HP SYSTEM DICTIONARY/XL SDMAIN HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems Edition 1 Manufacturing Part Number: 32256-90001 E1287 U.S.A.
Notice The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. Hewlett-Packard makes no warranty of any kind with regard to this material, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Hewlett-Packard shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing or use of this material.
Preface Manual Organization This manual describes the SDMAIN program for the HP System Dictionary/XL software system that operates on the 900 Series HP 3000 computer family. It is a reference document for all persons involved in creating and maintaining a dictionary database on the 900 Series HP 3000. As such, it assumes a working knowledge of the 900 Series HP 3000 computer system.
HP System Dictionary/XL Intrinsics Reference Manual HP System Dictionary/XL COBOL Definition Extractor Reference Manual TurboIMAGE/XL Reference Manual HP IMAGE Reference Manual SQL Reference Manual HP SQL Database Administration Guide VPLUS Reference Manual QUERY/V Reference Manual KSAM Reference Manual HP 3000 General Information Manual MPE XL Commands Reference Manual MPE XL Intrinsics Reference Manual Program Design and Optimization Programmer's Utilities and Tools Native Language Support Reference Manua
EXIT; italics Words in syntax statements which are in italics denote a parameter which must be replaced by a user-supplied variable. For example: CLOSE filename [] An element inside brackets in a syntax statement is optional. Several elements stacked inside brackets means the user may select any one or none of these elements. For example: [A] [B] User may select A or B or neither. {} When several elements are stacked within braces in a syntax statement, the user must select one of those elements.
size key portions of an example. [[ ]] The symbol [[ ]] may be used to indicate a key on the terminal's keyboard. For example, [[RETURN]] indicates the carriage return key. [[CONTROL]]char Control characters are indicated by [[CONTROL]] followed by the character. For example, [[CONTROL]]Y means the user presses the control key and the character Y simultaneously.
1 Introducing the System Dictionary SDMAIN Program Product Overview HP System Dictionary SDMAIN is a program that allows you to access the System Dictionary product. You can: • Enter and maintain data in HP System Dictionary • Report on and make queries about the data residing in HP System Dictionary This access is achieved by means of a command language. This manual describes the HP System Dictionary Command Language--both its syntax and usage.
that already exist. It also saves data storage space by preventing data redundancy and helps to standardize data definitions within an organization. For a more detailed introduction to what data dictionaries are and how an organization can use a data dictionary, see the HP primer entitled Managing Your Information Network: A Data Dictionary Primer What is System Dictionary? System Dictionary provides dictionary capabilities to the 900 Series, HP 3000 computer systems.
• Chapter 3 provides a conceptual overview of the kinds of functions and tasks that can be performed by the Command Language, with a listing of the specific commands that belong in each category. • Chapter 4 presents the syntax and parameter descriptions of the Command Language, with a short example of each command. • Appendix A lists all of the SDMAIN error messages. • Appendix B provides a summary of the abbreviations for the command words in the system.
1- 12
2 Running the SDMAIN Program Overview System Dictionary provides a Dictionary Maintenance program called SDMAIN to create, maintain, and report entries in the dictionary. This chapter explains how to run SDMAIN, define files and file equations used in conjunction with the program, and how to define SDMAIN's run options. To use System Dictionary and run the SDMAIN program, System Dictionary must already be installed on your system and a dictionary initialized.
• Commands containing syntax errors • Subsystem commands, such as Edit/V responses you enter through the use of the EDIT command • The REDO command and its editing subcommands (The resulting edited dictionary commands, however, are logged as they are executed.) • Certain commands you enter within a START/SAVE pair The START/SAVE command pair is a System Dictionary pair of reporting commands. Only executable commands within this pair are logged.
:RUN SDMAIN.PUB.SYS Runs SDMAIN and enters the commands. The commands that are now entered, go to the file cmdfile. : :SAVE cmdfile Saves cmdfile as a permanent file. :FILE SDIN=cmdfile SDIN now takes commands from this file. :RESET SDLOG Cancels the previous file equation for SDLOG. :RUN SDMAIN.PUB.SYS Commands are now taken from cmdfile. Notice that the MPE RESET command is used here to cancel any existing file equations for SDIN and SDLOG. The following example saves and renames the SDLOG file.
filename.groupname.accountname already exists. Is it okay to overwrite (N/Y)? If you respond NO to the above prompt, output is directed to $STDLIST. You can use the CONFIGURE command to change the output file during a run. SDMAIN's Temporary Edit File When you run SDMAIN, it creates an edit file named EDTXTxxx (where xxx is a number). EDTXTxxx is created as a permanent file, but deleted when you exit the system (as long as you do not abort the program).
Execute and Terminate Options The Execute and Terminate options (0, 1, or greater) allow you to specify the number of errors that can occur before the SDMAIN program terminates. The default option is 0--execute and do not terminate, regardless of the number of errors. Option 1 causes the system to terminate the program when the first error is encountered. When any number greater than 1 is entered, the program terminates once this number of errors is encountered.
CONFIGURE Sets the output configuration DEFINE Defines the SDMAIN environment EXIT Terminates the program FORMAT Specifies a title and header for a report HELP Gets a list of valid commands INCLUDE Redirects input from another file OPTIONS Sets prompting, logging, and macro options REDO Redoes the previous command SHOW Shows the SDMAIN environment SHOWMACRO Shows a list of the macros currently defined SHOWREDO Displays a list of commands currently on the redo history stack If you enter
!EOJ End of job Notice that the RUN command specifies a PARM parameter of 5. Therefore, if 5 or more errors are encountered, the program terminates. The JCW condition is checked and you are then notified that a fatal dictionary error occurred. You must use the CONTINUE command. If you do not include it, the job stream terminates on the FATAL error and you are not informed of the errors that occurred.
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3 The System Dictionary Command Language Overview The HP System Dictionary Command Language enables you to create, maintain, and report on entries in System Dictionary through the SDMAIN program which is discussed in the previous chapter. This chapter discusses characteristics of the command language itself, plus describes the four general categories of commands. A description of each of these four categories is followed by a list of the commands that you can use in that category.
Table 1: System Dictionary Language Elements Language Element Description OBJECT-CLAUSE The user-defined name of the object. This is the specific target of the action specified by the command. EXAMPLE: CREATE ENTITY ship-date;ENTITY-TYPE=element. KEYWORDCLAUSE A keyword clause can be either a single keyword or a keyword followed by an equal sign (=) that is followed by either nothing, a single value, or a list of values separated by commas.
Table 2: Command Language Punctuation Characters CHARACT ER DESCRIPTION " Delimits character string values. Use two double quotes ("") to represent a single double quote (") within a string. Required around variable length attribute values, the description attribute of stored reports, and the TITLE and PAGE-HEADER parameters of the FORMAT command. Optional around passwords, character attribute values, and alias attribute values, as long as the value is a valid dictionary name.
three exclamation points (! ! !) and then waits for you to re-enter the line. [[Control]] Y Returns to the highest prompt level. In response to the >> prompt, the command terminates without executing. In response to the > prompt, no action is taken and the > prompt is reissued. If a START command is active, it is cancelled by the [[Control]] Y. If input has been redirected using SDIN, the INCLUDE command, or a macro, all redirected levels are exited and input is reset to $STDINX.
and maintain data occurrences. You can also use the dictionary environment and dictionary reporting commands. As the name implies, others may also share the use of the dictionary. Read-Only Mode. When the dictionary is open in read-only mode, you may use the dictionary environment and dictionary reporting commands. The read-only mode also allows other users to share the use of the dictionary. Read-Allow-Read Mode.
CREATE ENTITY - Create a new entity SYNTAX: CREATE ENTITY entity-name [;INTERNAL = internal-name] ;ENTITY-TYPE = entity-type-name [;ATTRIBUTE-LIST = ([attribute-name1=[attribute-value1]] [,attribute-name2=[attribute-value2]] . . . [,attribute-nameN=[attribute-valueN]])] [;COMMON = common-entity-name] Executing MPE Command You can issue some MPE commands without exiting the SDMAIN program.
INCLUDE Defines the input environment. OPTIONS Defines the SDMAIN environment. REDO Allows error correction or changes to the last command issued. SHOW Shows a list of all the current environment information. SHOWMACRO Shows a list of all the currently defined macros for the system. SHOWREDO Displays a list of commands currently on the redo history stack. Dictionary Structure Commands System Dictionary is based on the Entity-Relationship model.
Dictionary Commands" .
entity-type, and then associate the new attribute to the new entity-type. >DEFINE DICTIONARY = sysdic; >>SCOPE = dictionary-administrator; >>PASSWORD = da; >>OPEN MODE = customization. Opens the dictionary with the Dictionary Administrator scope and customization open mode. >CREATE ENTITY-TYPE terminal. Creates a new entity-type called terminal. >CREATE ATTRIBUTE terminal-type; >>TYPE=c; >>LENGTH=30. Creates a new attribute called terminal-type as a character string containing 30 bytes.
Table 4: Dictionary Data Maintenance Commands and Subcommands COMMAND RENUMBER SUBCOMMAND * : RESEQUENCE SETVERSION * Where | means OR The following is a list of the dictionary data maintenance commands and a description of each. ADD Associates domains, entities, and relationships to a security scope and specifies the access rights of the scope to the added entities and relationships.
Example The example below shows the logical sequence of data creation, data association, and data maintenance using many of the available data maintenance commands listed in table Table 3-4. >DEFINE DICTIONARY = sysdic; Opens the dictionary. >>SCOPE = dictionary-administrator; >>PASSWORD = da; >>OPEN-MODE = shared-update; >>DOMAIN = domain1; >>STATUS = test.
hired, and social-security-no of entity-type element. >>ENTITY-TYPE = element; >>ATTRIBUTE-LIST = (element-type = X, >>BYTE-LENGTH = 10, >>COBOL-ALIAS = emp-last-name). >CREATE ENTITY first-name; >>ENTITY-TYPE = element; >>ATTRIBUTE-LIST = (element-type = X, >>BYTE-LENGTH = 20, >>COBOL-ALIAS = emp-first-name). >CREATE ENTITY date-hired; >>ENTITY-TYPE = element; >>ATTRIBUTE-LIST = (element-type = 9, >>BYTE-LENGTH = 6, >>BLANK = yes, >>DESCRIPTION = "date in mmddyy format").
>>RELATIONSHIP-TYPE = record, element; >>RELATIONSHIP-CLASS = contains. >MODIFY ENTITY last-name; ENTITY-TYPE = element; Modifies attribute byte-length for entity lastname. >>ATTRIBUTE-LIST = (BYTE-LENGTH = 20). >CREATE SYNONYM surname; ENTITY-TYPE = element; Creates a synonym called surname for element last-name. >>ENTITY = last-name.
and Boolean operators. Any keyword (or attribute qualifier in the ATTRIBUTE-LIST keyword) that is omitted (except for the keyword flags) means that any value for that item is acceptable to you. For example, if displaying attributes and TYPE = R is specified, but no LENGTH keyword is declared, the returned attribute is accepted if it is a real value, regardless of its length. However, if LENGTH = 4 is specified, then only real values of length 4 are returned. Wild Card Characters.
2 Expressions enclosed in parentheses 3 AND 4 OR Examples. The following are examples showing the use of selection criteria. PROD^ and ^NO Values that begin with PROD and end with NO are selected. PROD^ or ^ACCT^ Values that begin with PROD or contain ACCT somewhere in them are selected. A^Z Values that begin with an A and end with a Z with any number of any characters between are selected. M!! Values that consist of M followed by any two characters are selected.
>>DESCRIPTION = " Report to provide complete data description. Command execution is again enabled. >>about occurrences of entity-type element.". >EXECUTE element-report. Executes the stored report. Dictionary Attribute Prompting Facility SDMAIN provides an attribute prompting facility that prompts for attribute values whenever you issue a CREATE, MODIFY, or REPORT command without the ATTRIBUTE-LIST parameter.
Menu Choices After the attribute menu is displayed, the prompting facility displays the menu prompt (>>) and waits to receive a selection of numbers from the menu. After you enter values for the specified attributes, the menu prompt is again displayed until you enter either a period (.) or a [[RETURN]]. The following table shows the valid responses to an attribute menu prompt: INPUT ACTION A number Prompts for a value for the indicated attribute.
the REPORT command the attribute is set to accept any value. Any value previously assigned by prompting is deleted. This is the equivalent of entering attribute= without a value in the ATTRIBUE-LIST clause of the command. Executing the Command After all attribute values have been entered, the system creates an ATTRIBUTE-LIST clause that corresponds to the information provided. The system appends this clause to the end of the command so that it is present if you use REDO to edit or reenter the command.
UNITS ( )>>. DESCRIPTION>>"Quantity is an array holding the quantity ordered by a DESCRIPTION>>company over the last ten orders. It is used to help DESCRIPTION>>figure the sales discount allowed on the next sale." >> > >EXIT 3- 40 Terminates the program.
4 System Dictionary Commands Overview This section includes descriptions of all SDMAIN commands with their syntax, parameters, and examples. These commands are listed alphabetically for your ease of use. The HELP command provides a quick reference to SDMAIN commands. Using this command, you can either get a list of all available commands, or a detailed description of a particular command. Abbreviations for commands are allowed at any point. Appendix B lists each command and its abbreviation.
>ADD ENTITY-TYPE-ATTRIBUTE terminal; >>ATTRIBUTE = terminal-type, manufacturer. > ADD RELATIONSHIP-TYPE-ATTRIBUTE Adds attributes to a relationship type's attribute list. Syntax A[DD] R[ELATIONSHIP-]T[YPE-]A[TTRIBUTE] entity-type-name1 ,entity-type-name2 [,entity-type-name3 ] [,entity-type-name4 ] [,entity-type-name5 ] [,entity-type-name6 ] [;R[ELATIONSHIP-]C[LASS] = relation-class-name ] ;A[TTRIBUTE] = attribute-name1 [,attribute-name2 ] . . . [,attribute-nameN ] .
Example The following example adds the attributes size and functionality to the relationship type program contains module. >ADD RELATIONSHIP-TYPE-ATTRIBUTE program, module; >>RELATIONSHIP-CLASS = contains; >>ATTRIBUTE = size, functionality. > ADD SCOPE-DOMAIN Allows a scope to have access to a domain. Syntax A[DD] S[COPE-]D[OMAIN] scope-name D[OMAIN] = domain-name. Parameters scope-name Name of the scope given access to the domain. domain-name Name of the domain to associate with the scope.
Parameters scope-name Name of the scope given access to the entity. entity-name Name of the entity to associate with the scope. entity-type-name Name of the type of the entity. scope-access The type of access the scope has to the entity. The two types of access that are allowed are: read The scope can only read the entity information. modify signed. The scope may modify the entity. Read access is automatically as- The default is read.
,entity-type-name2 [,entity-type-name3 ] [,entity-type-name4 ] [,entity-type-name5 ] [,entity-type-name6 ] [;R[ELATIONSHIP-]C[LASS] = relation-class-name ] [;S[COPE-]A[CCESS] = scope-access ] . Parameters scope-name Name of the scope given access to the relationship. entity- name(N) Name of the entity involved in the relationship to associate with the scope. entity-type-name(N) Name of the entity type involved in the relationship type. relation-class-name Name of the relationship class.
COMMENT Allows the addition of descriptions and/or instructions into the command stream for documentation purposes. Syntax COM[MENT] [text ] [.] You can specify zero or more characters after the COMMENT command. The comment must be contained on one line. If the comment needs to span more than one line, you must begin each line with the word COMMENT. A period following the command is optional.
[;D[OUBLE-]S[PACE]] [;PAGE ] . Parameters screen-length Number of rows on the terminal. screen-width Number of columns on the terminal. page-length Number of rows on a page of paper. page-width Number of columns on a page of paper. left-margin Number of spaces in the left margin. right-margin Number of spaces in the right margin. top-margin Number of blank lines in the top margin. bottom-margin Number of blank lines in the bottom margin. output-dest Destination of dictionary output.
spaced after the item name. Description Because all parameters are optional, if you do not specify any keywords, all parameters are reset to their default values (the original parameter values when the program was initially run). If you specify one or more keywords, then those parameters you do not specify are not affected. All numeric values must be in the range 0 .. 32767.
Example The following example double spaces all output (every line is double spaced, not just between items as in example 1) and sends the output to the printer. >CONFIGURE PAGE-LENGTH = 2; >>TOP = 1; >>BOTTOM = 0; >>OUTPUT = PRINTER. > COPY ENTITY Creates a new entity and copies the source entity's attributes to the new entity. Syntax CO[PY] E[NTITY] source-entity-name ,target-entity-name ;E[NTITY-]T[YPE] = entity-type-name [;INT[ERNAL] = internal-name ] .
> COPY RELATIONSHIP Creates a new entity and copies the source entity's attributes and relationships to the new entity. Syntax CO[PY] R[ELATIONSHIP] source-entity-name ,target-entity-name ;R[ELATIONSHIP-]T[YPE] = entity-type-name1 ,entity-type-name2 [,entity-type-name3 ] [,entity-type-name4 ] [,entity-type-name5 ] [,entity-type-name6 ] [;R[ELATIONSHIP-]C[LASS] = relation-class-name ] [;POS[ITION] = relation-position ] [;INT[ERNAL] = internal-name ] .
Open Mode: Shared-update or exclusive-update Scope: DA scope or any scope with create capability and read access to the source entity. The scope with which the dictionary is open is the owner of the new entity and relationships. Example The following example creates a new entity personnel-record of entity type record. This entity has the same attributes as employee-record. It also creates relationships of elements related to personnel-record identical to those related to employee-record.
COPY VERSION Creates a new version and copies all the entities and relationships of the source version to the new version. Syntax CO[PY] V[ERSION] source-version-name ,target-version-name [;INT[ERNAL] = internal-name ] . Parameters source-version-name Name of the version to be copied. target-version-name External name of the new version that has entities and relationships copied to it. internal-name Internal name of the target version.
. . [,attr-edit-valueN ]] . Parameters attribute-name External name of the attribute to be created. internal-name Internal name of the attribute to be created. If not specified, the internal name is the same as the attribute-name. attribute-data-type The attribute data type. Valid data types are: alias boolean character floating integer variable attribute-length Length of the attribute.
floating or integer, any single number or a number range of the form "number : number" is allowed as an entry in the list. If you specify a range as the first entry in the list, the first number of the range is the default. Description To avoid possible name conflicts with any future extensions to the core set, do not create any attributes with a name starting with the characters "HP" . Open Mode: Customization Scope: DA scope or any scope with extend capability.
common-version-name Name of the common domain version to which this local domain version is linked. This keyword is not allowed if the dictionary is open in the common domain. If COMMON is omitted, no link to a version in the common domain is established. sensitivity Specifies whether other scopes are allowed to access the domain. Valid values are: private Only the DA and owner scope can access the domain. public Any scope may access the domain. The default is public.
. [,attribute-nameN =[attribute-valueN ]])] [;C[OMMON] = common-entity-name ] . Parameters entity-name External name of the entity to be created. entity-type-name Name of the type of the entity to be created. internal-name Internal name of the entity to be created. If not specified, the internal name is the same as the entity-name. attribute-name(N) Name of the attribute to be assigned a value. attribute-value(N) The value to be assigned to the attribute.
floating : Floating point zero integer : Binary zero variable : No value is assigned If the attribute is of type boolean the only values allowed are true and false (may be abbreviated T and F, respectively). The valid values for the sensitivity attribute are: private Only the owner scope is allowed access to the entity, unless it assigns access to other scopes by associating the entity to the scope by means of the ADD SCOPE-ENTITY command. This is the default.
Syntax C[REATE] E[NTITY-]T[YPE] entity-type-name [;INT[ERNAL] = internal-name ] . Parameters entity-type-name External name of the entity type to be created. internal-name Internal name of the entity type to be created. If not specified, the internal name is the same as the entity-type-name.
,entity-type-name2 [,entity-type-name3 ] [,entity-type-name4 ] [,entity-type-name5 ] [,entity-type-name6 ] [;R[ELATIONSHIP-]C[LASS] = relation-class-name ] [;A[TTRIBUTE-]L[IST]=([ attribute-name1 =[attribute-value1 ]] [,attribute-name2 =[attribute-value2 ]] . . . [,attribute-nameN=[attribute-valueN ]])] [;C[OMMON] = common-entity-name1 ,common-entity-name2 [,common-entity-name3 ] [,common-entity-name4 ] [,common-entity-name5 ] [,common-entity-name6 ]] .
word is not allowed if the dictionary is open in the common domain. If you use this parameter, the attribute list can contain only the following attributes: sensitivity Specifies the access rights to the entity relationship position The logical order of a child entity (the second entity in the relationship) relative to all other child entities for the same parent entity of the same relationship type If you specify attributes other than these in the attribute list, then you must not use this parameter.
The relationship-position attribute is treated specially by the system. The system uses this attribute as a sequencing number to order relationships with the same parent entity (i.e. to represent the order of elements in a record). Accordingly, two relationships of a type with the same entity in the first position cannot have the same value for relationship-position.
classes with a name starting with the characters "HP" . Open Mode Customization Scope: DA scope or any scope with extend capability. The scope with which the dictionary is open is the owner of the relationship class. Example The following example creates the new relationship class generates. >CREATE RELATIONSHIP-CLASS generates. > CREATE RELATIONSHIP-TYPE Creates a new relationship type.
Open Mode: Customization Scope: DA scope or any scope with extend capability. The scope with which the dictionary is open is the owner of the relationship type. Example The following example creates a new relationship type project contains program, with contains being the relationship class of the relationship type. >CREATE RELATIONSHIP-TYPE project, program; >>RELATIONSHIP-CLASS = contains. > CREATE SCOPE Creates a new scope.
read The scope can read entities and relationships accessible to the scope. secure The scope can create, modify, and delete other scopes. version The scope can create, modify, and delete versions. password-parameter Password of the scope to be created. If you do not specify a password, a blank password is assigned for the scope. Any characters are allowed in a password.
same as the synonym-name. entity-type-name Name of the type of the entity for which to create entity-name Name of the entity for which to create a synonym. a synonym. Description The new synonym refers to the same attribute list as the entity primary name and applies to all versions of the entity. You can use synonyms only to directly reference an entity (a relationship) in the dictionary. You cannot use them to do qualified retrievals using the reporting commands.
Note that if no link to a common version is established, no entity or relationship can be linked to a common entity/relationship unless the version is modified to establish a common link. Open Mode: Shared-update or exclusive-update Scope: DA scope or any scope with version capability. The scope with which the dictionary is open is the owner of the version. Example The following example creates a new version A_00_09 and links it to the version A_00_01 in the common domain.
checked. If you specify the SCOPE parameter and not a PASSWORD parameter, you are prompted for the password. For security reasons, the echo is turned off and you are given three chances to enter the correct password. If you are in session mode and you do not enter the correct password after three tries, the DEFINE command terminates with no change to the dictionary environment. If you are in batch mode and you do not enter the correct password after three tries, the program terminates.
archival The default status for the first open is production. The version-status parameter is used only if you do not specify version-name. Description Once the dictionary is open you may redefine the environment while in a session. For example, you may open a new dictionary, or the same dictionary with a different scope or open mode. It is not necessary to respecify any parameters that remain the same after redefining the environment.
remote system name in the dictionary name. For example, the DEFINE command could be specified in the following form: DEFINE DICTIONARY=SYSDIC.PUB.SYS:NODEB; It is also possible to use a file equation to completely identify the remote dictionary, as shown in the following example. FILE RDICT1=SYSDIC.PUB.CORPINFO:REMOTESYS where RDICT1 would be passed to the DICTIONARY parameter when using the DEFINE command, as shown in the following example.
DELETE ATTRIBUTE Deletes an attribute. Syntax DEL[ETE] A[TTRIBUTE] attribute-name [;PURGE] . Parameters attribute-name Name of the attribute to be deleted. PURGE If you specify this keyword and any entity types or relationship types that are associated with the specified attribute exist, then the association between the attribute and the entity type or relationship type is also purged.
Description Neither the common domain nor the current domain can ever be deleted. When a domain is deleted, all versions of that domain and all entities and relationships in those versions are deleted. Open Mode: Exclusive-update Scope: DA scope or the domain's owner scope Example The following example deletes the domain accounts-payable. >DELETE DOMAIN accounts-payable. > DELETE ENTITY Deletes an entity. Syntax DEL[ETE] E[NTITY] entity-name ;E[NTITY-]T[YPE] = entity-type-name .
[;PURGE] . Parameters entity-type-name Name of the entity type to be deleted. PURGE If you specify this keyword and any relationship types that involve the specified entity type exist, then the relationship types are also deleted. If you do not specify PURGE, and the entity type is involved in a relationship type, the operation fails. Description When an entity type is deleted, all entities of that type are deleted.
[,entity-type-name3 ] [,entity-type-name4 ] [,entity-type-name5 ] [,entity-type-name6 ] [;R[ELATIONSHIP-]C[LASS] = relation-class-name ] . Parameters entity-name(N) Name of the entity involved in the relationship to be deleted. entity-type-name(N) Name of the entity type involved in the relationship type. relation-class-name Name of the relationship class. Description The relationship cannot be deleted if it is in the common domain and is linked to a local domain relationship.
PURGE If you specify this keyword and any relationship types that involve the specified relationship class exist, then the relationship type is also purged. If you do not specify PURGE, and the relationship class is involved in a relationship type, the operation fails. Description When both relationship class and relationship type are deleted, all relationships of that type are also deleted.
Description When a relationship type is deleted, all relationships of that type are also deleted. Open Mode: Customization Scope: DA scope or the relationship type's owner scope WARNING When a version is in archival status, it is considered frozen, protecting its data from modification. However, archival status does not freeze the dictionary structure. Therefore, if the dictionary structure is changed, the structure of archival versions is also changed.
[;P[ASSWORD] = [password-parameter ]] . Parameters scope-name Name of the scope to be deleted. new-scope-name Name of the scope that is the owner of all dictionary objects previously owned by the deleted scope. The current scope is the default new owner scope if you do not specify one. password-parameter The password that gives access to the new owner scope. This password is the same password that was assigned to the new scope when it was created.
Scope: DA scope or the owner scope of the entity to which the synonym is assigned Example The following example deletes the element synonym purch-date. >DELETE SYNONYM purch-date; >>ENTITY-TYPE = element. > DELETE VERSION Deletes a version, including all entities and relationships that belong to this version. Syntax DEL[ETE] V[ERSION] version-name . Parameters version-name Name of the version to be deleted. Description The current version cannot be deleted.
Parameters attribute-name Name of the attribute to be displayed. attribute-data-type Type of the attribute to be displayed. Valid datatypes are: alias boolean character floating integer variable attribute-length Length of the attribute to be displayed. scope-owner-name Owner of the attribute to be displayed. If the current scope does not have secure capability, any qualification other than the current scope causes no attributes to be retrieved.
Edit-Values : ASCII, EBCDIC . . . . . . UNITS Scope-Owner : CORESET Type : CHARACTER Length : 10 Edit-Values : 10 Attribute(s) Retrieved > DISPLAY DOMAIN Displays one or more domains. Syntax DIS[PLAY] D[OMAIN] [domain-name ] [;S[COPE-]O[WNER] = scope-owner-name ] [;SEN[SITIVITY] = sensitivity ] [;NAME[-ONLY]] [;NO[SORT]] . Parameters domain-name Name of the domain to be displayed. scope-owner-name Owner of the domain to be displayed.
not have secure capability, and the current scope is not the owner, then the scope owner is not displayed. Open Mode: Read-only, shared-update, or exclusive-update Scope: DA scope or a scope with domain capability Example The following example displays the domain jones which has the sensitivity private. >DISPLAY DOMAIN jones. JONES Sensitivity : PRIVATE Scope-Owner : PERSONNEL 1 Domain(s) Retrieved > DISPLAY ENTITY-TYPE Displays one or more entity types.
Example The following example displays the entity type element with its scope owner and attributes. >DISPLAY ENTITY-TYPE element. ELEMENT Scope-Owner : CORESET Attributes : DATE-CREATED, DATE-CHANGED, SCOPE-OWNER, SCOPE-CHANGED, SENSITIVITY, ID-NUMBER, ELEMENT-TYPE, DISPLAY-LENGTH, DECIMAL, BYTE-LENGTH, COUNT, UNITS, SIGN, BLANK, JUSTIFY, SYNCHRONIZE 1 Entity-Type(s) Retrieved > DISPLAY ENTITY-TYPE-ATTRIBUTE Displays one or more entity type attribute pairs.
Scope: Any Example The following example displays the attributes linked to the entity type cabinet along with the owners of the links. >DISPLAY ENTITY-TYPE-ATTRIBUTE cabinet.
Parameters relation-class-name Name of the relationship class to be displayed. scope-owner-name Owner of the relationship class to be displayed. If the current scope does not have secure capability, any qualification other than the current scope causes no relationship classes to be retrieved. NAME-ONLY If specified, only the name of the qualifying relationship class is displayed. If not specified, the name and owner are displayed.
[;NO[SORT]] . Parameters entity-type-name(N) Name of the entity type involved in the relationship type. relation-class-name Name of the relationship class. scope-owner-name Owner of the relationship type to be displayed. If the current scope does not have secure capability, any qualification other than the current scope causes no relationship types to be retrieved. NAME-ONLY If specified, only the name and class of the qualifying relationship type are displayed.
Syntax DIS[PLAY] R[ELATIONSHIP-]T[YPE-]A[TTRIBUTE] [ entity-type-name1 ] [,entity-type-name2 ] [,entity-type-name3 ] [,entity-type-name4 ] [,entity-type-name5 ] [,entity-type-name6 ] [;R[ELATIONSHIP-]C[LASS] = relationship-class-name ] [;A[TTRIBUTE] = attribute-name ] [;S[COPE-]O[WNER] = scope-owner-name ] [;NAME[-ONLY]] [;NO[SORT]] . Parameters entity-type-name(N) Name of the entity type involved in the relationship type of the relationship type attribute pair to be displayed.
>DISPLAY RELATIONSHIP-TYPE-ATTRIBUTE cabinet, element; >>RELATIONSHIP-CLASS = contains; >>SCOPE-OWNER = coreset. CABINET ELEMENT Relationship-Class : CONTAINS SCOPE-OWNER Scope-Owner : CORESET SCOPE-CHANGED Scope-Owner : CORESET DATE-CREATED Scope-Owner : CORESET DATE-CHANGED Scope-Owner : CORESET SENSITIVITY Scope-Owner : CORESET RELATIONSHIP-POSITION Scope-Owner : CORESET 6 Relationship-Type/Attribute Pair(s) Retrieved > DISPLAY REPORT Displays one or more reports.
Description When sorting is not required, the use of the NOSORT keyword speeds processing time. Open Mode: Read-only, shared-update, or exclusive-update Scope: Any scope with read capability Example The following example displays the report image-database. >DISPLAY REPORT image-database. IMAGE-DATABASE Scope-Owner : DA Description : Detailed report on IMAGE databases including data about its location, classes, datasets, records, and elements.
name, right, password, and owner are displayed. NOSORT Reports on the scopes in the unsorted order in which they are retrieved from the dictionary. Otherwise, the scopes are sorted alphabetically by the scope name. Description Note that any scope having the specified scope right(s) is selected. For example, if the rights selected are domain and version, any scope that has at least the domain and version capabilities is displayed.
DISPLAY VERSION Displays one or more versions. Syntax DIS[PLAY] V[ERSION] [version-name ] [;STAT[US] = version-status ] [;C[OMMON]] = [common-version-name ]] [;LAST[-ONLY]] [;S[COPE-]O[WNER] = scope-owner-name ] [;NAME[-ONLY]] [;NO[SORT]] . Parameters version-name Name of the version to be displayed. version-status Status of the version to be displayed. Valid statuses are: test production archival common-version-name Common version linked to the version to be displayed.
Example The following example displays all versions having a status of either archival or production. >DISPLAY VERSION; >>STATUS = Archival or Production.
EDIT ENTITY Edits an entity's variable length attribute text. Syntax ED[IT] E[NTITY] entity-name ;E[NTITY-]T[YPE] = entity-type-name ;A[TTRIBUTE] = attribute-name . Parameters entity-name Name of the entity whose variable length attribute text is to be edited. entity-type-name Name of the type of the entity. attribute-name Name of the variable length attribute whose text is to be edited. Description You cannot use the EDIT ENTITY command if input is from a file or you are executing in batch mode.
3 The records in the file are fixed length 4 80-byte records with 3 fields: a customer ID, 5 a part number, and a quantity ordered. 6 // /L ALL 1 This file contains all of the information 2 available for an order. 3 The records in the file are fixed length 4 80-byte records with 3 fields: a customer ID, 5 a part number, and a quantity ordered.
Parameters entity-name(N) Name of the entity involved in the relationship whose variable length attribute text is to be edited. entity-type-name(N) Name of the entity type involved in the relationship type. relation-class-name Name of the relationship class. attribute-name Name of the variable length attribute whose text is to be edited. Description You cannot use the EDIT RELATIONSHIP command if input is from a file or you are executing in batch mode.
1 This file contains all of the information 2 available for an order. 3 These orders are only from the Midwestern 4 Region. /E EDTXT0 ALREADY EXISTS - RESPOND YES TO PURGE OLD AND KEEP NEW PURGE OLD? Y > EDIT REPORT Edits a stored report or its description. Syntax ED[IT] REP[ORT] report-name [;DESC[RIPTION]] . Parameters report-name Name of the stored report to be edited. DESCRIPTION If specified, the description of the report is edited. If not specified, the report definition is edited.
[ [,entity-name6 ]] . Parameters report-name Name of the stored report to be executed. No selection criteria are allowed. entity-name Name of the entity to be reported in the executed report. Passes this entity name to the stored REPORT ENTITY command. entity-name(N) Name of the entity involved in the relationship to be reported in the executed report. Passes the entity name to the stored REPORT RELATIONSHIP command.
;R[ELATIONSHIP-]T[YPE] = entity-type-name1 ,entity-type-name2 [,entity-type-name3 ] [,entity-type-name4 ] [,entity-type-name5 ] [,entity-type-name6 ] [;R[ELATIONSHIP-]C[LASS] = relation-class-name ] [;S[OURCE-]P[OSITION] = source-position ] [;R[EPORT-]P[OSITION] = report-position ] . Parameters report-name Name of the stored report to be executed. entity-type-name(N) Name of the entity type involved in the relationship type. relation-class-name Name of the relationship class.
>REPORT ENTITY sales; >>ENTITY-TYPE = image-database; >>SUB-REPORT = (EXECUTE image-dataset-report; >> RELATIONSHIP-TYPE = image-database, >> image-dataset; >> RELATIONSHIP-CLASS = contains.).
DATE-CREATED : 11/11/84 4:23 AM DATE-CHANGED : 11/11/84 4:23 AM SCOPE-OWNER : DA SCOPE-CHANGED : DA SENSITIVITY : PRIVATE ID-NUMBER : 0 IMAGE-DATASET-TYPE : DETAIL 2) STOCK Entity-Type : IMAGE-DATASET DATE-CREATED : 11/11/84 4:23 AM DATE-CHANGED : 11/11/84 4:23 AM SCOPE-OWNER : DA SCOPE-CHANGED : DA SENSITIVITY : PRIVATE ID-NUMBER : 0 IMAGE-DATASET-TYPE : DETAIL 1 Entity(ies) Retrieved > EXIT Terminates the SDMAIN program, closing the dictionary if needed. Syntax E[XIT] [.
FORMAT Defines titles and/or page headers for dictionary reports. Syntax F[ORMAT] [;ALIGN[MENT] = alignment-option ] [;F[ORMAT]-V[ARIABLE] = format-flag ] [;P[AGE-]H[EADER] = ["page-header-text "]] [;TI[TLE] = ["title-text "]] . Parameters alignment-option format-flag A value that specifies which alignment option to use with the output data from the dictionary. Valid choices are: aligned Aligns all values with respect to the longest value header.
on the page with three blank lines before and two lines after. Description To delete a value from the PAGE-HEADER or TITLE keyword, specify the keyword with no value. To reset all values to their default, issue the FORMAT command with no keywords. If you redefine the dictionary environment, (that is, switch scopes, open a new dictionary, etc.), you do not need to reissue the FORMAT command if this information remains the same for the new environment.
Example The first of the following examples asks for help with the HELP command. The syntax of the HELP is displayed. The second of the following examples asks for the definition of the user-defined macro OPEN. >HELP HELP. HELP - Returns a list of valid subcommands for a command or a detailed description of a specific command SYNTAX: HELP [command [subcommand]] [.] > >HELP OPEN MACRO Definition: open mode = shared-update. define scope = da; open-mode = !mode; status = test.
> MODIFY ATTRIBUTE Modifies an attribute. Syntax M[ODIFY] A[TTRIBUTE] attribute-name [;S[COPE-]O[WNER] = scope-owner-name ] [;LEN[GTH] = attribute-length ] [;E[DIT-]V[ALUE] = [ attr-edit-value1 [,attr-edit-value2 ] . . . [,attr-edit-valueN ]]] . Parameters attribute-name Name of the attribute to be modified scope-owner-name Name of the new owner scope attribute-length Length of the attribute. You cannot modify the length if the data type is alias, boolean, or variable.
the first entry in the list, the first number of the range is the default). To remove all edit values from an attribute, specify the EDIT-VALUE keyword with no edit values. In order to leave attribute edit values unchanged, issue the MODIFY ATTRIBUTE command without the EDIT-VALUE clause. Description If you change the edit value of the attribute, there is no check to make sure that any existing values of that attribute meet the new criteria.
private public Description Open Mode: Exclusive-update Scope: DA scope or the domain's owner scope Example The following example changes the owner scope of the domain accounts-payable to the scope manager. >MODIFY DOMAIN accounts-payable; >>SCOPE-OWNER = manager. > MODIFY ENTITY Modifies an entity. Syntax M[ODIFY] E[NTITY] entity-name ;E[NTITY-]T[YPE] = entity-type-name [;A[TTRIBUTE-]L[IST]=([ attribute-name1=[ attribute-value1]] [, attribute-name2=[attribute-value2 ]] . . .
scope-owner Name of the new owner scope sensitivity Specifies the access rights to the entity id-number A user-specified identification number which is never checked for uniqueness by System Dictionary If you specify attributes other than these in the attribute list, then you must not use this parameter. If you specify COMMON and do not assign a value to it, the existing link to the entity in the common domain is deleted.
may read and modify the entity. If you modify the sensitivity from read or modify to private, all scopes that previously had access to this entity will no longer have access, unless the entity is explicitly associated with the scope. If the entity is linked to an entity in the common domain, the sensitivity for this entity cannot be changed to a sensitivity greater than the sensitivity of the entity in the common domain.
>>SCOPE-OWNER = manager. > MODIFY ENTITY-TYPE-ATTRIBUTE Modifies entity type attribute pairs. Syntax M[ODIFY] E[NTITY-]T[YPE-]A[TTRIBUTE] entity-type-name ;A[TTRIBUTE] = attribute-name1 [,attribute-name2 ] . . . [,attribute-nameN ] [;S[COPE-]O[WNER] = scope-owner-name ] . Parameters entity-type-name Name of the entity type involved in the pair to be modified. attribute-name(N) Name of the attribute involved in the pairs to be modified. You can specify any number of attributes.
Syntax M[ODIFY] R[ELATIONSHIP] entity-name1 ,entity-name2 [,entity-name3 ] [,entity-name4 ] [,entity-name5 ] [,entity-name6 ] ;R[ELATIONSHIP-]T[YPE] = entity-type-name1 ,entity-type-name2 [,entity-type-name3 ] [,entity-type-name4 ] [,entity-type-name5 ] [,entity-type-name6 ] [;R[ELATIONSHIP-]C[LASS] = relation-class-name] [;A[TTRIBUTE-]L[IST]=([ attribute-name1 =[attribute-value1 ]] [,attribute-name2 =[attribute-value2 ]] . . .
name(N) the common domain whose attributes are to be shared by the local domain relationship being modified. You cannot specify this keyword if the dictionary is open in the common domain.
read Any scope with read capability may read the relationship. The owner scope may, in addition, assign modify access to other scopes by associating the relationship to the scope by means of the ADD SCOPE-RELATIONSHIP command. modify Any scope with read capability may read the relationship. Any scope with create capability may read and modify the relationship.
scope-owner-name Name of the new owner scope. Description Open Mode: Customization Scope: DA scope or the relationship class's owner scope Example The following example changes the scope owner of the relationship class includes to the scope manager. >MODIFY RELATIONSHIP-CLASS includes; >>SCOPE-OWNER = manager. > MODIFY RELATIONSHIP-TYPE Modifies a relationship type.
>>RELATIONSHIP-CLASS = contains; >>SCOPE-OWNER = manager. > MODIFY RELATIONSHIP-TYPE-ATTRIBUTE Modifies relationship type attribute pairs. Syntax M[ODIFY] R[ELATIONSHIP-]T[YPE]-A[TTRIBUTE] entity-type-name1 ,entity-type-name2 [,entity-type-name3 ] [,entity-type-name4 ] [,entity-type-name5 ] [,entity-type-name6 ] [;R[ELATIONSHIP-]C[LASS] = relation-class-name ] ;A[TTRIBUTE] = attribute-name1 [,attribute-name2 ] . . . [,attribute-nameN ] [;S[COPE-]O[WNER] = scope-owner-name ] .
Example The following example changes the owner scope of the relationship type attribute pair program contains module / size to the scope fred. >MODIFY RELATIONSHIP-TYPE-ATTRIBUTE program, module; >>RELATIONSHIP-CLASS = contains; >>ATTRIBUTE = size; >>SCOPE-OWNER = fred. > MODIFY REPORT Modifies a report. Syntax M[ODIFY] REP[ORT] report-name [;DESC[RIPTION] = ["description-text "]] [;S[COPE-]O[WNER] = scope-owner-name ] .
>MODIFY REPORT sales-report; >>DESCRIPTION = "Monthly report on the dictionary used by >> the sales force of the company.". > MODIFY SCOPE Modifies a scope. Syntax M[ODIFY] S[COPE] scope-name [;P[ASSWORD] = [password-parameter ]] [;N[EW-]P[ASSWORD] = [new-password-parm ]] [;S[COPE-]O[WNER] = scope-owner-name ] [;S[COPE-]R[IGHTS] = scope-rights1 [,scope-rights2 ] . . . [,scope-rightsN ]] . Parameters scope-name Name of the scope to be modified. password-parameter Current scope password.
domain The scope can create, modify, and delete domains. Version capability is automatically assigned. extend The scope can create, modify, and delete entity types, relationship types, relationship classes, and attributes to extend, or customize, the dictionary structure. read The scope can read entities and relationships accessible to the scope. secure The scope can create, modify, and delete other scopes. version The scope can create, modify, and delete versions.
entity-type-name Name of the type of the entity that is associated with the scope. scope-access The new access allowed to the entity. The two types of access that are allowed are: read The scope can only read the entity information. modify The scope may modify the entity; read access is automatically assigned. The scope to be given access must have create capability to be allowed modify access.
;S[COPE-]A[CCESS] = scope-access . Parameters scope-name Name of the scope with which the relationship is associated. entity-name(N) Name of the entity involved in the relationship that is associated with the scope. entity-type-name(N) Name of the entity type involved in the relationship type. relation-class-name Name of the relationship class. scope-access The new access allowed to the relationship.
Parameters version-name Name of the version to be modified. scope-owner-name Name of the new owner scope. common-version-name Name of the common domain version to which this local domain version is linked. If specified without a value, the link that currently exists to a version in the common domain will be deleted. Description The common link cannot be deleted if any occurrences are linked. Remember that a common link can be deleted only if one currently exists.
The default is on when the system is running interactively. If not running interactively, prompting is off and cannot be turned on using this command. (If you attempt to turn prompting on in batch mode, a warning message is issued.) See "Dictionary Attribute Prompting Facility" in Chapter 3 for a complete discussion of attribute prompting. command-log-file The command logging option. Commands are logged if command logging is on.
Example The following example sets attribute prompting OFF and specifies the file mymacro to be used as the macro file. >OPTIONS PROMPT = off; >>MACRO = mymacro. > REDO Allows error correction or changes to any of the last 20 commands issued. Syntax REDO [qualifier ] [.] Parameters qualifiers You choose the command to edit using the REDO command with an optional qualifier. The possible qualifiers include: No qualifier No qualifier means to edit the previous command.
B Breaks the line into two lines, moving the character above the B and all following characters to the next line. The second line becomes the current edit line. D Deletes the character above the D. You may also use a D below both the first and last character to be deleted with either spaces or Ds between thus deleting all characters between the first and last D inclusive. E Exits the REDO editing mode without executing the edited command.
Open Mode: Any Scope: Any Example The following example corrects the typographical error for the word "entity" (which is misspelled "entiy" ) and then executes the corrected command. >CREATE ENTITY FIRST-NAME; >>ENTIY-TYPE = ELEMENT; >>ATTRIBUTE-LIST = (ELEMENT-TYPE = X, BYTE-LENGTH = 20).
. Parameters entity-type-name Name of the entity type from which an attribute is removed. attribute-name(N) Name of the attribute to be removed. Description You can specify any number of attributes. No attribute may appear more than once. If you specify more than one attribute, the operation continues until the end of the attribute list, even if an error occurs with any previous attribute. You cannot remove any entity type attribute pairs owned by the core set.
[,attribute-nameN ] . Parameters entity-type-name(N) Name of the entity type involved in the relationship type from which attributes are removed. relation-class-name Name of the relationship class. attribute-name(N) Name of the attribute to be removed. Description You can specify any number of attributes. No attribute may appear more than once. If you specify more than one attribute , the operation continues until the end of the attribute list, even if an error occurs with any previous attribute.
Open Mode: Scope: Shared-update or exclusive-update DA scope, the domain's owner scope, or the scope from which access is to be removed Example The following example removes access to the domain extra-domain from the scope candidate. >REMOVE SCOPE-DOMAIN candidate; >>DOMAIN = extra-domain. > REMOVE SCOPE-ENTITY Removes a scope's access to an entity. Syntax REM[OVE] S[COPE-]E[NTITY] scope-name ;E[NTITY] = entity-name ;E[NTITY-]T[YPE] = entity-type-name .
Syntax REM[OVE] S[COPE-]R[ELATIONSHIP] scope-name ;R[ELATIONSHIP] = entity-name1 ,entity-name2 [,entity-name3 ] [,entity-name4 ] [,entity-name5 ] [,entity-name6 ] ;R[ELATIONSHIP-]T[YPE] = entity-type-name1 ,entity-type-name2 [,entity-type-name3 ] [,entity-type-name4 ] [,entity-type-name5 ] [,entity-type-name6 ] [;R[ELATIONSHIP-]C[LASS] = relation-class-name ] . Parameters scope-name Name of the scope from which to remove access to the relationship.
> RENAME ATTRIBUTE Renames an attribute. Syntax REN[AME] A[TTRIBUTE] old-attribute-name ,new-attribute-name . Parameters old-attribute-name Name of the attribute to be renamed. new-attribute-name New name of the attribute. Description To avoid possible name conflicts with any future extensions to the core set, do not rename any attributes to a name starting with the characters "HP" .
Scope: DA scope or the domain's owner scope Example The following example renames the domain dicta to the new name dictb. >RENAME DOMAIN dicta, dictb. > RENAME ENTITY Renames an entity. Syntax REN[AME] E[NTITY] old-entity-name ,new-entity-name ;E[NTITY-]T[YPE] = entity-type-name . Parameters old-entity-name Name of the entity to be renamed. new-entity-name New name of the entity. entity-type-name Name of the type of the entity.
Parameters old-entity-type-name Name of the entity type to be renamed. new-entity-type-nameNew name of the entity type. Description To avoid possible name conflicts with any future extensions to the core set, do not rename any entity types to a name starting with the characters "HP" . Open Mode: Customization Scope: DA scope or the entity type's owner scope Example The following example renames the entity type equipment to the new name furniture. >RENAME ENTITY-TYPE equipment, furniture.
Syntax REN[AME] REP[ORT] old-report-name ,new-report-name . Parameters old-report-name Name of the report to be renamed. new-report-name New name of the report. Description Open Mode: Shared-update or exclusive-update Scope: DA scope or the report's owner scope Example The following example renames the report accounting-report to the new name actg-report. >RENAME REPORT accounting-report, actg-report. > RENAME SCOPE Renames a scope.
Example The following example renames the scope marketing to the new name support. >RENAME SCOPE marketing, support; >>PASSWORD = mgr. > RENAME VERSION Renames a version. Syntax REN[AME] V[ERSION] old-version-name ,new-version-name . Parameters old-version-name Name of the version to be renamed. new-version-name New name of the version.
[;S[TART-]POS[ITION] = start-rel-position ] [;INC[REMENT] = position-increment ] . Parameters parent-entity-name Name of the parent entity of the relationships to be renumbered. For example, if the type and class of the relationship to be renumbered is FILE contains RECORD, the parent-entity-name is the name of the FILE. entity-type-name(N) Name of the entity type involved in the relationship type. relation-class-name Name of the relationship class.
between 2 and 3 which is impossible. You can renumber the relationships by specifying a STARTPOSITION of 10 and an INCREMENT of 10. This assigns relationship-position values of 10, 20, and 30 to the relationships sales-data contains account, sales-data contains quantity, and sales-data contains purchdate, respectively. Now you can create the new relationship sales-data contains price and assign its byteoffset to 7 and its relationship-position to a value between 20 and 30.
. . . [ [,] nested-executeN ])] Parameters entity-name Name of the entity to be reported. entity-type-name Name of the type of the entity to be reported. No selection criteria are allowed. attribute-name(N) Attribute of the specified entity type. No selection criteria are allowed. For any attribute whose name is not included here, there is no qualification on the value of the attribute. You cannot quality variable length attributes, therefore, you cannot specify them here.
synonyms Lists all of the synonyms for the entity. versions Lists all of the versions having a copy of the entity. scopes Lists all of the scopes having access to the entity. relationdata Reports the name and attribute values of the relationship followed for a nested report. This option is chosen in the nested report, and is ignored if specified in the top level of a report. relationships List all the relationships involving the entity.
IMAGE-DATABASE-TYPE : IMAGE Scopes : PERSONNEL, SALES 1 Entity(ies) Retrieved > Example The following example lists the names of all entities of the entity type element that have the name p-no as the image alias. >REPORT ENTITY; >>ENTITY-TYPE=element; >>ATTRIBUTE-LIST=(image-alias=p-no); >>NAME-ONLY. 0 Entity(ies) Retrieved > REPORT RELATIONSHIP Reports on one or more relationships.
. [,attribute-nameN=[attribute-valueN ]])] [;C[OMMON] = [ common-entity-name1 ] [,common-entity-name2 ] [,common-entity-name3 ] [,common-entity-name4 ] [,common-entity-name5 ] [,common-entity-name6 ]] [;ALL ] [;NAME[-ONLY] ] [;L[IST] = information-list] . Parameters entity-name(N) Name of the entity involved in the relationship to be reported. entity-type-name(N) Name of the entity type involved in the relationship type of the reported relationship. No selection criteria are allowed.
attribute(N) attributes Reports the values of all attributes linked to the relationship type. If you choose this option, any specific attribute names that have been listed are ignored. scope-access Reports the access the current scope has to the relationship. common If in a local domain, specifying common reports the name of the relationship in the common domain to which this relationship is linked.
DATE-CHANGED : 11/11/84 4:44 AM SCOPE-OWNER : DA SCOPE-CHANGED : DA SENSITIVITY : PRIVATE RELATIONSHIP-POSITION : 1000 BLOCKING-FACTOR : 100 CAPACITY : 10000 Scopes : SALES, MARKETING Versions : V1, V2 1 Relationship(s) Retrieved > RESEQUENCE Resequences the relationships of a relationship type.
Parameters entity-name(N) Name of the entity involved in the relationship to be resequenced. entity-type-name(N) Name of the entity type involved in the relationship type. relation-class-name Name of the relationship class. before-entity-name(N) Name of the child entity in the relationship that the relationship to resequence is to be positioned before. The parent entity in the relationships is entity-name1. The entity you specify here must be the child entity associated with the parent entity.
Scope: DA scope or a scope with create capability and modify access to all relationships with the specified entity-name1 as the parent entity Example The following example positions the relationship employee contains empl-num of relationship type record contains element before the relationship employee contains last-name. >RESEQUENCE employee, empl-num; >>RELATIONSHIP-TYPE = record, element; >>RELATIONSHIP-CLASS = contains; >>BEFORE-ENTITY = last-name. > RESTRUCTURE Restructures the dictionary.
Syntax SA[VE] report-name [;INT[ERNAL] = internal-name ] [;DESC[RIPTION] = "description-text "] . Parameters report-name Name of the report to be saved. internal-name Internal name of the report being saved. If not specified, the internal name is the same as the report-name. description-text Description of the report being saved. If used, you must specify text within quotes. If omitted, no description is associated with the report.
Parameters version-name Name of the version whose status is to be set. version-status The status to which the version is set. Valid statuses are: test production archival Description If you set the version that you are currently working in (specified through the DEFINE command), you will then be operating in a version of the new status. Whenever you create a version, the version is automatically set to test status.
Scope: Any Example The following example shows all current environment information. >SHOW Dictionary : SYSDIC.PUB.SYS Scope : MANAGER Open-Mode : READ-ONLY Name-Mode : EXTERNAL Domain : DOMAIN1 Version : VERSION1 Version-Status : PRODUCTION Log-File : SDLOG.PUB.SYS Macro-File : SDMACRO.PUB.
Scope: Any Example The following example lists all the currently active macros. >SHOWMACRO OPEN CREATE-FILE CREATE-RECORD CREATE-ELEMENT CREATE-FILE-RT CREATE-RECORD-RT REPORT-FILE REPORT-ELEMENT REPORT-RECORD BYE > SHOWREDO Displays a list of all the commands that are currently on the redo history stack. Syntax S[HOW]R[EDO] [.] Description The list that SDMAIN displays lists the text of the commands with each marked with a number.
> START Marks the start of a report definition. Syntax ST[ART] [.] Description The report definition must immediately follow this command and it, in turn, must be immediately followed by a SAVE command. A report definition consists of an optional CONFIGURE and/or FORMAT command followed by a required REPORT command. No commands, other than the CONFIGURE, FORMAT, and REPORT commands are logged after the START command until you issue the SAVE command.
A Appendix A SDMAIN Error Messages The following is a complete list of System Dictionary SDMAIN errors listed in order by error number. The list includes at least one possible cause of the error and a recommended action for each cause.
File System Messages (1001-1099) 1001 MESSAGE Unable to open the dictionary (SDERR 1001) CAUSE The dictionary cannot be opened with the specified DEFINE command. ACTION Refer to the associated error and correct the indicated problem. 1002 MESSAGE Cannot reopen dictionary after restructuring (SDERR 1002) CAUSE The dictionary cannot be reopened after the completion of the RESTRUCTURE operation. ACTION Refer to the associated error and correct the indicated problem.
ACTION Refer to the associated file error and correct the indicated problem. 1017 MESSAGE Unable to retrieve information about the $STDINX file (SDERR 1017) CAUSE Unable to retrieve information about the $STDINX file through the FGetInfo intrinsic. ACTION Contact the DA. (Remember to get the associated error, too.) 1018 MESSAGE Unable to close $STDINX file (SDERR 1018) CAUSE The $STDINX file cannot be closed. ACTION Contact the DA. (Remember to get the associated error, too.
CAUSE Cannot close the log file while exiting the system. ACTION Refer to the associated file error and correct the indicated problem. 1032 MESSAGE Command logging has been disabled for this session (SDERR 1032) CAUSE SDLOG is equated to $NULL or the user responded that the system cannot overwrite the existing log file on entrance to the system. ACTION To start command logging, use the OPTIONS command to specify a log file.
CAUSE The output file is full so no more output can be directed into it. If more reporting output is desired, the file must be redirected before continuing. ACTION Use the CONFIGURE command to redirect the output file to another file or to $STDLIST as desired. 1042 MESSAGE Unable to close the output file (SDERR 1042) CAUSE Cannot close the output file while exiting the system. ACTION Refer to the associated file error and correct the indicated problem. 1043 MESSAGE Old Output file close failed.
CAUSE Cannot close the edit file while exiting the system. ACTION Contact the DA. (Remember to get the associated error, too.) 1057 MESSAGE Edited text is too long. Truncated to maximum allowed (SDWARN 1057) CAUSE The edited text is greater than the maximum length allowed by SDMAIN for variable attributes. The maximum length is allowed and any extra is truncated. ACTION No action is needed.
retrieved in one command and the other half in another command. 1095 MESSAGE Error while writing to temporary file ! (SDERR 1095) CAUSE Error while writing to a temporary file. ACTION Contact the DA. (Remember to get the associated error, too.) 1096 MESSAGE Error while writing End-Of-File to temporary file ! (SDERR 1096) CAUSE Error while writing an end-of-file marker to a temporary file. ACTION Contact the DA. (Remember to get the associated error, too.
with the error corrected. 1106 MESSAGE Abbreviation for command word ! is missing (SDERR 1106) CAUSE The abbreviation for the specified command word in the command word set of the message catalog is missing. ACTION Contact the DA to get a new copy of the catalog with the missing abbreviation present. 1107 MESSAGE Command word with abbreviation ! is missing (SDERR 1107) CAUSE The command word with the specified abbreviation in the command word set of the message catalog is missing.
ACTION Do nothing as logging will continue in a temporary file with the same name as the permanent file being logged to previously. 1153 MESSAGE SDLOG is a temporary file. Save if needed (SDWARN 1153) CAUSE The log file was saved as a temporary file. ACTION If the log file is not needed, do nothing and it will remain as a temporary file. If the log file is needed, save it (and rename it if its name is SDLOG).
to the appropriate open mode for the specified command/subcommand pair. 1180 MESSAGE Command is NOT valid in this open mode (SDERR 1180) CAUSE The command entered is not allowed in the current open mode. ACTION Issue a command that is allowed in the current open mode or switch to the appropriate open mode for the specified command.
ACTION No action is needed. 1211 MESSAGE Unexpected token for a Value (SDERR 1211) CAUSE An attribute or keyword value was expected in the indicated location. ACTION Insert the missing value or change the existing unexpected token into a valid value. 1212 MESSAGE Operators are NOT allowed here (SDERR 1212) CAUSE A relational operator is not allowed for this value (it cannot be qualified). ACTION Remove the operator from the command.
1218 MESSAGE Object clause expected (SDERR 1218) CAUSE An object clause indicating the item on which to operate was expected here. ACTION Include an object on which to operate. 1219 MESSAGE Characters found after the end of the command (SDERR 1219) CAUSE Characters were found after the period ending the command. ACTION Remove the extra characters that follow the period from the command. 1220 MESSAGE A period was expected here (SDERR 1220) CAUSE No period was found to end the command.
CAUSE An MPE filename was expected here. ACTION Modify the value in the indicated location to produce a valid filename. 1228 MESSAGE Invalid domain access (SDERR 1228) CAUSE The specified domain access is not one of the valid domain accesses. ACTION Check the valid domain accesses in the documentation and enter a valid one. 1229 MESSAGE Invalid list item (SDERR 1229) CAUSE The item in the LIST list is not legal. ACTION Remove the illegal item or change it to a legal list item.
ACTION Check the legal range for the field and specify a number in that range. 1239 MESSAGE The number is too large (maximum is 32767) (SDERR 1239) CAUSE The specified number is too large to be represented internally. The largest number allowed in this position is 32767. ACTION Enter a number that can be represented by the system. 1240 MESSAGE A number is required (SDERR 1240) CAUSE A number value is required in the indicated location.
1248 MESSAGE Expected a left parenthesis (SDERR 1248) CAUSE Expected an opening left parenthesis for the complex value to be entered. ACTION Insert parenthesis around the value for this keyword clause. 1249 MESSAGE Required keyword ! not specified (SDERR 1249) CAUSE The supplied keyword is required for this command but was not included. ACTION Insert the required keyword clause.
1259 MESSAGE A number range can consist of only two values (SDERR 1259) CAUSE A range consists of just two numeric values (val1 : val2). There is a range specified with more than two values (i.e. val1 : val2 : val3). ACTION Collapse the values into a range of two values or use several values and/or ranges separated by commas to build the edit value list for the attribute. 1260 MESSAGE Invalid macro parameter name (SDERR 1260) CAUSE One or more wild card characters are specified in the parameter name.
ACTION Check the valid alignment options in the documentation and enter a valid one. Configure Messages (1300-1324) 1300 MESSAGE Too few columns are specified for the terminal (SDERR 1300) CAUSE The number specified for the SCREEN-WIDTH keyword is too small. ACTION Specify a number for the SCREEN-WIDTH that is 53 or larger. This size is required because the width must be able to handle a 32-character name, a 15-character header and some spacing.
CAUSE The SINGLE-SPACE keyword is used and the DOUBLE-SPACE keyword ignored. ACTION No action is needed. The next time the command is issued, specify only one spacing option. 1309 MESSAGE DOUBLE-SPACE used instead of PAGE (SDWARN 1309) CAUSE The DOUBLE-SPACE keyword is used and the PAGE keyword ignored. ACTION No action is needed. The next time the command is issued, specify only one spacing option.
CAUSE Unable to open the dictionary because a valid scope password was not specified within three tries. ACTION Reenter the DEFINE command and specify the correct password for the scope. 1330 MESSAGE Unexpected End-Of-File on $STDINX (SDERR 1330) CAUSE Reached the end of the file on $STDINX when trying to read the scope password. ACTION Refer to the associated file error and correct the indicated problem.
1355 MESSAGE The report definition does not exist (SDERR 1355) CAUSE There is no definition stored for the indicated report. ACTION Contact the DA. Internal Error. The definition was deleted manually without using the SDMAIN commands that manipulate reports or the dictionary has been corrupted. 1356 MESSAGE The report description does not exist (SDERR 1356) CAUSE There is no description stored for the specified report.
CAUSE A period was expected in the indicated position if any character is present. ACTION Remove the unexpected character and replace them by a period or blanks. 1401 MESSAGE Expected a command or a period (SDERR 1401) CAUSE The characters after the HELP command must be either a command or a period. ACTION Remove the unexpected characters and replace them by a command, a period, or blanks.
1428 MESSAGE The number is too large (SDERR 1428) CAUSE The number entered causes an integer overflow. ACTION Reissue the +/- command with a smaller number. 1429 MESSAGE There are illegal characters in the number (SDERR 1429) CAUSE There are unexpected characters in the number. ACTION Reissue the +/- command with all non-digit characters removed.
or relative) or provide a qualifying string that matches the start of the command. 1437 MESSAGE No command is currently stored in the referenced location (SDERR 1437) CAUSE No command is stored in the redo stack at the location referred to by the absolute or relative number offset specified. ACTION Use the SHOWREDO command to obtain a list of the commands currently in the redo history stack.
ACTION Delete can consist of a continuous string of one or more D' s or two single D' s, with blanks between. The only other command allowed on the same line as a Delete is an Insert (I). It (I) is allowed after either of the two D strings. 1432 MESSAGE The entire command has been deleted (SDWARN 1432) CAUSE The entire command in the REDO buffer has been deleted. ACTION Since the entire command was deleted, the REDO system returns to the command mode. Edit the original command or issue a new command.
ACTION Use the RENUMBER command to renumber the relationships of the type with an INCREMENT of at least 2. Then issue the command again. 1451 MESSAGE Error while modifying the relationship-position (SDERR 1451) CAUSE An error was encountered while the relationship-position was being changed. ACTION Contact the DA. Internal error. 1452 MESSAGE Error in retrieving the relationship (SDERR 1452) CAUSE Cannot retrieve the indicated relationship to resequence.
relationships of the specified relationship type. The required subset consists of all relationships having the given entity in the first position. In order to RENUMBER or RESEQUENCE a relationship, the user must have modify access to all the relationships in this subset. ACTION Open the dictionary as either the DA scope or as a scope with modify access to all the relationships of the specified relationship type.
ACTION Use the HELP macro-name command to find the definition of the macro and correct the call to correspond to the number of parameters defined in the macro. If HELP shows that the macro definition is not what you wanted, the next time you exit the system, edit the macro file to adjust the definition as needed and the macro will be ready for all future runs.
required, no further action is needed; however, if the parameter is optional or has a default value that can be used if no new value is entered, you should edit the macro header to provide the desired default value before the program is run the next time. 1487 MESSAGE Expected a simple value or a quoted string for parameter value (SDERR 1487) CAUSE The value entered for the last prompt contains a character not allowed in a valid name or contains more than 32 characters.
1506 MESSAGE Unable to lock System Dictionary (SDERR 1506) CAUSE The dictionary lock failed. ACTION Contact the DA. Internal Error. 1507 MESSAGE System Dictionary Integrity may be lost (SDERR 1507) CAUSE Dictionary operations performing a portion of the operations indicated by the command completed. The remainder did not completed due to an error and the operations that completed cannot be reversed. ACTION Contact the DA. Internal Error.
1517 MESSAGE Cannot retrieve a variable length attribute value (SDERR 1517) CAUSE Error encountered while retrieving a variable length attribute value. ACTION Contact the DA. Internal Error. 1518 MESSAGE Cannot create a variable length attribute value (SDERR 1518) CAUSE Error encountered while creating a new variable attribute. ACTION Refer to the associated error and correct the indicated problem.
1528 MESSAGE Illegal character in value for attribute ! (SDERR 1528) CAUSE An illegal character is found in the value for the indicated attribute. ACTION Remove the illegal character and reissue the command. 1529 MESSAGE No integer or fraction found in attribute ! (SDERR 1529) CAUSE No integer (base) or fraction (exponent) is found in the indicated number. ACTION Correct the number so that a valid number is specified.
ACTION Correct the value and reissue the command. Remember that all dates and time should be specified within quotes in the customized format of the Native Language Intrinsics. 1539 MESSAGE Invalid integer specified for attribute ! (SDERR 1539) CAUSE An invalid integer value is specified for the indicated attribute. ACTION Correct the value and reissue the command.
ACTION The EDIT-VALUE list should be inspected and reduced to a number that can fit in the buffer and the attribute modified to supply the new edit list. Remember, each value is padded to the length of the attribute and there is a maximum buffer length of 255 characters. 1548 MESSAGE LENGTH required for types CHARACTER, FLOATING, and INTEGER (SDERR 1548) CAUSE An attribute of type CHARACTER, FLOATING, or INTEGER is being created, but no LENGTH keyword is used.
CAUSE The attribute list being retrieved for the indicated entity type is not complete. ACTION Correct the associated error and reissue the command. 1602 MESSAGE Lock failed so partial results may be returned (SDWARN 1602) CAUSE The dictionary lock failed. Accordingly, the list of items retrieved may not include all items in the dictionary at the current time. ACTION No action is required. The system returns results but there is no guarantee that they are complete.
ACTION No action is needed. The next time the command is issued, if all the attributes are desired, omit specific attributes from the LIST list. 1611 MESSAGE Cannot qualify a variable attribute (SDERR 1611) CAUSE Cannot qualify a variable length attribute. ACTION Remove the variable length attribute qualifier from the ATTRIBUTE-LIST clause. 1612 MESSAGE Attribute ! not related to the entity (SDERR 1612) CAUSE The indicated attribute is not related to the entity.
CAUSE The domain being processed has been deleted or changed since the start of the operation. ACTION Do nothing if this is not a problem. If a problem, open the dictionary in EXCLUSIVEUPDATE mode and repeat the command. 1621 MESSAGE Entity deleted or changed during processing (SDWARN 1621) CAUSE The entity being processed has been deleted or changed since the start of the operation. ACTION Do nothing if this is not a problem.
1703 MESSAGE Cannot specify ! after a REPORT command (SDERR 1703) CAUSE The specified command (CONFIGURE or FORMAT) cannot be issued after the REPORT command has been issued for a stored report. ACTION Cancel the current report (using [[Control]] Y) if interactive. Then START the report again issuing the indicated command before the REPORT command. Or, SAVE the current report and then use the EDIT REPORT command to insert the indicated command into the report.
commands with fewer lines or simply put more data on each line so there are less lines to the command. 1711 MESSAGE Definition SAVE failed so REPORT not stored and START cancelled (SDERR 1711) CAUSE The report cannot be stored. Because the data could not be placed in the dictionary, the START is cancelled. ACTION Refer to the associated error and correct the problem indicated. The problem is probably a database capacity error. 1712 MESSAGE Description was too long.
1730 MESSAGE Scope lacks sufficient access to the report (SDERR 1730) CAUSE The current scope does not have modify access to the specified report. ACTION Only the owner can modify a report so open the dictionary as the owner to modify. Execute Messages (1750-1799) 1750 MESSAGE Both ENTITY and RELATIONSHIP keywords cannot be specified (SDERR 1750) CAUSE As the underlying report is either a REPORT ENTITY or a REPORT RELATIONSHIP, only one of the ENTITY/RELATIONSHIP keywords can be specified.
CAUSE There are two or more possible position matches for the source entity so the SOURCEPOSITION keyword must be specified. ACTION Reissue the command with the SOURCE-POSITION keyword specified. 1758 MESSAGE Source entity-type is NOT in the relationship-type for report ! (SDERR 1758) CAUSE The RELATIONSHIP-TYPE to be followed does not involve the source ENTITY-TYPE. ACTION Revise the relationship type to be followed so that it involves the source entity type.
CAUSE An error was encountered while retrieving information from the message catalog. ACTION Contact the DA. 1801 MESSAGE Could not find message set ! in the catalog (SDERR 1801) CAUSE The indicated message set could not be found in the catalog. ACTION Contact the DA to get a new catalog with the indicated set present. 1802 MESSAGE Could not find message (set:number) ! in the catalog (SDERR 1802) CAUSE Cannot find the desired message in the specified set in the catalog.
ACTION Contact the DA (remember to supply the library error number). Internal Error. 1830 MESSAGE MPE command is too long (SDERR 1830) CAUSE The entered MPE command is too long. ACTION Limit the MPE command to 256 characters and reenter it. 1831 MESSAGE Invalid MPE command (SDERR 1831) CAUSE The specified MPE command is not a legal MPE command. ACTION Enter a legal MPE command. CAUSE The specified MPE command is not allowed to be issued from within SDMAIN.
B SDMAIN Command Abbreviations SDMAIN Command Abbreviations Abbreviations provide a shorthand method for specifying commands in SDMAIN. Because of the need to preserve uniqueness in the abbreviations, some commands do not have an abbreviated form. In these cases, the full command and the abbreviation are the same. You can use an abbreviation anywhere the corresponding command word is used. It can also be localized.