SNA Link/iX Node Managers Guide (30291-90507)

Chapter 3 89
Logging Configuration
Configuring Logging
IBM Logging Configuration (1)
After you have selected logging configuration, NMMGR displays the
screen shown in Figure 3-3, “IBM Logging Configuration (1) Screen.
Here you specify logging information for these subsystems: SNA
Transport, NRJE, and DHCF.
If you want to specify logging information for an SNA subsystem not
shown on this screen, press
[f1] (Next Screen) once, which places you
at the screen shown in Figure 3-4, “IBM Logging Configuration (2)
Screen,” or twice, which places you at the screen shown in Figure 3-5,
“IBM Logging Configuration (3) Screen.” Each of these screens is
described later in this chapter.
Figure 3-3 IBM Logging Configuration (1) Screen
Fields Subsystem
For display only. The names and numbers of the
subsystems you can configure logging for on this screen.
Class Name
For display only. The names of the logging classes
you can configure logging for on this screen.
Console Logging
Required. Enter Y if you want logging events for a
class displayed at the HP e3000 console; N, otherwise.