Tips for Locating NonStop Manuals on the HPSC
3. Press Enter or click the magnifying glass icon to display the search results:
When you want to reset the scope
The HPSC has persistence features associated with collections. For example, if you are searching
in the J-series collection, the HPSC assumes that you will want to continue searching in only the
J-series collection. To switch to a different collection, you can edit the text in the upper field. In the
previous example, you can simply change the H to a J to search the HP Integrity NonStop J-Series
collection. Or you can copy one of these collection names below and paste it into the upper field.
• HP Integrity NonStop H-Series
• HP Integrity NonStop J-Series
• HP Integrity NonStop Release and Migration
• HP Integrity NonStop Server Safety and Compliance
• HP Integrity NonStop Service Information
• HP Integrity NonStop Service Procedures
• HP Integrity NonStop Softdocs
• HP Integrity NonStop Troubleshooting Tips
• HP NonStop G-Series
Or you can close and reopen your browser and then select a collection as described in “Access
NonStop documentation in one click” (page 5).
Searching all NonStop content
You can search all NonStop content using a keyword, and you can limit the search to manuals
using Advanced search settings.
To perform a keyword search that is not limited to a specific collection:
1. Go to any page on the HPSC:
2. Locate the search field at the top of the screen: