System Startup, Configuration, and Shutdown Reference Manual (32650-90892)

170 Chapter8
Modifying System File Configurations
Entering the SYSFILE Configurator
IMAGE specifies the name of a boot image. If the specified boot image already exists, an
error occurs.
FILE adds the file name of the boot image. If the file name is not fully qualified, it defaults
to the current group and account. If SYSGEN is run from a different group and account
when the tape is made, unexpected results occur (for example, cannot find the
specified files). If the file to be added does not exist, an error occurs.
TYPE specifies the type of boot images to add. TYPE allows the following types:
DISC Specifies that the file is applicable to a disk boot only.
TAPE Specifies that the file is applicable to a tape boot only.
BOTH Specifies that the file is applicable to both disk boot and tape boot.
To add file information for the boot image, enter the ABOOT command, file name, and at
least one parameter:
Adding a Segment to the Compatibility Mode Segmented Library (CMSL)
The ACMSL command (abbreviated AC) adds a segment to the CMSL. The command has the
following parameters:
[FILE =]
[MODE = S ]
[ C ]
[ P ]
[ U ]
SEG specifies a new segment name with a maximum of eight characters. If an existing
is specified, an error occurs.
FILE specifies a file name to be added to the CMSL. The
parameter can be fully
qualified with group and account. If not, it defaults to the current group and account. If
cannot be found, an error occurs.
MODE indicates where the added SL segment is to reside. It expects one of the four options
listed below. Other entries cause errors.
P Declares a segment to be a permanently allocated user segment. This
parameter performs the same function as the ALLOCATE command.
S Declares a segment to be a permanently allocated system intrinsic
segment (in virtual memory).
C Declares a segment to be a core-resident system intrinsic segment.
U Declares a segment to be a temporarily allocated user segment.
Adding File Names to Dump to Tape
The ASPROG command (abbreviated AS) adds a system program or other file to the list of
files to be saved on tape. The command has the following parameters: