
Instruction Set Description ADCX
* ADCX.A Add carry to destination address-word
* ADCX.[W] Add carry to destination word
* ADCX.B Add carry to destination byte
ADCX.A dst
ADCX dst or ADCX.W dst
ADCX.B dst
Operation dst + C dst
ADDCX.A #0,dst
ADDCX #0,dst
ADDCX.B #0,dst
Description The carry bit (C) is added to the destination operand. The previous contents of the
destination are lost.
Status Bits N: Set if result is negative (MSB = 1), reset if positive (MSB = 0)
Z: Set if result is zero, reset otherwise
C: Set if there is a carry from the MSB of the result, reset otherwise
V: Set if the result of two positive operands is negative, or if the result of two negative
numbers is positive, reset otherwise
Mode Bits OSCOFF, CPUOFF, and GIE are not affected.
Example The 40-bit counter, pointed to by R12 and R13, is incremented.
INCX.A @R12 ; Increment lower 20 bits
ADCX.A @R13 ; Add carry to upper 20 bits
CPUX SLAU144JDecember 2004Revised July 2013
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