KILL 5: WHERE THEY HIDE» 572 ahh on son SRR SAT ibe ion do oe siding pun tans.
DIRECTIONS FOR USE Iris a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with ts labeling, USE RESTRICTIONS + Do not apply to bed linens or surfaces that will be In direct contact with occupants of the bed. + Do not apply to stuffed animals or toys. + Da not apply as a broadcast surface spray. + Not Intended for commercial applications. + Do not allow people or pets to re-enter the treated area until after spray has dried. + Not for use on humans or animals.
Continent to Inspect treated areas and repeat applications every 2 weeks, whir bed bugs and their eggs are preen. For persistent bed bug activity, consults pest management professional. When treating luggage: Remove the contents and spray bed bugs and their eggs. Also spray areas that may hide them by focusing on the comers, pockets, and seams, Allow luggage to dry before reuse.
STORAGE AND DISPOSAL PESTICIDE | Keep from freezing, To be stored in original container STORAGE: | and placed in areas inaccessible to children. PESTICIDE | Nonrefillable container. Do not reuse or refill this DISPOSAL | container. If empty: Place In trash or offer for recycling AND available, If partly filled: Call your local dolls waste CONTAINER | agency for disposal instructions. Never place unused HANDLING: | product down any indoor or outdoor drain.
Ralo) Es una violación a la ley federal usar este producto con otros fines que los indicados en la etiqueta.
COMO APLICARLO: Para tratar las chinches y sus huevos: Ocie las chinches y sus huevos.
Ll FES VAT Foy + Emitan que as personas y as mascota presencial sea tratada hasta que el rodado se haya secado. + Lave bien con agua jaén todas las superficies los utensilios para el procesamiento de alimentos antes de volverá usarlos. INSTRUCCIONES DE USO DE LA CONFORT RWANDA* Prepare [avaricia 1. Retire [a varilla del sujetador lateral, 2. Retire latirá jalando de ella para activar las pilas. 3. Desdoble la varilla hasta que quede firmemente asegurada en su lugar. 4, Extienda completamente la varilla.
MACERAMIENTO Y ELIMINACIÓN ALMACENAMIENTO | Proteja del congelamiento. Para ser almacenada DEL PESTICIDA: | en su envase original y colocado en lugares Inaccesibles para los nidios ELIMINATORIO | Este envase no se puede rellenar. No wefvaa PESTICIDA usar ni llenar este envase. Si esto vació: Tírelo a MANEJO DEL la basura o, si esto disponible, ofrézcale para ENVASE: reciclaje, Si ésta parcialmente llana; Líame 2 su agencia de desechos Sidos local para obtener instrucciones sobre como efeminar el produce.
STORAGE AND DISPOSAL PESTICIDE | Keep from freezing. To be stored in original container STORAGE: | and placed in areas Inaccessible to children. PESTICIDE | Nonrefillable container. Do not reuse of refill this DISPOSAL | container. Ff empty: Place in trash or offer for recycling AND available. If partly filed: Call your local dolls waste CONTAINER | agency for disposal Instructions. Never place unused HANDLING: | product down any indoor or outdoor drain.