IMPORTANT READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS carefully and completely before using the receiver. SAVE THIS INSTRUCTION MANUAL — This instruction manual contains important safety and operating instructions for the IC:R100. FOREWORD Thank you for purchasing loom's IC-R100 COMMUNICATIONS RECEIVER. An advanced wide band receiver, the IC:R100 has the following features: * Wide band frequency coverage 0.1~ 1856 MHz" continuously with FM, AM and Wide FM modes. *Guaranteed range: 0.5~ 1800 MHz.
TABLE OF CONTENTS UNPACKING IMPORTANT FOREWORD OPERATING NOTES i, i TABLE OF CONTENTS .. UNPACKING PANEL DESCRIPTION .. o INSTALLATIONS i 5 FREQUENCY SETTING RECEIVING 5 MEMORY CHANNEL 6 SCAN OPERATION CLOCK & TIMER ..oiimiinamminaiiaig, 20 MAINTENANCE SPECIFICATIONS 0 OPTIONS i g FEn 0060 6006 (1) VHF telescoping antenna @) HF wire antenna {QPC-063) (3) DC prows c¢able (OP-131) @ Taunting bracket (8) Mounting support bracket (6) Rubber feet and screws (M2.
1 PANEL DESCRIPTION H Front panel COMMUTATIONS REVELER © POWER SWITCH/VOLUME CONTROL ®.9) Turns power ON and OFF when pushing the control. Adjusts the audio output level when rotating the control. © TUNING CONTROL (p. 9) Sets the frequency or memory channel. The [FIRM] key sets the tuning control for frequency or memory channel changes. © UP/DOWN SWITCHES . Change the frequency or memory channel.
© KEYBOARD PANEL DESCRIPTION 1 or. memory channel. Selects FM, WEM or AM. = Selects a tuning step. P9 & = Displays time in 24-hour system, p. 20 | Enters CLOCK mode. p. 20 Activates preamble or attenuation. Activates the AFC or ANL function. Changes a memory channel number S i Writes: the displayed contents into input digits for frequency-or memory channel. p. 18 fiwsgmt%f : Control while hold P14 memory channel setting. & : {pgs.
1 PANEL DESCRIPTION B Function display ~ © INSTIGATOR (p. 11) Shows the relative received signal strength, ; @ MEMORY INDICATOR(p. 12) miff WEM MIAMI ANL] 1k 18k Appears when MEMORY mode is selected and disappears 5§ 1254 O when FREQUENCY mode is selected. The [FR/M] key turns ON/OFF the indicator. © SKIP INDICATOR (0. 19} o— PARADISE PRIG SKIP MODE (9 fflflr—@ Appears when the memory charmer is set as the skip L ©O MIMED FREED AUTO channel. MEMORY CHANNEL READOUT (p.
B Rear panel e(@e offend o(d)e ® 0w s -QI@ ANTENNA CONNECTOR [MHz -~ 905MHz] (0. 7) Connects to the supplied telescoping antenna 1000 MHz wide band antenna to suit your need with a Type-N connector. © ANTENNA CONNECTOR [0.5MHz ~ MHz] (p. 7) Connects to the supplied wire antenna or 0.5~ 50 MHz antenna fo suit your need with PL-259 connector, PANEL DESCRIPTION 1 @ ANTENNA CONNECTOR [905MHz ~ 1800MH2] (p. 7) Connects to the supplied telescoping antenna or a .
2 INSTALLATIONS Bl Power connection CAUTION: ever connect the receiver directly battery. 1C:R100 rear pans CABLE TIE Use the supplied cable fie to prevent the power cable from accidentally becoming unplugged. CO-11 (optional) Supplied DC power cable white black Fuse (FGB 2 A) IN YOUR VEHICLE BE CAREFUL! Set the [CLOCK] switch on the rear panel to "OFF when directly connection 12 ¥V battery. When [CLOCK] is set at “LAMP! or "ON," the receiver-consumes some electricity even if the power is OFF.
B Mobile installation Select location which can support the weight of the receiver and does not interfere with driving in any way. CAUTION NEVER place the receiver ware normal operation of the vehicle may be hindered or where it could cause bodily injury. DO NOT place the receiver where large temperature changes. INSTALLATIONS 2 * Location samples in vehicle * Using the mounting bracket 1) Drill four holes where the mounting bracket stalled. * Hole sizes; approx. 5.5~6 mm when using nuts. approx.
2 INSTALLATIONS B Home installation Attach 4 rubber stands to the bottom of the receiver when no external speaker is connected. Audio from the internal speaker will be more clearly output, Keep away from extreme heat, cold, vibrations, TV sets, TV antenna elements, radios, personal computers and electromagnetic sources, s Attaching rubber stands B Antenna For optimum receiver operation, antennas are one of the important factors along with sensitivity. | The supplied antenna may give you enough sensitivity.
B Antenna connector INSTALLATIONS 2 * PL-259 connector = 3/8 inch) Slide the coupling ring. Strip the cable jacket and soft solder. Strip the cable as shown at left. ‘Soft solder the center conductor, Slide the connector body and solder it Screw the coupling ring onto the connector body. * Type-N connector Rubber gasket in cry U8 bed Slide parts as shown at left. Cut the end of ‘the cable evenly. Strip the cable and fold the braid over the clamp. Evenly trim: the braid ends. Sat solder the center conductor.
B 3 FREQUENCY SETTING B Before setting B Setting operation Be sure the [DC13.8V] jack and antennas are properly con Import ANT | : When no frequency appears on the nested before turning ON power. See pgs. & -8 for connect function display, proceed “Using the keyboard” (p. 10} first. son details. After confirming, push the [VOL] control to turn ON power.
FREQUENCY SETTING 3 ¢ Using the keyboard 1) Push [FIRM] to turn off the I indicator. 2) Push [ENT) « When & frequency is displaced, it disappears. 3) Enter the desired frequency using the digit key. s Ernie [ +] between the 1 MHz and 100 KHz quilts, and between 11kHz and: 500:Hz units: » If-a wrong frequency 18 entered, push: [ENT] twice and enter again. 43 Push [ENT] to store the entered frequency. * 5 sec.
4 B Basic receiving RECEIVING [MDSE] fimc@ e Relater DDD@ Shows relative signal strength while receiving @ signal ;vou .k 400 | {SQUELCH] » Receive mode Push [MODE] 1o select the desired receive mode. Moog f STATION EXAMPLE WHEN THE . WRONG Amateur band; sle. M Business band, Marine band; MODE IS SELECTED * Audi distorts, * Only noise can behead: band, etc. WEM : Wide £ TV band, FM broadcasting, etc. * Small audio and large AM Broadcasting, Air band, Citizen noise interference, « S.indicator : instability.
i B Memory channel outline The IC-R100 has 100 memory channels, 20 programmable scan edge channels and 1 priority scan channel. memory channel stores frequency, mode, tuning step and preamp/attenuator information, and has the following special functions. These memory channels are very useful for quick changing fo a desired frequency. MEMORY CHANNEL Each » Using the tuning control 1) Push [FRI MI 1o light up the [P indicator. = 2} Rotate the tuning control 10 select a memory channel.
5 MEMORY CHANNEL 'l Memory writing Each memory channel has frequency, mode, tuning step and preamplifier/attenuator programming capability. ~ 4) Set the frequency, mode and tuning s Frequency setting = Seep. 9 » Mode setting = Seep. 11 « Tuning step setting =~ See p. § 1) Push [FIRM] to light up the I indicator. 2) Rotate the tuning control to select the desired memory channel. « The [UPJOHN] switches and lase be used. 8) Push [FR/M] to turn off the i indicator. step.
MEMORY CHANNEL B B Channel number change = B Memory clearing The memory channel number only can be changed while Unwanted memory channel contents can be cleared. keeping the displayed frequency. This function is: useful ‘ . when you wish to memorize the displayed frequency into a 1) Push [ER/M] to light up the HB indicator.
SCAN OPERATION B Selecting a scan The scan function automatically scans signals in the specified frequency range or in the memory channels. The 1C-R100 has 9 scan types to fit your signal searching needs.
SCAN OPERATION B * Memory scan Repeatedly scans all memory channels in sequence except blanked memory channels. * Priority scan Watches memory channel P-P at 5 sec. intervals. The tuning control can be used even while scanning. &sac App ion frequency BE * Auto memory write scan Automatically programs the received frequency into memory channels 80 ~ 99 during programmed scan. i When retiring | T Nice signora, Scan Lol * Programmed skip scan ' Skip programmed frequencies during programmed scan.
6 SCAN OPERATION B Scan resume condition The scan pauses when it finds a'signal, and then resumes or is canceled depending on the delectable scan resume condition. The receiver has 3 types of scan resume conditions for a wide variety of scaring possibilities. Push [TSP-M] to select the desired resume condition. HOHHOT fin L & s OFF Scan pauses while receiving a signal and resumes approx, 28ec. after the signal disappears.
SCAN OPERATION 6 NOTE: Set the squelch to the threshold point when operating the scan. B Scan operation . g PROGRAMMED Sel the scan sedge frequencies. (p. 19) Push [8/51 Up to 10 groups of scan edges can be programmed. then push ou PROGRAMMED SKIP SPROG SKIP Set the scan edge frequencies. SCAN Program the skip frequencies while scanning (p: 19) 101 MEMORY SCAN MEMO Program the desired frequencies into memory channels. Push .
B SCAN OPERATION ~— CONVENIENT * During scan operation The following conditions can be changed during stein operation: * Shari direction (Push [UP] or » Receive mode (Push [MODE]) » Tuning step (Push [T5]) » Scan resume condition (Push [ST P-M]) » Amplifier or attenuation (Push [PREMATURE) « AEC or ANL function (Push [AEC ALL) « Tuning control also stops a scan (except priority scan).
» TN . CLOCK&TIMER 7/ B -CLOCK mode FREQUENCY DISPLAY The receiver is equipped with a clock and 4 Kinds of timer @ mn 1 functions. These functions may be used with broadcasting s . BLC00 » station programs or utility station schedules. D‘ After m . oan e 2 sec. | L * Timer types TIMER TYPE FUNCTION 3 ohg POWER ON TIMER | Turns power ON at the per-set time. POWER OFF TIMER | Tums power OFF at the per-set time.
7 CLOCK & TIMER B Daily and once-only timer selection Each timer {(power on, power off or memory select timer) has 3 types of timer conditions. . Those are timer-off, daily timer and one-only timer. Timer: operand 'ume is selected, !though the timer does not function. TIMER-OFF DAILY TIMER The selected timer operates everyday. The selected timer.operates only one time. After activating the timer, the display automatically changes to the aromatic condition.
B Timer start and cancel CLOCK & TIMER 7 * Timer start . * Before starting a timer, be sure of the following points: Clock time is set. Timer operating time is set. » The desired timer is selected as the daily or once-only timer. Whine starting timers, the function display shows activating timers for approx. 2 sec. as below, SLEEP TIMER Push [FUN] then [UPL. OTHER TIMERS Push [FUN] then [DN]. * Timer cancel (1) When the power is still ON. ~ SLEEP TIMER Push [FUN] then [UP].
7 CLOCK & TIMER * Time setting examples CLOCK SETTING Set the clock to 9:00. 1) Be sure the timer function is turned OFF. ¢ (5" must disappear. 2} Access CLOCK mode. * Push [FUN] then JACKLYN 3) Select the clock setting display. » Push [UP] several times until “GL! appears. 4) Set the time 1o 9:00. » Push digit keys: advance to another timer setting display. -« Advance the display—> Push [UF]. then [DN]. 5) Return to'the frequency display or » Frequency display =~ Push [ENTENTE.
CLOCK & TIMER 7 POWER OFF TIMER SETTING Set the power off time 1o 21:80 as the daily timer. 1) Be sure the timer function is turned OFF. * (0 ' must disappear. 2) Access CLOCK mode. « Push [DUNG] then {CLACK. 3) Select the power off setting display. * Push{UP] several times until “oF appears, 4) Select the dally timer. * Push. [DN] until “d" appears. 5) Set the time to 21:30. » Push digit keys: 6) Return to the frequency display or advance to another timer setting display.
" B Troubleshooting Power does not come on. * DC power cable is not connect: « Connect the cable to the [DC 13.8 V] jack * The fuses are blown. * C Heck the cause, then replace the fuse. Polarity of the power cable connection is | '» Connect the cable properly.. reversed, white = positive; black ~*negative p. 8 Lock indication and the timberland power on timer is activated. * Push [DN]. p. 22 actor appears when power is ON.
B CPU resetting 1f the function display occasionally displays erroneous information, the CPU should be reset before sending the receiver to an com Dealer or Service Center, : BE CAREFUL! After resetting the CPU, all information you have programmed anti the memory channels and clock time is erased. 1) Turn power OFE, 2) While pushing [FUN] and [ENTENTE, turn power ON. « The function display shows all segments for 2~ 3 sec.
O SPECIFICATIONS «Frequency coverage * Sensitivity U.S.A. Europe, Australia versions 0.1 1856 MHz® 13.95~ 145 MHz, 280~ 207 MHz, 144.0 ~ 146.0 MHz, MHz, 11240.0 -~ 1300.0 MHz Germany version France version MHz, 108.0~ 1856 MH2" *Specifications: guaranteed 0.5~ 1800 MHz. s Mode AM, FM, Wide FM (WFM) « Tuning step increment 1, 5,8, 8,10, 125, Antenna impedance 50 O (unbalanced) * Power supply i 138V DC +15% requirement (negative ground) Less than 1.
I option S 10 N AH-7000 SUPER WIDE BAND UNIDIRECTIONAL ANTENNA Provides super wide band coverage from 25 to 1300 MHz. CO-11 CIGARETTE LIGHTER CABLE WITH NOISE FILTER Easy power connection with in-car cigarette lighter socket. AC ADAPTER Large current capacity AC adapter for easy power connection through an AC outlet. SP-10 EXTERNAL SPEAKER Compact | speaker for operation: mobile SP-12 EXTERNAL SPEAKER Slim-type speaker for easy mobile installation.
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