MPE/iX Intrinsics Reference Manual (32650-90905)

210 Chapter5
Command Definitions (FCONTROL - FLOCK)
6 U16 File creation date:
The date in CALENDAR intrinsic format. Either creator (C) or manager (AM if file
is within account, otherwise SM) access required.
Zero is returned as the creation date for root directories, MPE accounts, and
MPE groups created prior to release 4.5.
7 U16 Last access date:
The date in CALENDAR intrinsic format. May not be up-to-date when the file is
Zero is returned as the last access date for root directories, MPE accounts, and
MPE groups created prior to release 4.5.
8 U16 Last modification date:
The date in CALENDAR intrinsic format. May not be up-to-date when the file is
Zero is returned as the modification date for root directories, MPE accounts, and
MPE groups created prior to release 4.5.
9 I16 File code of disk file
10 U16 Number of user labels written:
May not be up-to-date when the file is open.
11 U16 Number of user labels available:
May not be up-to-date when the file is open.
12 I32 Total number of logical records possible in the file:
Equivalent to the file limit measured in logical records.
13 U16 File options:
The record format extension bit is returned as the foption (1:1) bit. Byte stream
record format is represented as a record format extension of one with a variable
record format (foption (8:2) bits equal to 01).
Directories, symbolic links, device links, pipes and FIFO's cannot be represented
. If the object referenced by filenum is is an object, MPE error 399 is
returned in the associated
Refer to the
14 I16 Record size:
Maintained for compatibility with MPE V/E-based systems. (If a zero is
returned, use
30 instead.)
Table 5-6. FLABELINFO Itemnum/Item Values
Item Description