DCE for the HP e3000 (B3821-90003)
Chapter 1 13
General Information
DCE/3000 Components and Files
DCE/3000 Components and Files
The DCE/3000 components, their corresponding files, the files size (in
sectors), and a description of the files are listed in the following tables,
Table 1-1 shows the CDS components.
The file sizes list in these tables are for product B3822AA. The sizes
may be different for product B3821AA.
The DTS components are shown in Table 1-2.
Table 1-1 CDS Components
Filename Description
/usr/bin/cdsd shell script
cdsd.hpdce.sys program
/usr/bin/cdscp shell script
cdscp.hpdce.sys program
cdsadv.pub.sys command file
/usr/bin/cdsadv shell script
cdsadv.hpdce.sys program
cdsclerk.hpdce.sys program
Table 1-2 DTS Components
Filename Description
dtscp.pub.sys command file
/usr/bin/dtscp shell script
/usr/bin/dtsd shell script
dtsd.hpdce.sys program
dtsnullp.pub.sys command file
/usr/bin/dts_null_provider shell script
dtsnullp.hpdce.sys program
dtsntpp.pub.sys command file
/usr/bin/dts_ntp_provider shell script
dtsntpp.hpdce.sys program