HP e3000 MPE/iX Release 7.0 System Software Maintenance Manual (30216-90317)

Chapter 6 159
Finishing the Process
6.7 Performing the Final Reboot
The system boots from disk. After some activity the ISL prompt displays.
4. At the ISL prompt, enter:
5. Confirm the date and time. If the date and time displayed are not correct, enter N, and
enter the correct date and time. If you do not respond within 15 seconds, the system
MPE/iX launch facility
Initialize_genesis - Version: <<870204.1552>>
TUE, APR 19, 1994, 10:20:03 AM (y/n)? Y/N
n n n n
Initialize genesis completed.
The system displays initialization and restore messages for 5 to 6 minutes.
During the start-up process, the system makes several configuration checks and may
display warning messages or error messages (for example, error messages referencing
the SPUINFOP file or DCC error messages). This is normal for system start-up and will
not affect system operation.
6. At completion, it logs on as OPERATOR.SYS.
Performing the Final Reboot completed. Go to the next section on your