleaners, ammonia, abrasive or so
paste cleaners. Also vinegar, lemon juice, steel wool or metal brushes
should be avoided as this may damage the nish.
Glacier Ice (if included) will protect
sinks, faucets and
shower doors from
mineral buildup and
hard water spots. This
pre-soaked cloth will
cover up to 40 sq. feet
and is reusable for
mulple uses.
Glacier Ice Faucet and Sink
professional kit will not
only restore sinks, fau-
cets and shower doors
from mineral buildup and
hard water spots. It will
also protect from future
corrosion, oxidaon, mold
and mildew. Great for
exisng sinks and faucets.

Summary of content (1 pages)