Service Manual

Adjusting Pinion Shaft Cone Center
“Cone Center” is the distance from the mating face of
housing to end face of pinion (Fig. 25A). This
distance can be increased or decreased by installing
removing shims.
Cone center specification 43 ± 0.05mm
(1.69 ± 0.002 in.)
Shim stock for this adjustment is available in the follow-
ing thicknesses:
Thickness Part No.
Shim set 77-4010
0.1 mm (0.004 in.) 76-7410
0.2 mm (0.008 in.) 76-7420
0.4 mm (0.016 in.) 77-7430
Figure 25A
Determine the required thickness of shim by proceeding
as follows:
1. Apply grease to o-rings. Install o-rings to sleeve, then
stall sleeve assembly into adapter case.
2. Put a straightedge on end of pinion shaft and measure
distance between bottom of straightedge and face of
adaptor case (Fig. 25B). Subract 43 mm (1.69 in.) from
measured distance. Select shim(s) closest to result.
Figure 25B
Example: 43.18 mm (measured distance) – 43 = 0.18 mm.
Use 0.02 mm shim.
Apply grease to o-ring and fit to mating face of sleeve.
Attach adapter case to axle housing (A) and secure by
tightening bolts to proper torque.
Adapter bolt torque 2.5 3.0 kg-m
(18 22 ft-lb)
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