SNA Link/iX Node Managers Guide (30291-90507)

228 AppendixA
SNA Transport Logging Messages
SNA Transport Logging Messages
Listed below are the messages that are logged for SNA Transport. Note
that these messages can be logged singly or in groups. They are listed
here singly, in alphabetical order according to the first word of the
MESSAGE: PathInfoUnit
CAUSE: This message is used to print a Path Information Unit (PIU) as
part of a logging message.
MESSAGE: Activation/Deactivation protocol violation
CAUSE: The remote system has violated protocol in the
activation/deactivation of a session. The erroneous Path Information
Unit (PIU) is discarded.
ACTION: Call your Hewlett-Packard support contact.
MESSAGE: Attempt to close link failed on node
CAUSE: SNA Transport received an error result code when trying to
close the link.
ACTION: Call your Hewlett-Packard support contact.
MESSAGE: Attempt to establish PU type 2.1 connection failed on
CAUSE: The remote node did not respond to the XID poll.
ACTION: Ensure that the remote node is active (VARIED ON). Also,
make sure the remote MAC address, LSAP, and DSAP configured on
the local MPE/iX system matches the remote system configuration.
MESSAGE: Attempt to open link failed on node
CAUSE: SNA Transport received an error result code when trying to
open the link.
ACTION: Call your Hewlett-Packard support contact.
MESSAGE: Close user granted on node
CAUSE: A request to close an LU user has been granted.
ACTION: None; this is a normal event.
MESSAGE: Error code =
CAUSE: This accompanies the packet discard logging messages,
indicating the reason for the discard.