Owner's Manual
[SV21900(MBC )05/95]
Check for leaks at the draincock, block plug
and vent plug.
[SV22000(MBC )03/95]
Recheck the engine coolant level, using the
recommended procedure, after one or two
occasions of vehicle use.
[SV22010( BC )05/95]
4.6L engine only
[SV22014( ALL)03/95]
With the engine OFF and cool, remove the
pressure cap, located on the coolant reservoir.
Remove the heater hose and clamp, located
on the rear of the intake manifold.
[SV22021( ALL)03/95]
Add a 50/50 mixture of specified coolant and
water to the coolant reservoir. Refer to Refill
Capacities later in this chapter for the correct
amount. Add coolant to the reservoir until
the coolant continuously flows out of the tube
in the rear of engine. Reattach hose and
secure clamp.
[SV22026( ALL)03/95]
Continue to fill the reservoir until the coolant
is at the FULL COLD level.
[SV22031( ALL)05/95]
Reinstall the pressure cap to the fully
installed position.
[SV22036( ALL)05/95]
Start and idle the engine until the radiator
upper hose is warm (this indicates the
thermostat is open and coolant is flowing
through the entire system).
[SV22041( ALL)03/95]
Immediately shut off the engine and let cool.
Cautiously remove the pressure relief cap and
add a 50/50 mixture of specified coolant and
water until the coolant is at the COLD FILL
level in the coolant reservoir.
[SV22046( ALL)03/95]
Reinstall the pressure cap securely.
Update:Mon Jun 12 16:45:15 1995