HP System Dictionary XL General Reference Vol 1 HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems Edition 3 Manufacturing Part Number: 32256-90004 E1287 U.S.A.
Notice The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. Hewlett-Packard makes no warranty of any kind with regard to this material, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Hewlett-Packard shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing or use of this material.
1 Introduction Overview This chapter provides a brief description of System Dictionary/XL and the operating environment required for the product. It also provides information about the programming languages and subsystems that System Dictionary supports. Data Dictionaries Just as an ordinary dictionary is a collection of definitions of words, a data dictionary is a collection of definitions and descriptions of data that resides on a computer system.
System Dictionary Description HP System Dictionary/XL is a flexible and extendible data dictionary that is designed to be a central information resource and index to programs, users, input forms, and network configuration on a 900 Series HP 3000 system. You can customize and localize this dictionary to meet the needs of your data resources. The information contained in HP System Dictionary/XL defines, describes, and identifies the data in your resources, and the relationships between that data.
• 1 Allows users to merge parts of a dictionary into another dictionary, providing better dictionary standardization and data resource management. 2 Allows users to create a compiled dictionary, using a master dictionary as the source, providing users with a fast-access, read-only dictionary, which can save them a significant amount of time. 3 Allows users to rename a dictionary. 4 Allows users to purge a dictionary.
2 Dictionary Concepts Overview This chapter provides a basic description of System Dictionary. More details are provided in chapters 3, 4, and 5. Entity-Relationship Model System Dictionary uses a simple but powerful entity-relationship (E-R) model in which the central components are entities, relationships between entities, and attributes that define and characterize entities and relationships.
The remaining attribute type is variable. Alias and variable types are free-floating, in that they are never assigned to entity types or relationship types, but you can assign values for them to any entity or relationship. An alias attribute contains an alias value for an entity or relationship. An attribute of type variable, also referred to as a variable-length attribute, has no maximum length, and normally stores descriptions, edit masks, default values, long names, and other variable-length values.
An important function of a data dictionary is to ensure the standardization and integrity of the definitions you use in an information system. The domain and version features allow you to experiment with new definitions and maintain separate sets of definitions. System Dictionary has security features that prevent unauthorized users from creating domains and versions, and that prevent one user from creating new versions of an entity or relationship that another user owns.
• relationship class names • attribute names • scope names • entity occurrence names within a domain within an entity type Each of the above sets is divided into two parts, internal names and external names, which are described below. Each part is considered a set of names. Internal and External Names Every dictionary definition, whether a structural component (for example, entity type) or an entity occurrence, has both an internal name and an external name associated with it.
2. Opening the Dictionary Opening the dictionary is the procedure that defines a new access path to a dictionary you specify. You establish an access path with the information you specify in the parameters of the SDOpen intrinsic or the DEFINE command in SDMAIN. This information includes the dictionary open mode, scope, name mode, domain, and version that you are using.
Merging Dictionary The utility SDUTIL provides System Dictionary users with the capability to selectively merge certain dictionary data into appropriate areas of the same or other dictionaries as follows: • Dictionary structure definitions can be merged into the structure of another dictionary. • Occurrences from a version in a dictionary can be merged into another version in the same or another dictionary.
3 Dictionary Architecture Overview The architecture of System Dictionary includes several major components (the E-R model and its components, the core set, domains, versions, security, and the intrinsics) which are all interrelated and work together to provide the benefits listed in Chapter 1. With the exception of the intrinsics, these components are discussed individually in this and the following chapters.
Figure 3-1. E-R Model Within System Dictionary, the E-R model has been enhanced and also includes entity types, relationship types, relationship classes, and attributes. These are definitions within the structure of System Dictionary, and they support the creation, maintenance, and retrieval of the entities and relationships, which comprise the bulk of the definitions within the dictionary. The components of the E-R model are described on the following pages.
Figure 3-2. System Dictionary E-R Structure Entities Entities are dictionary definitions that refer to tangible objects in an information network. In System Dictionary, an entity definition has three parts: • An entity name --usually the name of a real object. • The entity type, a dictionary category to which the entity belongs. • Attribute values that further define and characterize the entity. An entity is therefore a unique pairing of an entity name with an entity type.
Specifying Entity Types Entity types are dictionary categories that you must specify when you create, delete, modify, or retrieve an entity. When you create or access an entity, you must specify an entity type that already exists in the dictionary. If the entity type you specify does not exist, the access fails. System Dictionary has a built in set of entity types, called core set entity types. You can also add your own extended set of entity types.
OWNER and DATE-CREATED attributes describe the entity definitions themselves--who owns them and when they were created in the dictionary. The IMAGE-DATASET-TYPE attribute describes each entity's real-world object, a particular IMAGE data set. In the CUSTOMERS entity, for example, the IMAGEDATASET-TYPE attribute indicates that the CUSTOMERS data set is a manual master.
Table 2: Core-Set Attribute List Examples Entity Type IMAGE-DATASET Core-Set Attribute List SCOPE-OWNER SENSITIVITY SCOPE-CHANGED ID-NUMBER DATE-CREATED IMAGE-DATASET-TYPE DATE-CHANGED Creating and Accessing Entities In System Dictionary, you can create, delete, modify, and retrieve entities. To create an entity, the dictionary must be open in shared or exclusive update mode.
named WINERY contains a field named VINTAGE by creating the relationship WINERY contains VINTAGE using the relationship type FORM contains ELEMENT. This dictionary definition documents the true connection between the form and the field. • Relationships describe a context in which an entity is used. As already mentioned, an entity has attribute values that provide a general description of an object. Relationships also have attribute values. They document the entity in a specific context or usage.
Figure 3-4. Relationship Types vs. Relationships Specifying Relationship Classes In System Dictionary, a relationship type and, consequently, all relationships belonging to the type are qualified by a relationship class that describes the connection or action of the relationship. The System Dictionary core set includes relationship types like contains, uses, redefines, and other commonly used connecting words.
relationship classes. You must use an existing pair, or System Dictionary issues an error stating that the relationship type does not exist. Relationship Attribute Values Relationships have attribute values that describe the relationship definition itself, such as when it was created, who "owns" it, and so on. You can also use the attribute values of a relationship to describe one of the entities involved in the relationship. Attribute values can provide a description of the entity in a particular context.
To retrieve a relationship, the dictionary can be open in read, read only, shared update, or exclusive update mode. You retrieve a relationship to determine whether it exists, or to retrieve one or more of its attribute values. You can request a value for any attribute associated with the relationship type, or for any alias or variable-length attribute.
Reference Manual (32256-90001) for instructions to do these operations with the System Dictionary user interface, or to the HP System Dictionary/XL Intrinsics Reference Manual (32256-90002), if using the System Dictionary intrinsics. Relationship Types A relationship type is a template for defining relationships in the dictionary. A relationship type has three parts: • An ordered entity type list. • A relationship class. • An attribute list.
operations are located in other HP System Dictionary/XL manuals. Refer to the HP System Dictionary/XL SDMAIN Reference Manual for instructions to do these operations with the System Dictionary user interface, or to the HP System Dictionary/XL Intrinsics Reference Manual, if using the System Dictionary intrinsics. Relationship Classes A relationship class is a name in the dictionary structure that you can use to express the action or connection of a relationship type.
redundant attribute names. This is especially true for alias and variable attributes, because you can assign them to any entity or relationship. Specifying Attribute Type and Length System Dictionary supports six attribute types: alias, Boolean, character, floating, integer, and variable. Boolean attributes are used to store true-or-false values. Internally, Boolean values are stored in a single byte, but their values are typically displayed as TRUE or FALSE.
or relationship type. Table 4: DESCRIPTION Attribute Values Entity Entity Type DESCRIPTION CUSTOMERS FORM Customer info for Admin group ORDERS IMAGE-DATABASE Order-tracking data base LAST_NAME ELEMENT Last name is upshifted DATE RECORD Divided into month/day/year elements You can assign a DESCRIPTION attribute to the entity LAST-NAME of type ELEMENT. It is up to you whether other entities of type ELEMENT also have DESCRIPTION attribute values.
Special Attributes Every entity type and relationship type has a set of special attributes automatically associated with it as part of the process by which it is created. The set of attributes is not the same for entity types and relationship types. Most of these attributes have values automatically inserted when you create an occurrence. A typical example of this is the attribute date-created.
default value to each entity, happens during restructuring when the dictionary is closed. (Restructuring of the dictionary is discussed later in this chapter.) Similarly, when you delete an entity-type-attribute association, System Dictionary must remove the corresponding attribute value from each entity of the affected type. Relationship-Type-Attribute Associations Relationship types are templates for defining the attribute values of relationships.
A synonym has three parts: • The synonym name. • The name of the entity that the synonym points to. • The entity type of the referenced entity. A synonym implicitly has the same entity type as the entity it references. A synonym name must be 32 characters or less. It may not contain embedded blanks, and you cannot use the restricted characters in Table 2-1.
further qualify relationships and relationship types. Each relationship in the dictionary has a single internal number that you can use in place of the relationship’s entity list. Similarly, each relationship type has a single internal number that you can use in place of the entity type list. A single internal number therefore, replaces up to six names in a relationship or relationship type.
• Deleting an entity type or relationship type causes all occurrences of that type to be deleted. Dictionary Size Limits The number of System Dictionary components (core set and extended set combined) that may exist in the dictionary at any one time is subject to certain limits. The following list summarizes the limits on dictionary components.
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4 Domains and Versions Overview This chapter provides a description of domains and versions, which are the spaces within System Dictionary where the entities and relationships reside. Information on security for domains and versions is discussed in Chapter 5 of this manual. Domains and Versions One important function of a data dictionary is to maintain standardization of the data in an information system.
departments of a company both want to use an entity called P-NUM. The Personnel department defines PNUM as a personnel number, while the manufacturing department wants to use it for part number. System Dictionary easily handles this conflict by allowing you to create a domain for each application. Within a single domain, System Dictionary does not allow two occurrences of the same type to have the same name.
A domain is part of the "access path" to System Dictionary. Therefore, you must specify a domain each time System Dictionary is open in a mode that allows access to domains. Unlike domains that you name, the common domain does not have a name (its name is blank), and you access it by using blanks when specifying the domain to use. Because only one dictionary can be open at a time through SDMAIN, you are restricted to using only one domain at a time.
versions within a domain. Note that this domain could be either the common domain or a local domain. Figure 4-2. Versions Versions As Copies You can also think of versions as copies of the entities and relationships in a domain. In this sense, the version feature allows the creation of different versions of entities and relationships. For example, a domain called ADDRESSES contains two versions, ADRSHORT and ADRLONG.
All versions of an occurrence use the same name and occurrence-scope associations, however, because these are defined at the domain level, as are the values for the following attributes for occurrences: • scope-owner • sensitivity • id-number (entities only) The values for all other attributes are assigned at the version level, and may be different for each version of an occurrence.
a possible set of versions. Figure 4-3. Version Examples Changing Version Status You may change the status of an existing version from one status to another, but you can set a version to only one status at a time. To ensure that no other user is operating in a version when you change that version’s status, the dictionary must be open in Exclusive Update mode during that time.
• Every status change a version has undergone since its creation, and the date and time of each change. • Every version that currently has a particular status. Accessing Versions Like domains, versions are part of the access path to a particular dictionary. Therefore, you must specify a version each time System Dictionary is open in a mode that allows access to versions. Note that you can specify the version by either version name or version status.
Sharing Attribute Values To prevent some of these non-standardization problems, and to allow you to create smaller dictionaries that are easier to maintain, System Dictionary allows you to create entities and relationships in a local domain version and link them to existing entities or relationships of the same type in the common domain version. The linked occurrences will then share the attribute values (and the memory storage space) of the occurrences they are linked to.
you can link occurrences they contain. (Linking versions is explained on the previous page.) Figure 4-4. Linking Occurrences Between Domains Special Attribute Values A local domain occurrence shares all the attribute values of the occurrence it is linked to in the common domain, except for the values of its special attributes. (Special attributes are introduced in Chapter 3.
entity is arbitrary, so there is no need to keep it synchronized between occurrences. The relationshipposition attribute assigns ordinal numbers to a set of relationships of the same type that have the same parent entity. The ordinal numbers implicitly define the order in which the child entities of these relationships occur within the parent entity.
5 Dictionary Security Overview System Dictionary includes a security scheme to limit access to authorized users, and to control the level of access of each user. Generally, this scheme consists of the following requirements: 1 You must use the correct scope and its associated password to have the necessary access rights to the dictionary. 2 To have unlimited access to a definition or occurrence, the current scope must be either its owner scope or the Dictionary Administrator scope.
either directly or indirectly owns all other scopes you create in the dictionary. All structure definitions and dictionary occurrences you create are owned by a scope. Each owner scope has unlimited access to and authority over the items it owns. An owner scope can transfer any or all of its owned items to another scope. It can allow other scopes to access the occurrences it owns by creating an association between those scopes and specified occurrences in the dictionary.
Scope Restrictions The following restrictions apply to scopes. • Only the DA scope or a scope with secure capability can create a new scope. • When a scope creates a new scope, it becomes the owner of the new scope. • A scope cannot assign a scope right that it does not have itself. • Only the DA scope or the owner of a scope can modify, delete, or retrieve information about that scope. Note, however, that a scope can change its own password, and retrieve information about itself.
Relationship Type Restrictions System Dictionary provides the following security for relationship types: • Only the DA scope or a scope with extend capability is allowed to create new relationship types. • When a scope creates a new relationship type, it becomes the owner of that relationship type. • Only the DA scope or the owner scope can delete a relationship type or change its owner scope. • Core set relationship types are owned by the core set and can never be deleted or modified.
Access Rights. The access rights of a scope to a domain are determined by whether the scope owns the domain or is just associated with it. Association and ownership are discussed below. DOMAIN OWNERSHIP When a scope owns a domain, it has all rights to that domain, and can therefore modify it, transfer its ownership to another scope, or even delete it. It can also allow another scope access to the domain by associating the domain with that scope. Note that the DA scope always has all rights to all domains.
• Only the DA scope or a scope with version capability is allowed to create new versions. • When a scope creates a new version, it becomes the owner of that version. • Only the DA scope or the owner scope can delete or rename a version or change its owner scope. • Only the DA scope or a scope with version capability can set the status of a version, or copy all occurrences of an existing version and assign them to a new version.
The security for any occurrence depends on the following: * The access rights of the current scope to that occurrence. * The sensitivity of the occurrence. Access Rights The access rights of a scope to an occurrence are determined by whether the scope owns the occurrence or is just associated with it. Association and ownership are discussed below. Occurrence Ownership.
Sensitivity Sensitivity is an attribute of an occurrence. It is set to one of three values when you create the occurrence, and can be changed only by its owner scope or the DA scope. The three values are: 1 0 = Private sensitivity: Only the DA scope or the scope that owns the occurrence is allowed access to it, unless the scope assigns access to other scopes through occurrence/scope associations. 2 1 = Public Read sensitivity: Any scope with at least read capability may read the occurrence.
because it has just read capability. Table 6: Security Example SCOPE ENTITIES ACCESS CAPABILITY Scope1 (create, read) File1 Record1 Element1 Element2 modify, delete, read modify, delete, read modify, delete, read read Scope2 (create, read) Element1 Element2 Element3 modify, read modify, delete, read modify, delete, read Scope3 (read) Element1 Element2 read read To allow Scope2 and Scope3 access to File1 and Record1, Scope1 associates these entities to those scopes.
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6 The Core Set Overview This chapter describes the core set of definitions provided with System Dictionary, and shows how this set supports various HP subsystems. The Core Set System Dictionary contains a number of predefined entity types, relationship types, relationship classes, and attributes, known as the core set. These structures are created when the dictionary is initialized, and are owned by a scope called CORESET. (Ownership is discussed in Chapter 5 of this manual.
• Adding attributes to an entity type or relationship type that you created. You can use these operations to create a custom structure that closely models your resource environment. CAUTION The core set is included in System Dictionary to provide a standard set of definitions. Extending this set should be carefully planned, as extension may cause the loss of standardization between dictionaries. The process to extend the dictionary structure is actually quite simple, as shown below.
entity uses. blocking-units This attribute is a 10-character field that describes the blocking factor units a file entity uses. The valid values are 'RECORDS' or 'CHARACTERS'. byte-length This attribute is a 4-byte binary field that describes the number of bytes you need to store an entity. byte-offset This attribute is a 4-byte binary field that describes the byte offset of a child record or element within a parent record.
mat of the attribute is: YYYYMMDDhhmmsstt where YYYY is the year MM is the month DD is the day hh is the hour mm is the minute ss is the seconds tt is the tenths of seconds date-changed This attribute is a 16-character field that describes the date and time the entity or relationship was last changed. The dictionary intrinsics always generate its value. The format of the attribute is the same as that described in the date-created attribute.
K = logical R = floating point (commercial) E = floating point (E format) B = Boolean S = Pascal string * = back references D = Basic Business decimal A numeric type followed by a '+' indicates positive values only. entity-long-name This attribute is a variable length field that stores the descriptive long name of an entity. entry-text This attribute is a variable length field that contains a prompt string for an entity.
size is in terms of blocks. file-type This attribute is a 10-character field that describes the access method of the file. Possible values are 'SEQUENTIAL', 'RELATIVE', and 'LOG' for log files. function-result This attribute is a 32-character field that describes the resulting type of a function subroutine module entity. head-form This attribute is a Boolean field to flag that a form is the head form of a formsfile. If true, the form is the head form.
granted. If true, insert authority has been granted. hpsql-lock-mode This attribute is a 10-character field that contains the lock mode of an HP SQL table. Valid values are 'PUBLIC', 'PUBLICREAD' and 'PRIVATE'. hpsql-resource-auth This attribute is a Boolean field that indicates whether resource authority has been granted. If true, resource authority has been granted. hpsql-select-auth This attribute is a Boolean field that indicates whether select authority has been granted.
min-record-size This attribute is a 4-byte binary field that describes the minimum record size of a file entity in bytes. module-type This attribute is a 10-character field that contains the module type. node-name-changed This attribute is a 50-character field that contains the NODE NAME which de the last change to any NODE NAME. node-name-type This attribute is a 2-byte binary field that contains the NODE NAME type. Valid value is: 1.
0 = Private; only the scope that owns the occurrence is allowed access, unless it assigns access to other scopes with occurrence/scope associations. 1 = Public Read; any scope may read the occurrence. The owner scope can assign other scopes modify access to the occurrence with occurrence/scope associations. 2 = Public Modify; any scope may read or modify the occurrence. More information on sensitivity is located in Chapter 4 of this manual.
Table 8: Core Set Entity Types Entity Type Description Core Set Attributes CONSTANT Describes a constant value used in programs or modules. constant-type scope-owner scope-changed date-created date-changed sensitivity id-number COPYLIB Describes a COBOL copylib. scope-owner scope-changed date-created date-changed sensitivity id-number DEVICE Describes a device on a node or in the network.
Table 8: Core Set Entity Types Entity Type Description Core Set Attributes DOCUMENT Describes a document. scope-owner scope-changed date-created date-changed sensitivity id-number document-type ELEMENT Describes a data item used in modules, programs, datasets, tables, KSAM files, formfiles, etc.
Table 8: Core Set Entity Types Entity Type Description Core Set Attributes FORM Describes a VPLUS form.
Table 8: Core Set Entity Types Entity Type Description Core Set Attributes HPDBENVIRONMENT Describes an HP SQL DBEnvironment scope-owner scope-changed date-created date-changed sensitivity id-number hpdbe-multi-users hpdbe-page-buffers hpdbe-log-buffers hpdbe-max-transactions HPSQL-AUTH-NAME Describes an HP SQL authorization group or user.
Table 8: Core Set Entity Types Entity Type Description Core Set Attributes IMAGE-CLASS Describes an IMAGE security class image-class-type scope-owner scope-changed date-created date-changed sensitivity id-number password class-number IMAGE-DATABASE Describes an IMAGE database. image-database-type scope-owner scope-changed date-created date-changed sensitivity id-number IMAGE-DATASET Describes an IMAGE data set.
Table 8: Core Set Entity Types Entity Type Description Core Set Attributes INFORM-REPORT Describes a report. scope-owner scope-changed date-created date-changed sensitivity id-number KSAMFILE Describes a KSAM file. ksamfile-type scope-owner scope-changed date-created date-changed sensitivity id-number lockword blocking-units blocking-min blocking-max record-format min-record-size max-record-size file-size LOCATION Describes the location of a data entity.
Table 8: Core Set Entity Types Entity Type Description Core Set Attributes MPE-GROUP Describes an MPE group. scope-owner scope-changed date-created date-changed sensitivity id-number NETWORK-CONTROL Describes the global information for the Network Directory.
Table 8: Core Set Entity Types Entity Type Description Core Set Attributes SYSTEM Describes an application system system-type scope-owner scope-changed date-created date-changed sensitivity id-number byte-length TRANSACTION Describes a transaction. scope-owner scope-changed date-created date-changed sensitivity id-number byte-length USER Describes a user on a system.
Table 9: Core Set Relationship Classes Class Description owns This relationship class classifies those relationship types where the first entity type owns the other entity. processes This relationship class classifies those relationship types where the first entity type processes the second entity type. redefines This relationship class classifies those relationship types where the first entity type redefines the second entity type.
Table 10: Core Set Relationship Types Relationship Type Description Core Set Attributes DEVICE-CLASS contains DEVICE This relationship type establishes the devices contained in a device class scope-owner date-created date-changed scope-changed relationship-position sensitivity ELEMENT contains ELEMENT This relationship type establishes a child element which is a part of the parent element.
Table 10: Core Set Relationship Types Relationship Type Description Core Set Attributes ELEMENT contains IMAGECLASS This relationship type establishes the IMAGE data items secured by the IMAGE security class. scope-owner date-created date-changed scope-changed relationship-position sensitivity access FILE contains RECORD This relationship type establishes a record layout for the file.
Table 10: Core Set Relationship Types Relationship Type Description Core Set Attributes FORM contains ELEMENT This relationship type establishes that an element is a part of a form. scope-owner date-created date-changed scope-changed relationship-position sensitivity element-type byte-offset display-length decimal field-enhancement field-type field-number HPDBE-FILE contains FILE This relationship type defines the system file name of a dbefile (ie. the MPE file name).
Table 10: Core Set Relationship Types Relationship Type Description Core Set Attributes HPDBENVIRONMENT contains HPSQL-AUTH-NAME The relationship type establishes that an HPSQL authorization group is contained in an HPSQL DBEnvironment.
Table 10: Core Set Relationship Types Relationship Type Description Core Set Attributes HPSQL-AUTH-NAME contains USER MPE-ACCOUNT The relationship type establishes an HPSQL authorization name that represents an HPSQL user.
Table 10: Core Set Relationship Types Relationship Type Description Core Set Attributes HPSQL-AUTH-NAME accesses HPSQL-VIEW The relationship type establishes that an HPSQL authorization name has access to any element within the HPSQL view scope-owner date-created date-changed scope-changed relationship-position sensitivity hpsql-alter-auth hpsql-delete-auth hpsql-index-auth hpsql-insert-auth hpsql-select-auth hpsql-update-auth HPSQL-AUTH-NAME accesse MODULE The relationship type establishes that an H
Table 10: Core Set Relationship Types Relationship Type Description Core Set Attributes HPSQL-INDEX contains ELEMENT The relationship type establishes the elements that make up an HPSQL index scope-owner date-created date-changed scope-changed relationship-position sensitivity HPSQL-TABLE contains RECORD The relationship type establishes a record layout for an HPSQL table.
Table 10: Core Set Relationship Types Relationship Type Description Core Set Attributes IMAGE-DATABASE contains IMAGE-CLASS This relationship type establishes the classes in an IMAGE database. scope-owner date-created date-changed scope-changed relationship-position sensitivity IMAGE-DATABASE contains IMAGE-DATASET This relationship type establishes the data sets in an IMAGE database.
Table 10: Core Set Relationship Types Relationship Type Description Core Set Attributes IMAGE-DATASET uses DEVICE CLASS This relationship type specifies the device class at which a dataset resides. scope-owner date-created date-changed scope-changed relationship-position sensitivity INFORM-CLASS contains IMAGE-CLASS This relationship type establishes the IMAGE security classes contained in an Inform class to describe Inform user security.
Table 10: Core Set Relationship Types Relationship Type Description Core Set Attributes INFORM-GROUP contains ELEMENT KSAMFILE This relationship type establishes that the data element from the KSAM file is contained in an Inform group.
Table 10: Core Set Relationship Types Relationship Type Description Core Set Attributes LOCATION contains COPYLIB This relationship type establishes that a copylib resides at a location. scope-owner date-created date-changed scope-changed relationship-position sensitivity LOCATION contains DEVICE This relationship type establishes that a device resides at a location.
Table 10: Core Set Relationship Types Relationship Type Description Core Set Attributes LOCATION contains FILE The relationship type establishes that a file is at a location. scope-owner date-created date-changed scope-changed relationship-position sensitivity LOCATION contains FORMSFILE The relationship type establishes that a VPLUS forms file is at a location.
Table 10: Core Set Relationship Types Relationship Type Description Core Set Attributes LOCATION contains INFORMREPORT This relationship type establishes that a report is at a location. scope-owner date-created date-changed scope-changed relationship-position sensitivity MODULE contains MODULE This relationship type establishes that the child module is a part of the parent module.
Table 10: Core Set Relationship Types Relationship Type Description Core Set Attributes MODULE processes MODULE This relationship type establishes that the parent module calls the child module. scope-owner date-created date-changed scope-changed relationship-position sensitivity directive MPE-ACCOUNT contains USER This relationship type establishes that a user is assigned to an MPE account.
Table 10: Core Set Relationship Types Relationship Type Description Core Set Attributes RECORD redefines RECORD This relationship type establishes that the first record redefines the second record. scope-owner date-created date-changed scope-changed relationship-position sensitivity SYSTEM contains SYSTEM This relationship type establishes that a child system is part of a parent system.
Core Set Scopes The following scopes are included in the core set: Table 12: Core Set Scopes Scope Description CORESET This scope owns all core set definitions and structures. the DA scope This scope (Dictionary Administrator) has access to the entire dictionary and has all capabilities. The DA scope name is created when you initialize System Dictionary. (Refer to Chapter 5 for more information.
Figure 6-4.
Figure 6-5. Location Entity and Relationship Types Figure 6-6.
Figure 6-7.
Figure 6-8.
Figure 6-9. MPE File System Entity & Relationship Types Figure 6-10.
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7 Subsystem Support Overview This chapter shows how the core set of definitions provided with System Dictionary supports various HP subsystems. The System Dictionary core set includes support of TurboIMAGE, HP IMAGE and HP SQL database definitions. Examples of a TurboIMAGE database, an HP IMAGE database, and an HP SQL database are provided to show how IMAGE, HP IMAGE, and HP SQL objects are mapped into the dictionary.
1 clrk; << CLERICAL class >> 2 bbb12; << BUYER class 3 mgr; >> << MANAGER class >> items: ACCOUNT, CITY, J2; X40 (1,2/3); DATE, X6; DELIV-DATE, X6 (/1); NAME, 3X30; PURCH-DATE, X6 (2/1); TOTAL, J2; sets: name: entry: CUSTOMER, manual (1/2,3); ACCOUNT(1), NAME, CITY; capacity: 101; name: entry: DATE-MAST,automatic; DATE(2); capacity: 101; name: entry: SALES, detail (2/1); ACCOUNT(CUSTOMER(PURCH-DATE)), TOTAL, PURCH-DATE(!DATE-MAST), DELIV-DATE(DATE-MAST); capacity: 101; end. Figure 7-2.
Data Item A data item is an element entity. The sub-item count, type designator and sub-item length of a data item is stored in the element attributes count, element-type and byte-length, respectively. Example To define the data item NAME, create the element NAME with the following attributes: count = 3 element-type = X byte-length = 30 Data Set A data set is an image-dataset entity. The data set type is stored in the data set attribute image-datasettype.
Example To define the search item for data set CUSTOMER, relate the element ACCOUNT to the data set CUSTOMER with the image-dataset key element relationship type. Chain Every chain within a detail data set is fully defined by: 1 The detail data set the chain is in 2 The search item 3 The sort item, if any 4 The path to a master data set 5 The database the chain is in This is considered a five-way relationship.
Example To define the class list for element DELIV-DATE, relate the element DELIV-DATE to the class CLERICAL using the ELEMENT contains IMAGE-CLASS relationship type with access equal to W. Data Item Class List A data set class list is defined by the image-dataset contains image-class relationship type. A data set should be related to each class in its class list with READ/WRITE access specified in the image-dataset contains image-class relationship type attribute access.
attribute CAPACITY is set to 101. Figure 7-3 Mapping HP IMAGE Into System Dictionary The System Dictionary core set supports the HP IMAGE objects listed below in Figure 7-4. This subsection provides a description and an example of each of these objects, to show how to define them in the dictionary. All of the examples for these HP IMAGE objects refer to the database in Figure 7-5.
sort item path security class password data item class list data set class list database DBEnvironment DBEFile Figure 7-4.
capacity: 101; name: entry: DATE-MAST,automatic; DATE(2); capacity: 101; name: entry: SALES, detail (2/1); ACCOUNT(CUSTOMER(PURCH-DATE,DELIV-DATE)), TOTAL, PURCH-DATE(!DATE-MAST), DELIV-DATE(DATE-MAST); capacity: 101; end. Figure 7-5. STORE HP IMAGE Database Schema Data Item A data item is an ELEMENT entity. The sub-item count, type designator and sub-item length of a data item is stored in the ELEMENT attributes count, element-type and byte-length, respectively.
the IMAGE-DATASET contains HPDBE-FILE relationship type. Example To define the data set CUSTOMER, create the data set CUSTOMER with image-dataset-type equal to MANUAL. Create the RECORD CUSTOMER-REC to define the record layout of data set CUSTOMER. Create each of the ELEMENTs ACCOUNT, NAME and CITY. Relate each of these ELEMENTs to RECORD CUSTOMER-REC using the RECORD contains ELEMENT relationship type. The byte-offset for ACCOUNT is 1, for NAME is 5, for CITY is 95.
Example To define the ACCOUNT chain in data set SALES, relate the detail data set SALES, the ELEMENT ACCOUNT, the ELEMENT PURCH-DATE, the data set CUSTOMER, the database STORE, in that order, with the relationship class chains. To indicate that this is the primary path, set the attribute primary-flag to true. Note that there is more than one sort item for this path.
Example To define the Image database STORE, create the IMAGE-DATABASE STORE. To establish which data sets are in STORE, relate the IMAGE-DATASETs CUSTOMER, DATE-MAST and SALES to IMAGE-DATABASE STORE using the IMAGE-DATABASE contains IMAGE-DATASET relationship type. For each of these relationships, set the attribute CAPACITY to 101. DBEnvironment A DBEnvironment is a HPDBENVIRONMENT entity.
contained in a DBEnvironment.
Mapping HP SQL Into System Dictionary The System Dictionary core set supports the HP SQL objects listed below in Figure 7-7. This subsection provides a description of each of these objects, to show how to define them in the dictionary. | | | | | | | | | | | | column | table | view | index | DBEFileSet | DBEFile | module | authorization group | user | owner | grants | DBEnvironment | Figure 7-7. HP SQL Objects Column A column is an ELEMENT entity.
lock-mode. For each table there should be a RECORD entity occurrence that defines the record layout of that table. The record layout consists of the columns (elements) of that table, which is defined with the RECORD contains ELEMENT relationship type. You should specify a byte offset for the relative position of that element within that record. The record should be related to the HPSQL-TABLE entity occurrence that it describes.
hpsql-auth-name-type to indicate authorization group or user, and with the attributes hpsql-connect-auth, hpsql-dba-auth and hpsql-resource-auth to define the HP SQL special authorities granted an authorization group or user (an HP SQL GRANT). To fully define a ’user’ HPSQL-AUTH-NAME entity use the relationship type HPSQL-AUTH-NAME contains USER MPE-ACCOUNT (3-way) to define the user and account that the ’user’ is made up of.
which the logfile is known by MPE.
Figure 7-9 7- 111
7- 112
A Glossary This appendix provides a glossary of System Dictionary terms. Access - The right to read or manipulate a dictionary domain or occurrence. Access Rights - The rights of a scope to read or manipulate a domain or occurrence, as determined by whether that scope is the owner of the item, or is just associated with it. Alias Name - Different names associated with different external subsystem uses of an occurrence, including a difference in programming syntax (e.g.
the scope, the open mode, the name mode, the domain, version, and version status that are used for creating and retrieving definitions. Domain - A name space within the dictionary. See Common Domain and Local Domain. E-R Model - See Entity-Relationship model. Entity - An entity is a description of an object in the information network, and belongs to a specific Entity Type. Entity List - The ordered list of entities that make up a relationship.
Master Dictionary - A dictionary that consists of a database and multiple files. A master dictionary can be accessed by any of the System Dictionary intrinsics and commands. Merge - A process that combines structure, security, and occurrence date of one dictionary into the same or other dictionaries. Metadata - Descriptive information about data, but not the data itself.
all objects in the dictionary. It includes up to six scope rights. Scope Right - One of six specific capabilities associated with a scope. The scope right specifies which dictionary components that scope is allowed to manipulate. Security - A protection scheme within System Dictionary that limits access to objects in the dictionary to authorized users.