HP e3000 MPE/iX Release 7.0 System Software Maintenance Manual (30216-90317)

228 AppendixD
Backdating Your System
Performing the Backdate
3. If you receive a missing capabilities message:
Program requires more capabilities than group is allowed.
Native mode loader message 505 UNABLE TO LOAD PROGRAM TO BE
RUN. (CIERR 625)
a. Use CHGROUP to change to the PUB.SYS group.
b. Use ALTGROUP to add the BA, IA, PM, MR, DS, and PH capabilities to the INSTALL group
c. Use CHGROUP to return to the INSTALL.SYS group.
4. If you receive an out of disk space message.
a. Refer to the action statement of the error message in Appendix H , “Error Messages
and Warnings.”
b. When you find the required disk space, issue the command again.
c. Purge staging groups UNL, USL, UXL
5. Select option 4 “FOS, SUBSYS” and reply to the tape request.
Please choose and enter the number corresponding to the software
you want to install.
1 PowerPatch Only
2 SUBSYS (Add-On) and PowerPatch
3 FOS, SUBSYS, and PowerPatch
4 FOS, SUBSYS, (Installation only)
5 SUBSYS only, (Add-on only)
6 Exit
Enter your choice 4
6. Reply to prompt for LDEV number.
Press Return to use the default device class TAPE or enter the LDEV number of the
device where you want the CSLT to be created. The device you specify applies to all tape
Failure to specify a valid tape LDEV number will result in a program hang
while writing to tape. If this occurs, a tape request will keep reappearing and
will not take the specified LDEV number as input.
7. If you receive an out of disk space message.