HP e3000 MPE/iX Release 7.0 System Software Maintenance Manual (30216-90317)
Chapter 5 131
Modifying Your System
5.11 Securing the System
c. If you are prompted for lockwords on system files, record the names of each system
file as prompted, then type the lockword and continue with the backup. You will need
to restore these lockwords later in “Setting Passwords and Lockwords.” Record the
names on your checklist.
d. Dismount the tape, label as SLT with date, time and system version.
e. Mount another blank tape and backup your user files.
volume_set_name1, volume_set_name2
, ...
where volume_set_name is the name for each user volume set you want to backup.
f. Dismount the tape, label as backup with date, time and system version.
13.Purge spool files.
14.Purge staging groups if they exist.
Verify each purge, type Y, at the prompt.
Do not purge the group install.sys or the file supacct.pub.sys, they are needed for
future patch and add-on processes.
15.If you are performing an Update, go to Step 16.
If you are performing an Add-on, Manage Patch, Staging Area, or Remote system task,
go to Step 17.
Update Tasks
16.Purge specified files and groups, if you are moving from one MPE/iX version to another.
a. Purge the PSIDNLD.DIAG.SYS file.
This file may have been purged already. This file is used for diagnostic purposes and
is overwritten by the new PSIDNLD.DIAG.SYS file. If you do not purge the existing
file, and the new file is larger, you will receive errors.
b. Purge each OS
and XPT
group in the telesup account, if they exist.
an alphabetic character