Operation Manual

Training Tacx Films
- 1 - 16 oktober 2013
Tacx Films
The Tacx films are divided into the following categories: cycling classics, mountain stages, training
with the pros, Cycletours, Climbs Collection, triathlon, download films and Citytrips. On
www.tacx.com you will find information about the films. Here you can order the DVDs through the
online shop.
The Tacx Films are Slope/Distance training rides. The speed of the film is influenced by your cycling
speed. When riding uphill the brake will generate so much resistance that you can really feel the
incline. The i-Genius Multiplayer will accelerate itself in a descent. ErgoVideo stands for power
training (in Watt/Time) with the pros. It is an efficient way to improve your fitness and cycling
technique in a remarkably short time. All films are shot in widescreen and linked with Google
Earth’s 3D maps. You can install the film on the hard drive or play it from the DVD.
You can distinguish the ErgoVideos and Real Life Videos from one another through the icon that is
displayed in front of the title.
Real Life Video
Choosing a film
The quickest way to start a training session is through this button. A list with the last training rides
of the selected user will appear via the menu on the left. These are training rides (with or without
opponents) that you have completed in the past and may want to repeat. At the bottom you will see
Films with an article number lower than T1956.30 are not compatible with Tacx Trainer software

Summary of content (11 pages)