Instruction Set BR, BRANCH
*BR, BRANCH Branch to .......... destination
Syntax BR dst
Operation dst PC
Emulation MOV dst,PC
Description An unconditional branch is taken to an address anywhere in the 64K address space. All
source addressing modes can be used. The branch instruction is a word instruction.
Status Bits Status bits are not affected.
Example Examples for all addressing modes are given.
BR #EXEC ; Branch to label EXEC or direct branch (e.g. #0A4h)
; Core instruction MOV @PC+,PC
BR EXEC ; Branch to the address contained in EXEC
; Core instruction MOV X(PC),PC
; Indirect address
BR &EXEC ; Branch to the address contained in absolute
; address EXEC
; Core instruction MOV X(0),PC
; Indirect address
BR R5 ; Branch to the address contained in R5
; Core instruction MOV R5,PC
; Indirect R5
BR @R5 ; Branch to the address contained in the word
; pointed to by R5.
; Core instruction MOV @R5+,PC
; Indirect, indirect R5
BR @R5+ ; Branch to the address contained in the word pointed
; to by R5 and increment pointer in R5 afterwards.
; The next time--S/W flow uses R5 pointer--it can
; alter program execution due to access to
; next address in a table pointed to by R5
; Core instruction MOV @R5,PC
; Indirect, indirect R5 with autoincrement
BR X(R5) ; Branch to the address contained in the address
; pointed to by R5 + X (e.g. table with address
; starting at X). X can be an address or a label
; Core instruction MOV X(R5),PC
; Indirect, indirect R5 + X
SLAU144JDecember 2004Revised July 2013 CPU
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