
E94AYCCA communication manual (CANopen®)
Parameter reference
Communication-relevant parameters of the standard device
106 L EDS94AYCCA EN 5.0 - 06/2012
Parameter | Name:
C01130 | CAN SYNC application cycle
Data type: UNSIGNED_16
Index: 23445
= 5B95
From software version V3.0
This parameter influences the effect of the sync phase position (C01122
) with regard to the instant of acceptance
of the synchronous PDOs by the application or the instant of transmission of the synchronous PDOs to the system
bus (CANopen).
The resulting PDO delay can be calculated with the following formula, taking an internal processing time of
150 μs into consideration: PDO delay = (C01121
- C01122 + 150 μs) modulo C01130
For the Lenze setting, the behaviour remains as before; the sync phase position (C01122
) is always calculated
"modulo 1000".
The set value is automatically rounded down to multiples of 1000 μs.
Effect of C01130 on the sync phase position
( 54)
Note: Setting the application cycle to a higher value than the sync cycle time (C01121
) results in an undefined
response. The same applies if the value set for the sync phase position (C01122
) is higher than the sync cycle time
). In this case, the drive usually cannot send synchronous PDOs on the system bus anymore.
Synchronisation of PDOs via sync telegram
( 50)
Setting range (min. value | unit | max. value) Lenze setting
1000 μs 65000 1000 μs
; Read access ; Write access CINH PLC STOP No transfer Scaling factor: 1
The standard device codes C01501 and C01502 are not effective when using the
CANopen communication module.